Thursday, December 29, 2005

Linda's Birthday- A Breath of Goodness

Linda reminded me that life is about building relationships. Each of us has only one life to live and I'm pretty sure whoever said that originally is right.

Along the way our character comes under seige and we are made stronger for it is the essence of how we build all our tomorrows.

Some spoke of weapons and I went off on a thought tangient as I considered the role of women in regard to our right to bear arms. Women must have them but great responsibility comes with that liberty. As the nurturers of this world, we women must use our weapons only for the defense of ourselves and our loved ones so it is also up to us to widen our scope of loved ones.  Vengence is neither a liberty nor a privlege; therefore as women,dignity must triumph for vengence is never an option.

The very best thing about Linda's party was seeing things through the eyes of others.  Ya know, good people make a splendid difference to what is seen.  My soul is still overflowing having been filled by the true goodness of those I spent time with.  I'm a reflection of their collective beauty.  I'm so blessed because I've found the divine in one person and ever since I'm surrounded by the divine in others.  Yes, I've found myself.

Ya know, there are times when experience surpasses the wisdom of sages just as there are times when experience is weight.  I wonder if wisdom is ever a weight. (selah)

Yes, wisdom can be a burden especially when one has a knowlege that others turn their backs on.  What can one do but to live that wisdom. Just live and evolve spiritually.  Love for love is an expression of good living.  Love can be a fruit of life too. 

Then there are our intentions, the direct will of our spirits.  Intentions, if we have any conscience, are the salt of all our experiences and the sum total of having lived. 

Linda blessed me by sharing her love, her experience and herself.  For that reason, I'm so very blessed. Happy happy birthday, dear Linda. 




Monday, December 19, 2005

Funny Conversations at the Mitchell Brother's Holiday Party and Wake

Dan O'Neill drove us to an event I won't forget which took place at the O'Farrel Mitchell Brother's Theatre.  There I met for the second time in my life a man named Jim Mitchell.  He was a conservative looking dapper man, elegant in fact.  I tried not to stare at him much because the last memory I have of him is from 30 years ago.  He looks so different now, much more polished and he seems shorter in stature than I remember him.  I was just 17 when I met him and I met him in Berkeley while traveling with a man named Jerry Allaire who was owner of Undulator Water Beds.  Jerry's son was my boyfriend at the time.  Back in those days I couldn't go to Berkeley without being chased down for my autograph, well not my autograph but Marilyn Chamber's.  Apparently there is a strong resemblence in our looks. I'm told that there still is, not only by friends who used to watch her movies but by those who attended the gig yesterday.

My dear friend Ted Richards was unable to attend this party and wake due to some personal trauma he and his beloved wife are suffering but he gave me a heartfelt message to give both to Jim Mitchell and to a dear friend of his named Vinnie, well toVinnie's family.  Vincent had died and was one of the gents we celebrated yesterday.  So, I had a few drinks and watched all the people clamor around for the attention of the proprietor and his entourage.  Time was passing too quickly and I tried to gain some peace to address these folks on Ted's behalf.  I could wait no longer so I walked up behind Mr. Mitchell and rested my head upon his shoulder.  I whispered into his ear that Ted truly wanted to be there for him but that his wife was undergoing dramatic eye surgery because her retina suddenly blew out and left her blind.  I explained how he also wanted me to celebrate a man named Vinnie's life and to say how much he misses Vinnie that Vinnie had made a huge impact on who Ted is today.  Jim Mitchell told me thank you and informed me that the people in the circle he was talking to were Vinnie's family. At first I was surprised that I had such good fortune but then I scoulded myself because I know more than most that there is no such thing as coincidence but that all things of a "chance" nature are part of a universal synergy.  So I walked up behind this petite blonde beauty and put my head on her shoulder as she spoke.  I asked her to keep speaking but to listen to me.  I spoke to her personally the same words I spoke to Jim.  She finished her conversation and then quickly turned to me.  I felt rude as though I had intruded but the look in her eyes was gracious and warming.  So many people wanted to talk to this beautiful lady, but for a brief moment, she took time to let Ted's words comfort her and made me feel at home.  She expressed her gratitude and asked me to tell Ted how much those words meant to her.  That feeling, that intimate moment, means so much to me even as I type these words.  Later, a young beautiful man whom I had seen on stage, walked up to me.  I recognized him as one of the comedians and he introduced himself as Vincent's son.  He was touched that I took the time to bring them comfort.  If only he knew how hard it was for me to do this.  I felt so intrusive.  I told him I was the one who heckled him and we chuckled together.  Man was this young fellow beautiful.  Vincent must have been quite a man to have such wonderful friends as Ted Richards and such loving people for a family.  There was no pretense amongst them and I again scolded myself for being so anxious.  I should have known that they would be gracious.  Maybe it was the environment I was in, maybe it was because I was in a sandwiched generation where I had been slightly younger than all those present or too old for the new crowd.

