Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Republicans sabotaging Republicans by Chelle Stockman

The Republican Party is being pelted as the consequences of their actions and inactions are catching up to them. 

And rather than holding them to a high level of accountability as is required by one holding high office, they appear to skirt issues citing a Democrat Party conspiracy because of the nearing elections.

Most thinking Americans would find this all preposterous--most.

Who within the media is asking the more correct question? Who will succeed Illinois Representative of the 14th District, Dennis Hastert, if he goes down because of his non-disclosure pertaining to Mark Foley?  The answer is the Honorable Roy Blunt of Missouri. 

Mr. Blunt has had his own problems which first came to my attention during the Tom DeLay allegations.  While we went after Mr. Blunt for various smaller things, DeLay was skirting many many of his underhanded practices and it seemed as though he had the support of all Republicans during that time. 

It occurs to me that we as a nation might want to thank Blunt.  Why?  Could it be that the necessary information we needed to indict Delay came at the hands of Roy Blunt who should have succeeded Delay?  Think about it.

Now Hastert could lose his seat in the Congress.  Who better to leak the truths in such a timely fashion than Roy Blunt?  (It's about time Roy.)

Whoever it is that brought all this to surface near an election isn't a Democrat.  No doubt about it, it's another Republican.  The curious thing is this.  Who has attacked Blunt within the Republican Party since 1997?  Those are most likely the Republicans who will fall.  Foley and Hastert have come against Blunt and look what they are currently facing.  Delay had upon occasion come against Blunt, too.  Where is Delay today?

I'm not sorry these men are having to face the consequences for their actions, not one bit. But, they all tried to hold Blunt accountable for his actions.  So far, nothing has stuck to him. Is there any validity to their claims over the years?  Will Hastert now blame the one man who stands to gain his position should he be tossed out?

Curious.  Let's pay attention.

Chelle Stockman

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Republicans Enslaved By Their President By Chelle Stockman

Gullible Republicans by Chelle Stockman
Letters to Kerry and Soros
Dear Senator Kerry;
We do have a plan, several of them. I know we are not able to speak of them in 5 minutes.  Even the President is unable to do that with his speech writers.  Tell them so next time they ask.
When they say this President gave us tax-cuts, ask Americans where taxes come from.  Then point out to them that the so called cuts (kickbacks) come from money that rightfully belongs to them.  Ask them if it wouldn't be better to have better wages and earn more interest on their investments such as savings accounts?  Ask them what kind of interest they get under Republican leadership and ask them to recall what they earned under Carter.
This is easy stuff.   See the letter I mailed to Soros, please.  Bye for now.

Why is it, Sir, that the media doesn't see that while in the congressional hearings and on the senate floor the democrats do have a plan?  Don't any of them watch the hearings? 
I've watched as those who hijacked the Republican Party deny the Democrats their voice.  They shoot them down immediately; and pilfer the Democrats ideas and do so in a poorly fashion, then sell them to their supporters who wait as I do for one good thing to come out of their crap.  Why is it that it is up to the Democrats to give out a plan or solutions in half hour or less clips on TV News talk shows? 
Don't Americans realize we are in catastrophic trouble?  It could take weeks, months even, to put forth a workable solution.
When this administration tells us they have given kickbacks in the form of tax cuts, don't Americans realize the money this administration gives to them, is already their own?  
For me, Sir, it is so simple.  What is so difficult to understand about what this administration is doing?  Why are Americans so easily corralled and held prisoner in their silence?
Mr. Soros?  Help me to help us.  Advise me about whom it is I need to phone and fax.  Time is running out, Sir.

Monday, October 9, 2006

Dare to be wrong, Dare to be heard, by Chelle Stockman

Have any of you ever lost an argument?  For those of you who have, how did it make you feel?  I imagine it made you feel as though you were not prepared enough with facts.  I imagine some of you felt you did not belong in the arena of debate.

