Thursday, February 23, 2006

Age of Sensational "Misinformation" by Chelle Stockman


For a long long time, I've been aware that what appears on news programs and radio talk shows in the most sensationalized way, is nothing more than a diversion to keep Americans pacified.  I imagine that real news goes on in the background while stories of a brain dead woman take the forefront.  This allows Americans to debate issues that are interesting while ratings for programs hit the roof thus satisfying their advertisers.  Meanwhile, the world is unraveling.

One such example is the issue of Cheney shooting one of his contributors to his campaign.   If you go back and look at every televised program for the first two days, they show a diagram of a body with buckshot over the left side of the upper torso, neck and face.   Then they announce the shooting victim has had a heart attack and that buckshot is lodged in his heart, which no one thinks much about because after all, according to the diagrams the media fed us, the buckshot was on his left side.  So to some extent, we buy into this.  Then lo and behold, the man emerges to address us.  He is 78-yrs-old and looks full of energy, not like a man who was listed in critical condition, housed in intensive care and suffered a mild heart attack.  But for those of you who actually paid attention, you would have seen that he was bruised on the right side of his neck with minor buckshot looking acne also on his right side.  In fact, nothing appeared near his heart at all.  The issue the media supplied us with was that Cheney was too secretive--end of story.

Let's go back a week to Coretta Scott King's funeral where people were upset that this memorial service was so political and that democrats stole the show.  Others were quite upset that the Bushs's  were there.   Memorials are to speak your last words to the one who passed away and to do so keeping in mind the role this person had in your life and the role you had in hers.  Not one overstepped their bounds in this regard, not even Past President Bush when he said "you people".  While Coretta might have said, "Well it is about time I got your attention,"  this wasn't the news we should have been hearing.

A week before C.S. King's memorial service, Greece refused to accept the EU deals regarding bioengineered seeds for crops.  They wanted to do a full study on environmental impact along with the long-term health risks for all who eat the product from the seeds.   England informed them they were in violation of the EU agreements.  Greece appealed to Germany and France who also agreed with Greece.  The United States and England informed them they would face the consequences for violating the agreements.  A week later, Germany, Greece, and France responded by pointing out to England (Tony Blair) that the United States had continuously been in violation of the agreements. 

Last week, Tony Blair announced to Bush and the rest of the world (during the Cheney incident) that these violations would be followed up with fines on all  U.S. exports going to every EU participating country.  I'm still waiting for someone to address this, including our president.  The President pretty much agreed to allow Dubai shipping to buy up several docks in response, a sort of pay off to make the problem go away.  My question is, will those fines Britain gets from us be the price our little Tea Party cost them plus the interest?

The result is that we have a security fiasco going on in regard to our docks and our president will intimidate us into buying into his solution to the EU Violation pay off in order to feed our troops and supply them.   If we keep up our dissent, he will blame the lack of supplies and food to our troops on us.  That is how he has always done everything, blaming everyone but himself because of his thirst for global control.

This problem will go on and on and on because we have a real estate situation that will soon bottom out, the price of gold is going to be devalued, and things are about to slide downhill.  We may as well tell all who have invested in us that we tricked them, that our IOU's are worthless.  We should hang a long term sign up saying, the U.S. has gone fishing so we can fix our internal problems.

But, you know, Bush and his pinch-hitting spokespeople will convince us that if we become "isolationists" the world will come after us because we will look like weenies to them, vulnerable.  Yet, this same President says to Iran, isolationism won't be tolerated by you because you will be more of a threat.  In fact, the week before Cheney went hunting, he went to Iran.  His message was that we won't allow Iran to be isolationist and that we will stop their nuclear facilities from going online unless they join the EU.  Cheney said he won't putup with a country whose weapons customers are questionable, that they could go on with their Nuke program if we can tell them who they can and cannot sell to.

People, go check it out.
Chelle Stockman

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Themes of War by Chelle Stockman

  Looking back through history 40 years up till now, we should be able to make the connection that poverty can lead to drugs and drugs can fund terrorism.  In fact, President Johnson declared "War on Poverty": President Reagan declared "War on Drugs": President Bush declared "War on Terrorism."  

It occurs to me that to sell war to people, you need a theme, one that appeals to the altruistic nature of people; a theme which we the people will invest in, and a clever marketing strategy.  