After that little episode I went back to the theatre rooms and spoke to an Irish man next to me.  We were the wallpaper in the back of the darkened theatre.  We spoke of Vinnie and some people came out of the backstage area dressed in costumes.  They made us drink an elixer and eat a wafer.  It was a communion of sorts, a debaucherous kind.  <smile>  I went back out to the main area and watched quietly.  The forces were forming and who were they?  A group of politicals, Irish in viewpoints.  I stood there getting angry because these men whom I care for very much seemed to have all the "right" answers as they spoke of the way things are now here in America.and their remedy was the same old stuff that hasn't worked for Ireland and England over the centuries.  It pisses me off that America is left to fight the fight they never resolved.  I felt that Liberty and I stood alone, silenced by the intentions of others. An Irish man whom I now know was an enemy to my fired up political pals, had taken notice of me.  He told me I was one sexy Irish woman.  I fired off indignantly, "I sir, am an American woman and I'm pissed off right now."  He looked over to those who were dear to me and scoffed.  That should have been my first warning.

From there I went into a diatribe as he and I spoke of things political in nature. I began to heave out a storm of tears and anguish. We all speak of revolution but even revolution has never brought us answers or solutions, only attention and heartache amidst needless death. I said, America is better than this.  I asked, "What good is freedom without Liberty?  Freedom is merely a disclaimer at the bottom of some writ executed on the backs of innocents."  I sobbed and hid behind the man so my friends wouldn't see me in that state.  He said lets go to where we can talk about this in privacy.  He pulled me into the darkened room lit only with red lights titled "Copenhagen."  Every time I spewed forth my anguish that Liberty is alone without anyone to defend her I sobbed out of control.  Anger was my companion and true absolute grief. He sought to get down my pants in order to comfort me.  I looked at the red light above my head and thought, I'm better than this and this man seeks my fruits but hasn't the decency to listen to my message.  So I walked out but not until I had asked, " Do you have my back?"  His answer was no.  He maintained that I am an Irish woman but I can't remember the phrase he used.  It was derrogatory in essence and offended me, as though being Irish is such a bad thing.  It was a remnant of a fight I never took part in for I am an American, Irish only in descent.  I laugh today because this is the stuff I always seem to find on my pathway of truth.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Love Exchanged For Understanding

The most difficult people are those who are unable to hear the message you bring to them.

Some only hear what they have come to expect of others and rarely anticipate a differing perspective; therefore, they sell their self and everyone else short.

Some hear only the sound of their well rehearsed voice. For those types, life is neatly stored in compartments of their experience, nothing left to question, no answers to be sought.

There are those who hear with their eyes and what cannot be seen simply does not exist.

My heart mourns the loss of their audience, for on the best of days, they are handicapped. I've spent my life attempting to understand; with my eyes closed I've even heard the heartbeat of those near me and with my eyes fixed, I've heard the powerful message of their body language.  With speech I provoke thought in order to dredge up any understanding available to me.

Understanding, the most precious neccessity of empathy, is what I've thirsted for.  Without empathy, I have no purpose to live.  Love, the most precious gift is lost on those who are steeped in self-indulgent apathy.  In the company of such people, I spend love foolishly for they suspect those bearing gifts for the souls refinement just as they forget boxed presents from years gone by.

Yet I spend my love on them until I come to some kind of understanding; and so it is with me, the foolish spender of love, daring to love those with pat responses and preconceived notions.  My heart grieves, for I am not saint. I'm merely spending what I have plenty of-love.

By Chelle Stockman

Sunday, November 20, 2005

So glad to be alive

Everyone!  I wish to share something with you. I stepped outside tonight- to smoke.  I was in deep thought, thoughts of God; thoughts to God.  I thought of my neighbor and of myself, two people who love God very much.  I thought of my transgressions and began to speak out loud with the stars as my audience. 

