Monday, February 6, 2006

Alberto Gonzales: Thief of Liberty by Chelle Stockman

Listening to the Republican Reps on the committee questioning Alberto Gonzales and hearing his responses to their leading questions pertaining to the legality of searching Americans during times of war and even during times peace takes me back to the days of President Nixon. 

We sought to impeach Nixon and all he did was wiretap the Democrats.  He went down in history as a crook, an evil man.  Though Nixon quietly went away, the methods he employed have continued.

These methods are in direct conflict with the very foundation of our Bill of Rights.  Remember that little thing called Liberty? Where is the balance we used to be known and respected for?  The world once respected us for sticking up for Lady Liberty even when it was painful and divided us.  I remember when the Democratic-Republican Party was in action back in 1752; they felt everything we could ever do that came close to righteous hinged on the principles of Liberty.  They kept that definition simple. 

Liberty meant that no government or military party could enforce any action or law against the people for doing anything that didn't hurt another individual outside theirself.  It meant that no governing body, whether it be a recognized principality, religious principality, or military entity would be permitted to make and enforce laws, or take any action against those freely exercising their liberties as long as they didn't cause harm to another being.  They fought bravely to ensure that Liberty would have a chance to take hold in the hearts of all who dared call themselves Americans. For this reason alone, we were respected--trusted even. Unfortunately we can't say that today. We left Liberty to stand alone thinking we'd always have her to fall back on.

It is a damn shame that Alberto Gonzales didn't even have to be sworn in, let alone isn't forced to answer the questions directly and truthfully about what our President supports to put his agenda on the "Fast Track". I wonder how those who still believe Lady Liberty is our blessing will feel when Bush and his goons skirt the issues and escape with the cheers of their followers in tow. 

Are the proponents of Liberty brave enough to go to war with this administration?  Do they even remember how to declare war?  And now, since Bill Clinton nullified the Posse Comitatus Act, will the brave supporters of Liberty be killed in our streets, jailed until they go to the courts of these thieves, and still be brave enough to die for Liberty as our forefathers had?

If this administration succeeds in their goals to blanket us in fear, steal our power, and belittle the memory of what we have lost while we were sleeping at the helm, will we do as our forefathers did and burn them out of their lofty chairs where they roost;those peacocks who parade their stuff as if they were god's gift to the rustling feathers crowd?

How much of their simple talk, their labeling, their lies will Americans stand for?  How much more will be stolen from us before we rise?

Chelle Stockman


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