Friday, November 24, 2006

Fenced In With No Escape by Chelle Stockman

The Rat Lives by Chelle Stockman

I smell a familiar Rat.    We are building fences at our southern borders to keep illegals out of America, so we are being sold by this administration and television pundits. 

I suspect those fences are really being built to keep Americans in since we shall probably be opening up the draft for military service.  Whether we stay this course or pull back, we are being told by several people, senators and the Pentagon, that we must begin the draft.  The media pundits are already beginning to soften the blow, those wonderful caring marketeers working for the propaganda machine.

Berlin, Berlin, you dog; seems you are alive once again. Why couldn't you die without grace as your intentions dictated? 

The dog was merely sleeping and not dead as we thought.

Chelle Stockman

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Letter to Terrorists by Chelle Stockman

Letter to the terrorists by Chelle Stockman

So American media spins your message to us about our elections.  Some say that you supported Bush while others say the Democrats will bring down your wrath upon us. 

To you who are carrying out terrorist acts whether individually or collectively, without being a recognized army engaged in a recognized war, I say to you this:

Americans do not owe you our vote.  We do not vote your way, whatever that may be.  Americans elect those they believe will be best for America. 

You shall go about your business worsening the poverty levels wherever your handiwork appears.  You shall go about your business tearing at the spirits of those you claim you are trying to help.  You shall go about your business trying to get out your message through the most violent and surprising of acts. 

If you are remembered by anyone for anything, it won't be via a message of importance; it will be only for your violence.  You may think you have a noble cause but the rest of us will never know and understand what that may be. 

You see, we are sick of corruption at every level everywhere in this world.  We are tired of the effects it has had upon humanity.  We are furious at the pomposity that your terrorism gives birth to, for it is the ugliest and most shameful creation springing forth.

You boast of 12,000 in your global militia and I know there are many others like you.  Tell us one more time.  What is your message?  We must know this because if it is a mandate to terminate the lives of any group of people, we shall declare you a mobile soveignity, a mountain without a king, that we may declare war upon you and end your quest for blood.

I show you the bottom of my shoe.  I show you the sole of both my shoes and remind you, that your message was lost so long ago and that where you failed with all your bombings and engineered detonations; one American woman succeeded without so much as a bullet.  Her name is Cindy Sheehan.  She got her message out and had more people speaking of that message, disagreeing with one another, than all your carbombs, your beheadings, your hijackings.  Think about it.  You have been bested by one American Woman.  Her voice has more power than all your hatred.

For the love, for the love; love doth conquer all.

Chelle Stockman