I'm not perfect but I do get things right now and then.  I don't blame and don't believe in excuses.  I am a woman of intent and don't dismiss much as a mistake.  I am what I am, a woman on a personal journey.

Truth is important and tonight the Holy Spirit met with me as the celestials witnessed.  Mercy and compassion, the spark of the living, this was how I was touched tonight.  I figure that I want to live a very long life because there is so much to learn and I'm unafraid.  But, repentence takes time, therefore for me, it will be neccessary to live a long life.  I'm unafraid of sin so long as the Holy Spirit is here.  I trust with all my heart that the Spirit is powerful enough to lead me to transformation.

Thank you.   I had to share and now I'm going back out to think some more.

Friday, November 18, 2005

A Call For Action

In the face of global capitalism and the redefining of democracy, liberty is fading away into the shadows of fascism. Corporations have freedoms their consumers do not have such as paying 16 cents to the dollar of taxes owed; meanwhile, procuring hefty tax breaks that aren't passed down to the consumer.   They supply our wants on the backs of the world's desperate and jack up the cost of our needs, the resources we must have to survive in this world today.   They buy legislation that allows them to accomplish their goals to have the entire world under the umbrella of a Global Order.   Everyone from the purchased presidents down to the illegal immigrant slaves serve the interests of these corporations.

With all the technological advances this world has seen, and renewable energy sources more readily available, these mega-conglomerates and their subsidiaries  continue to fight us on alternative energy sources that are more environmentally friendly. This leads me to believe that the wars we fight today are more about profiting off the control of natural resources which we are all beholden to than they are about democracy.   Would America purchase goods and resources from the rest of the world if they knew the role mercenaries of these corporations play?   Would Americans do so if they knew the methods used such as starting divisions amongst people indigenous to the areas where our resources come from?    Would America be OK with these activities if they knew the corporations are also proliferators of evil?   I'm not sure I can handle the answer to those questions.

I urge you, our representatives, to stand up to this man with a mandate whom we call our President, and levy the truth and consequences of his actions on behalf of, not only the world at large, but more specifically, the liberty that belongs to Americans here at home.

If the Democrats are publicly accused of handling information irresponsibly in regard to their initial support of going to war on the grounds of WMD, then the President must admit publicly through all veins of media how he was the avenue of the faulty information.   He must admit that as the "elected"  head of the chain of command, he failed to bring the full and examined truth to America and the rest of the world.

His goal was always to dispose of Saddam Hussein.   His father's goal was to do that in order to free the Iraqi people and pavethe way for them to join the Global Order.   That was his father's vision.   Since then, Bill Clinton also carried out that goal and fell short as his predecessor had.   His law H.R. 4655- "Iraq Liberation Act of 1998" never took hold in the minds of the average American and I wonder how many people of the Senate and Congress ever give thought to it.  

In G. W.  Bush's talk with Jim Lehrer on February 16, 2000, he shows us that he intended to go after Hussein.   He said, "I think we need to have inspectors back into Iraq, and I think we need to make it clear to Saddam Hussein we want them back into -- we need to make it clear to our allies we expect the inspectors back in to make sure he's not developing weapons of mass destruction."  He then went on to say, "I'm just as frustrated as many Americans are that Saddam Hussein still lives. I think we ought to keep the pressure on him. I will tell you this: If we catch him developing weapons of mass destruction in any way, shape or form, I'll deal with that in a way that he won't like."
Mr. Lehrer asked him, "Like what, bomb him?"
Bush responded, "Well, it could be one option. He just needs to know that he'll be dealt with in a firm way."

There is no way we can let President George Bush get off by admitting irresponsibility in the handling of "misinformation."  He, like his predecessors, was chomping at the bit to dispose of Saddam and set up a strategic position in Iraq.   When Sept. 11th brought us to a screeching halt, our President wasted no time in capitalizing on the egg of disaster the golden goose had laid.   He immediately exploited our fears and took us down a path of vengeance.   This implies intent.   Intent is not to be minimized as irresponsibility.   His intent involved selling Congress, the Senate, the American media, and people, a lie.   This most certainly is an impeachable offense.  

If we won't impeach this man, we must definitely speak to the truths that so far have been mishandled and whored by this media driven conspiracy.  

Democrats, it is time to stand together more firmly and speak out more eloquently than we have ever had to do before.   Let's do it now.

Thank you.

Chelle Stockman



Monday, November 14, 2005

Letter to the AOL Democrats RE: I've had enough.