As for me, I was never good with argument;therefore, I avoided it.  However, for the past 5 years, I've been called on for my opinions and also for facts to support them.  Without realizing it, I was being called to debate.  I am now told that I'm good at argument.  I'm not though.  You see, I don't believe the person who wins the argument is right.  They are only more informed in the subjects they argue or just master debators. My proofs are the many innocent people who are incarcerated and serving time in prisons around our country.  Other proofs are those who are guilty but walk freely because the prosecution made a less than convincing case.  In such cases, the truth failed to be represented. 

Much of what we argue in the name of politics has nothing to do with being right, or even the truth; but it has everything to do with 1) who presents the best case for the listening audience and 2) the expectations of the listening audience. 

Henry Fountain Ashurst in his formula for political success concluded his small disortation with this final comment: "And, finally, the politician must always tell people what they want to hear."

Because of our attitudes regarding what it takes to be heard, many voices go unheard.  People, especially the meek, withhold their voice.  This is a shame because they have the right to speak, the right to be wrong and the right to be heard.  For all of you who fear being wrong, or losing an argument, please begin using your voice now.  There will be those who will find some reason to disagree with you, so you may as well give them a reason.  Words can be transforming and you never know who will be transformed.  It could even be you.  The screamers will soon lose their voices because people are tuning them out.  So it is up to the simple minded and quietly eloquent to keep those who represent us abreast of contemporary concerns. 

We aren't just a race alienated by the color of our skin; or, a religious representative opposing others who don't think as we do; we are human with human and yes, less than perfect thoughts.  Our respresentatives must consider the differing hopes, fears, and concerns of us all.

I look forward to hearing your voice and reading your dissent. 

Chelle Stockman

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Dan and Ben graduated from Boot Camp

Here are some fine young men who freely chose to do a different kind of duty for our country.  Let us remember that each of is called to discipline and honor and that each of us has our path to both.  For folks like these young gents, their path is clear. 

I'm proud of you both!

The tallest young man with brown eyes is my eldest son, Daniel and he is 18 yrs. old.

Monday, October 2, 2006

OPEC,Iran, and America by Chelle Stockman


OPEC, Iran, and America   by Chelle Stockman

Back in 2003 I had written quite a lot about Bill Clinton's proposal and Congress' support on the Iraqi Freedom Act of 1998.  I continuously linked it to G.W. Bush's campaign speech on Jim Leherer's show (Feb. 16, 2000) where Bush announced he was going after Saddam Hussein no matter what it took, with the purposes of removal--even if it meant bombing Iraq.  Then the towers came down (conveniently), the bad intel, the ignored correct intel, and the hijacking of the Republican Party by the Neo-Cons who effectively inflamed the extremists of that party and nullified the effectiveness of the party's moderates.

Last Thursday, I saw a bone chilling repeat of 1998's handoff for the next presidency. Congress signed the Iran Freedom Support Act (2006).  So to determine who our next president shall be, we should listen to the candidate who intends to sanction and remove Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  Keep in mind that it may take another huge devastating event like the World Trade Centers to rally Americans in order to take us to war with Iran and remove their president.  From there, the Neo-Cons will incite the passions of the extremists in the Democrat Party and nullify the effectiveness of the moderates, then we can be in war in Iran, just like we are in Iraq.

Is it about oil?  It's about OPEC.  The greedy corporate thugs want to control all rights to every paying energy, including oil; so yes, in part, it is about oil.  However, it is more about breaking up OPEC and privatizing all the valuable energy sources. 

Currently we are blocking the advances of Syria as our military bases have Western Iraq all shored up.  Next we shall do the same to the Eastern access which is at Iran's borders to Iraq.  But more importantly, we will have easier, uncontested or at least controlled access to the Northern tip of Iraq where the Kurds once controlled (until we fought them back)--the world's most prized source of natural gas, the Caspian Sea.  I call the Caspian Sea the "bottomless" pit mentioned in Revelations and foresee Dick Cheney as the key holder.

Think about some of this.  If you see any similarities at all to where we currently are, speak out.

Here is a Chinese Proverb I find myself resonating to:

If we don't change direction, we shall end up where we are heading.      (selah)

That's all for now.