The next theme we choose should be something we can all engage in, something that winners and losers can share,  Their rewards could be the publicity they receive to satisfy their need for attention they aren't otherwise getting.  To find such a theme, all we have to do is to attend the many public schools across America, glance at the covers of magazines at grocery stores, and watch television.  That war could be labeled The War against Clothing.  

Participants uniforms will be underwear under underwear under tattered wear worn by males strutting their stuff like peacocks in gangsta-glow shirts and caps gone awry. Imagine the Victoria's Not-So-Secrets gals teaming up with the Tattered and Torns and the Goth-Chic walking dead amongst the Ghetto-Glam Clans as they seek any attention they can get chanting "My Space Rules!" This theme will provide all the necessary components of a really good war such as cover-ups and exposures while headlines might read, War On Fashion: How the Criminally Clothed Shop for Accessories; or, The Bare Necessities of War: a Booming Business.  I mean if we have to lose a war, we can at least be admired for our winning style.  

 Just one note to all, we are no more the wars we wage than we are the clothes we wear but impressions can have a lasting impact.  

By Chelle Stockman  

Monday, February 13, 2006

Letter to Chris Matthews & Senators by Chelle Stockman

Dear Mr. Matthews:


I'm an avid viewer of your show because you represent the best of truth as often as is possible.  Today, I wrote a letter and sent it off to Boxer, Feinstein, Murtha, Spector, Kerry, Durbin and last but not least, Rep. Barbara Lee.  Here it goes:  


Dear Barbara Lee, most esteemed in my eyes Representative of the people;


So Tom De Lay whose ethics is in question gets appointed to the Appropriations Committee, as well as sits under Senator Pat Roberts the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, will be in charge of investigating the Bush administration in regard to protecting itself against having to fully disclose the truth about WMD and the Domestic Spying program which falls under the Total Information Awareness and DARPA.  The systematic exaggeration of intelligence and the flouting of  FISA are heated topics and should be, but I want to know why Tom De Lay, a fox to be sure, has been put in charge of the hen house.

What is the Senate and Congress going to do about this?  

I'm telling you that if the Democrats don't get equal truth time in the media, there has been talk of a Call To Arms amongst those who feel helpless against this administration who is running rip shod over our constitutional rights. 

Please see that this doesn't happen.  The voice of poets and scientists are being silenced as well as the voice of ordinary citizens.  My feelings are that if nothing is done about this, a song and a dance, a laugh and a poem, a funny story won't be what people arm themselves with.  We are talking about a gross misinterpretation of Liberty.  Please help us to keep the truth going and to keep those ready to battle the politicos of our time calmed.  Help us to keep our faith in our system.



Chelle Stockman


Monday, February 6, 2006

Alberto Gonzales: Thief of Liberty by Chelle Stockman

Listening to the Republican Reps on the committee questioning Alberto Gonzales and hearing his responses to their leading questions pertaining to the legality of searching Americans during times of war and even during times peace takes me back to the days of President Nixon. 

We sought to impeach Nixon and all he did was wiretap the Democrats.  He went down in history as a crook, an evil man.  Though Nixon quietly went away, the methods he employed have continued.

These methods are in direct conflict with the very foundation of our Bill of Rights.  Remember that little thing called Liberty? Where is the balance we used to be known and respected for?  The world once respected us for sticking up for Lady Liberty even when it was painful and divided us.  I remember when the Democratic-Republican Party was in action back in 1752; they felt everything we could ever do that came close to righteous hinged on the principles of Liberty.  They kept that definition simple. 

Liberty meant that no government or military party could enforce any action or law against the people for doing anything that didn't hurt another individual outside theirself.  It meant that no governing body, whether it be a recognized principality, religious principality, or military entity would be permitted to make and enforce laws, or take any action against those freely exercising their liberties as long as they didn't cause harm to another being.  They fought bravely to ensure that Liberty would have a chance to take hold in the hearts of all who dared call themselves Americans. For this reason alone, we were respected--trusted even. Unfortunately we can't say that today. We left Liberty to stand alone thinking we'd always have her to fall back on.

It is a damn shame that Alberto Gonzales didn't even have to be sworn in, let alone isn't forced to answer the questions directly and truthfully about what our President supports to put his agenda on the "Fast Track". I wonder how those who still believe Lady Liberty is our blessing will feel when Bush and his goons skirt the issues and escape with the cheers of their followers in tow. 