Subj: Re: [AOLDemocrats] Oil firms see tax rates fall: Nice.  Date: 11/14/2005 8:37:24 AM Pacific Standard Time From: GoddessOf7Worlds To:

I did something I rarely do early this morning.  I turned on Fox Fallacy News to see what spin they were putting on information they might have.  The show was Bulls and Bears, a financial advisory show (supposedly).  Every guest went on and on as the cameras zoomed in for the close-ups of them frothing.

The subject was the Democrats being unethical towards those poor oil fellows.  Apparently the Democrats were trying to hold them accountable for accounting activities and this had the pundits of the show in a frothy tither.  They were very upset for the oil corporations and said they have the right to make profits that the Democrats were just trying to make themselves look good to the little guy.  They explained that little guys own stocks in these oil corporations and that the little guys will see through this Democratic play on our emotions.

Never once did they say how the oil companies find the resources which usually involves the use of mercenaries and even military forces.  They never once spoke to the raping of the land in these countries where this valuable resource can be extracted.  They never once spoke to the displacement of the indigenous people of these lands nor did they speak to the destruction of our ecosystem.  They seem to have forgotten that this 43rd president promised us that by 2008 we would be using hydrogen power.  Below is just one of his three promises to we the people of the United States:
             "In this century, the greatest environmental progress will come about not through endless lawsuits or command-and-control regulations, but through technology and innovation. Tonight I'm proposing $1.2 billion in research funding so that America can lead the world in developing clean, hydrogen-powered automobiles."  G.W. Bush

For more of his broken promises, feel free to check out my journal. 
What's going on?   or if that link doesn't work.

Yesterday set me back a bit.  The History Channel re-aired an episode on the making of 9/11 and I suspect it was at the urging of the White House since the president is making his case against the Democrats and once again diverting the attention off of his failures.  The History Channel showed what individuals were doing on that morning prior to the attack of 9/11.  What they conspicuously left out was what our President was doing that day.  Enough said. 
This letter is going to be added to my blog today.  I've had enough of this administration's deceit and it is time we do something about it.

Thank you for letting me pitch my fit.

Chelle Stockman

Monday, October 31, 2005

This Man, Our President-His Promises

President Bush's State of the Union Speech 1-28-03

1)  This country has many challenges. We will not deny, we will not ignore, we will not pass along our problems to other Congresses, to other presidents, and other generations. We will confront them with focus and clarity and courage."

                           So far we haven't been able to do this and the mess we have authorized up til now won't begin to be paid for until the generation after the next.

"The tax relief is for everyone who pays income taxes -- and it will help our economy immediately: 92 million Americans will keep, this year, an average of almost $1,000 more of their own money. A family of four with an income of $40,000 would see their federal income taxes fall from $1,178 to $45 per year. Our plan will improve the bottom line for more than 23 million small businesses."

Check this out:

And as of today, November 1,  Bush is calling on Congress to tax the insurance plans of employees that have benefits from the companies they work for.  That is some incentive to work hoping for benefits.  Everything he touches hurts the little guy and makes them beholden to the crumbs the wealthy leave for us.

3)  "
We must work together to fund only our most important priorities. I will send you a budget that increases discretionary spending by 4 percent next year -- about as much as the average family's income is expected to grow. And that is a good benchmark for us. Federal spending should not rise any faster than the paychecks of American families."

But what actually happened is displayed in an interview with Mr. Russert and can be found @    

Russert: But your base conservatives -- and listen to Rush Limbaugh, the Heritage Foundation, CATO Institute, they're all saying you are the biggest spender in American history.

President Bush: Well, they're wrong.

Russert: Mr. President

President Bush: If you look at the appropriations bills that were passed under my watch, in the last year of President Clinton, discretionary spending was up 15 percent, and ours have steadily declined.

Fact Check explains:

Discretionary spending -- meaning spending that is subject to annual legislative appropriations, as opposed to spending for entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare -- actually grew only 5.6% in Clinton 's last budget year (fiscal year 2001, which began October 1, 2000Since then discretionary spending has not "steadily declined" as the President said, but has gone up. In fact, the growth has been much faster than under Clinton . Inthe firstyear for which President Bush signed the spending bills discretionary spending growth soared to 13.1%, and annual growth remained in double digits through the current fiscal year....    

Using Bolton's own figures, calculates that the discretionary sums contained in appropriations bills signed by Bush for the current fiscal year -- including the $87 billion supplemental appropriation for Iraq -- amount to nearly a 36% increase over Clinton's last year.


"To improve our health care system, we must address one of the prime causes of higher cost, the constant threat that physicians and hospitals will be unfairly sued. (Because of excessive litigation, everybody pays more for health care, and many parts of America are losing fine doctors. No one has ever been healed by a frivolous lawsuit. I urge the Congress to pass medical liability reform."

Bush did not have to do this.  It is unfortunate, but this was a plan proposed to the Clinton administration on behalf of E. Lily Pharmeceuticals by some lobbiests.  President Bush awarded Lily the no bid contract for the Small Pox Vaccine and then passed through Congress a law keeping anyone from suing Lily or the administrators of the vaccine--no class actions allowed either which means absolutely no accountability. Sad.
"In this century, the greatest environmental progress will come about not through endless lawsuits or command-and-control regulations, but through technology and innovation. Tonight I'm proposing $1.2 billion in research funding so that America can lead the world in developing clean, hydrogen-powered automobiles. "

Yet he cut has cut $93 million dollars from the EPA's Science and Technology accounts.  These cuts include reductions in air, water, and toxics research and then cut nearly 5 mil more from the area that regulates and improves the eco systems that curtail endocrine disrupters, pesticides and toxics also down 7.7 mil.  He then raised the super fund 124 million which is to make the polluter responsible but failed to call for reinstatement of the fees by polluting companies and to make up that difference, it has come out of the taxpayers pockets. The evidence of his taking back his environmental promises which sounded sweet at first have turned to bitterness. He predicted that people would be using Hydrogen powered cars all over America by 2008 which would free us from being oil dependent.  Maybe he plans for us to withdraw from Iraq in 2008. 

I urge you to pass both my faith-based initiative and the Citizen Service Act, to encourage acts of compassion that can transform America, one heart and one soul at a time."

The concern I have is that with religious groups being subsidized federally to help others who are already guaranteed help from government sources, those churches are opening themselves up to being governed federally.  So much for that ol separation of church and state. 

7) "
There are days when our fellow citizens do not hear news about the war on terror. There's never a day when I do not learn of another threat, or receive reports of operations in progress, or give an order in this global war against a scattered network of killers. The war goes on, and we are winning. (Applause.) To date, we've arrested or otherwise dealt with many key commanders of al Qaeda. They include a man who directed logistics and funding for the September the 11th attacks; the chief of al Qaeda operations in the Persian Gulf, who planned the bombings of our embassies in East Africa and the USS Cole; an al Qaeda operations chief from Southeast Asia; a former director of al Qaeda's training camps in Afghanistan; a key al Qaeda operative in Europe; a major al Qaeda leader in Yemen. All told, more than 3,000 suspected terrorists have been arrested in many countries. Many others have met a different fate. Let's put it this way -- they are no longer a problem to the United States and our friends and allies. (Applause.) We are working closely with other nations to prevent further attacks. America and coalition countries have uncovered and stopped terrorist conspiracies targeting the American embassy in Yemen, the American embassy in Singapore, a Saudi military base, ships in the Straits of Hormuz and the Straits the Gibraltar. We've broken al Qaeda cells in Hamburg, Milan, Madrid, London, Paris, as well as, Buffalo, New York. We have the terrorists on the run. We're keeping them on the run. One by one, the terrorists are learning the meaning of American justice."

Nice words, but untrue.  Notice that since this speech was given, we had bombings in Madrid and London with growing threat in Paris.  As for Buffalo, New York, I noticed that the SBA office was located to Texas.  Could it be that whenever our President opens his mouth, people are attacked?  Just a thought. Do people in America really believe that terrorists give any thought at all to American Justice???

8)  "
The International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed in the 1990s that Saddam Hussein had an advanced nuclear weapons development program, had a design for a nuclear weapon and was working on five different methods of enriching uranium for a bomb. The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uraniumfrom Africa. Our intelligence sources tell us that he has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes suitable for nuclear weapons production. Saddam Hussein has not credibly explained these activities. He clearly has much to hide. The dictator of Iraq is not disarming. To the contrary; he is deceiving. From intelligence sources we know, for instance, that thousands of Iraqi security personnel are at work hiding documents and materials from the U.N. inspectors, sanitizing inspection sites and monitoring the inspectors themselves. Iraqi officials accompany the inspectors in order to intimidate witnesses."