Are the proponents of Liberty brave enough to go to war with this administration?  Do they even remember how to declare war?  And now, since Bill Clinton nullified the Posse Comitatus Act, will the brave supporters of Liberty be killed in our streets, jailed until they go to the courts of these thieves, and still be brave enough to die for Liberty as our forefathers had?

If this administration succeeds in their goals to blanket us in fear, steal our power, and belittle the memory of what we have lost while we were sleeping at the helm, will we do as our forefathers did and burn them out of their lofty chairs where they roost;those peacocks who parade their stuff as if they were god's gift to the rustling feathers crowd?

How much of their simple talk, their labeling, their lies will Americans stand for?  How much more will be stolen from us before we rise?

Chelle Stockman


This was taken at an event sponsored by the Vallejo Chamber of Commerce.  The folks at North Bay Cabinets not only do fine work, but they also host our town's annual Toy Drive.  I'm so proud of the work our are people doing.  The man next to me is not only a dear friend of mine, but a man who volunteers his time as much as I've ever seen.

In fact, I'm proud of the people of Vallejo.  There is a spirit of volunteerism that rises to the call. 

I'm one who thinks that if we take care of ourselves, through our example others will be educated and inspired to reach similar goals.  Ya know, good neighbors garnish trust and respect from others.  Out of any community I ever lived or taught in, none take care of their own as well as the City of Vallejo does.  My thanks to you all for calling me one of your own. I'm grateful to be part of your family.

Chelle Stockman--Hairstylist and Massage Therapist

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

State of the Union Address:Campaign memory bytes from G.W. Bush

Tell me this is all bipartisan nonsense and I'll tell you that you are being duped--big time.  For instance, Bush sold his followers on the privatization of Social Security and this left the talking heads of the Democratic Party crying fowl.

But you should be aware that the so called brilliant idea everyone seems to be crediting Bush for was really one of 3 studies that we the taxpayers paid for out of our "surplus" during the Clinton Administration.  In fact, it was President Bill Clinton who commissioned the Entitlement and Tax Reform, who set up the Advisory Council on Social Security and who set up the National Commission on Retirement Policy beginning in 1993 going through 1998. 

The three recommendations of these studies can be found on the following website.

 A Review of the Findings of the Social Security Advisory Council

         Here is an excerpt for those who don't wish to link.

The Advisory Council's Reform Recommendations      The Advisory Council members unanimously agreed that Social Security is financially unviable in the long-run, and the existing pay-as-you-go structure should be changed. However, they could not agree on a single plan of action. Instead, they were divided among three factions, each favoring a separate proposal.

The Maintenance of Benefits (MB) plan proposes to essentially maintain the present structure of Social Security. The plan would raise revenue by increasing taxes on Social Security benefits and increasing payroll taxes by 1.6 percent of payroll beginning in 2045. The plan may possibly invest up to 40 percent of the trust fund's assets in equities. A policy board, nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate, would manage the investments.
A second plan proposes to create Individual Accounts (IA) funded with a mandatory 1.6 percent payroll tax. The accounts would be held by the government with limited investment choices for individuals. Taxes on Social Security benefits would also be raised under this plan.
The Personal Security Accounts (PSA) plan would direct five percentage points of the current payroll tax into private accounts. Accounts would be held by the individual and invested according to discretion. The PSA plan would create a two-tiered system consisting of flat benefits and proceeds from the PSAs.

 So Bush, once again wows the Republican followers and gets some support from the Democrats when it comes to strengthening our laws and actions regarding illegal immigration.  Guess whose words he stole.  Could they have come from Bill Clinton's 1996 Immigration Act?

 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996

Here is the actual link address if you want it.

Another brilliant piece on Clinton's immigration policy can be found at:


Virtually every so called Republican idea Bush has proposed came out of the Clinton Administration.  The more I watch this president, the more I am convinced that he is Bill Clinton's puppet just as Bill Clinton was GHW Bush's work horse.

So please people, tell me how the things Clinton and Bush have intended to do all along ever became a wedge between our political parties.  Seems to me they agree by their actions and their words but pretend to hate each other.  Do we have to pretend to hate each other just because they do?  I hope this will wake us up to the facts that lies divide, illusions create division, and truth can unite.

Love ya,

Chelle Stockman