       What intelligence is he referring to?  The same intelligence we now know did not exist?  I mean, Libby didn't lie so many times for no reason at all did he?  Could that intelligence have come from Cheney's office?   We now know the only communique from our intelligence offices stated that there was no evidence that supported going to war on the grounds of WMD.  This is an impeachable lie. He didn't lie to a simple group like the grand jury.  He lied to our country and to the entire world.  Guess we have forgiven him, though he never asked for us to.

9)  "
We seek peace. We strive for peace. And sometimes peace must be defended. A future lived at the mercy of terrible threats is no peace at all. If war is forced upon us, we will fight in a just cause and by just means -- sparing, in every way we can, the innocent. And if war is forced upon us, we will fight with the full force and might of the United States military -- and we will prevail."

Well, 1979 American soldiers have died so far with 30 to 1 civilian Iraqis dying because of this war.  Peace.  Yeah.   Each day peace prevails with each new death.  Umhum. Yeah. Rest in Peace or is it rest in pieces?  Sometimes,  it is unclear what he really means to say.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Lately, I've been listening to others, interjecting my thoughts every so often while I explode inside at their words. 

People in Rwanda have been slaughtered by their neighbors and also by huge global corporations that hire out "contractors" to erase all dissent which includes the cries of the people hoping to obtain some mercy.  Here at home, if we ever hear of such things, we say, "We are America.  We care."  Then we leave the real caring up to the missionaries and fatalist pests who are constantly begging for support.

Corporations create needs where they never existed before and set up shop in the areas that have the least restrictions and where the people cannot defend themselves against their ominous presence.  What do the majority of Americans say about this? 
"We must have our stuff and we cannot cry about what happens to their resources." 
"If we want affordable stuff, they will work for less than living wages and they don't seem to care for their environment, so why should we?"
"Globalism is a good thing.  It means liberation." 
And so, we spread our message through our voracious appetite for stuff but we also spread pollution as we would butter our toast, mmm...smooth.

My deepest heartache to this date is the oldest I've lived with for nearly my entire life, save the first four years.  We were told to master this earth for our good purpose, to maintain it and care for it as a master would those in his service.  Since I was a child, I've seen the garbage others scatter for someone else to step over or pick up.  It was apparent to me that we are a throwaway kind of people which meant the responsibility for cleanup of the mess would fall on the shoulders of those who really cared. 

We are like termites, sneaking up on those dwelling in areas, the defenseless people who cannot see what is coming.  We displace them in the name of freedom.  We draw terrorism by our presence wherever we go, so better it is to draw it to these defenseless ones sitting atop some marketable resources.  We call this transfer of power "liberty."

Conversation after conversation with Americans who support the actions and conditions we now see has revealed to me what they mean when they say, "It doesn't matter to me because I won't be around to see any of it."  Nevermind that this is not true, that their actions will follow them beyond their grave.  The truth is, they don't see the need for changing our behavior; therefore, they should probably leave this earth as soon as possible.  They aren't helping by merely paying taxes because the costs far outweigh their contributions.  

People say they care, however, they don't feel it necessary to join others by insisting we use renewable energy sources and dump our need for natural gas and oil.  People say they care but refuse to see that corporate agenda is more important to governors and presidents than listening to things we the people petition for.  They use their veto power like the terrorists fly planes into towers or drive car-bombs into resorts. 
They don't care about us, yet we support them in the form of a mandate.

Where is righteousness?  God said, he won't contend with us forever, that he will take His spirit from us because we are merely flesh.  And when he said that, the floods came.

Water, the most important resource of this earth is in all life.  We sit back and allow administrations to destroy it and sell it back to us after all life-giving properties are gone.  We now get sick because of what we do to our environment, yet we blame political parties for "their" leaders and what "their" leaders have done.

Did it ever occur to you that we the people are to blame? Do we really believe that because the end of the world was predicted, that means we are to continue in these sins that we may live as paupers next to kings here on earth; or we are  to continue in these sins that grace may abound? 

You know who is going to inherit this earth someday?  Do you even care?  The meek of this earth shall inherit it.  Let me ask you all something.  What screwed up thing did the meek ever do to you?

One last thing.  I'm as guilty in the undoing of this world as the next person.  All my life it has bothered me, this marriage of oil and consumption.  Yet I drive a car and take hot showers.  I've been asking for renewable energy for as long as I can remember.  I was told, it would be too expensive and not work well.  Germany, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland did it and export it safely plus it has little or no greenhouse emissions. It's renewable energy.  So, why aren't we doing it?   We have had 30 years to do so! 
Nevermind, I know perfectly well what that answer is and it leads straight to that one world order revolving around Globalism.

May God fortify the meek.  Take not your Holy Spirit from me.

Chelle Stockman

Sunday, October 9, 2005

Bush=Weed in the Wheathouse

President of NOW and a columnist, Kim Gandy, has verve and enough nerve to explore that which is partially hidden.  I'm with her when it comes to exposing what lives beneath the rocks in nooks and crannies.  Of course, she tends to focus on G.W. Bush, the current president of the America that is blindly enslaving themselves to every one of their trusted institutions.  I, on the other hand, would begin with a timeline of GHW Bush, the father of the president of The America who has never questioned authority.  Then I'd bring all docs from every period since up to the Wheathouse Weed and bind them together.  I'd throw them all in the fire,.  In fact, there is enough room for all those Weeds.  But, I've overstepped my bounds.  That's one of there parables Jesus gave; therefore, it's most likely a job for the Angels.  Forgive me for this arrogance.

I had a vision today.  In the clouds manifested a dragon.  A child emerged in its mouth, an infant, I think.  As it moved it became an eagle.  A woman emerged in the eagle's beak.  It kept changing.  I wonder.

Monday is important for my family.  It is a day that I surrender my son to God's will.  On the surface it seems like surrendering him to the will of this administration.  I refuse to give this administration my son.  He is far too good for them.  Genesis 6:3 Then the Lord said, "My spirit shall not abide in man for ever, for he is flesh, but his days shall be a hundred and twenty years."  God was unhappy because they were doing as mankind always had; their intentions produced grave results.  In our time, nothing much has changed. 

People often say God did this, or God has done that.  Some question, "How could any god allow these hurricanes, poverty and wars?"  I say to you all; this was all predicted by the prophets long ago.  What you read in the Bible is prophecy. 

It hasn't got as much to do with God's will as it does the results of mankind's intentions.  War?  Man's doing.  Earth's destruction?  Man's doing.  Poverty?   Man's doing.  These things run foolishly off course from the will of God.  Still, some will blame God.

I go to the Army Recruiter with my son on Monday. My son.  He is brilliant.  He is far too good for this bunch.  In fact, our military is far too good for any of these goons who push the agenda of globalism and one world order down the throat of each country.

I was angry at Cheney when I heard him talk about going to war.  He said we would never go to war with a country that could defend themselves that that would be our demise; instead, fighting wars in countries whose people are unable to defend themselves makes better sense.  It would seem that Cheney, Bush and the likes of them are the type to kick a wounded dog.  That's all for now.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Suggestions for the Judiciary Committee in the Miers decision

Dear Senator Feinstein:

Regarding the lack of a paper trail from Harriet Miers, you can find such things in the firms she worked for.  One such firm was Locke, Liddell and Sapp where she shared the role as head of the firm and was copartner.  They were made to pay 22 million for a judgment where they defrauded their investors.  There were several similar cases with smaller amounts of judgment against them.  Erxleben comes to mind.

Lawyers never change their ethical spots and you can know a lawyer by simply understanding the firms they work for.  The fact is, this firm had many unethical practices and refused to admit accountability for their actions.  Remember, she was a big fella of this firm, not some simple schmuck doing internship.

Her specialty was corporate law and her friend, our president, spoke of his agenda to end class action lawsuits.  My heart sunk when he said that.  Who better than Ms. Miers to make compelling arguments in corporate cases with her judicial colleagues on the Supreme Court.

Asking her about Roe v Wade is a waste of time.  Instead, look up precedent setting corporate cases, class action lawsuits, and investment fraud cases.  Ask her about these things.  Look her in her eyes and ask her how she supports the president in his hopes of doing away with class action lawsuits which are intended to hold the unethical corporations accountable; and ask her how she hypothetically and constitutionally would go about achieving this.

I've got much more to say about her and if you want me to do research on the cases she litigated, I'd be happy to do so.  I just hope you get this letter in time.

My friends want to know if she can even cite the examples where Republican presidents used executive power that were unconstitutional.  That might be another question.

Still, I know her nomination is really about swaying the rest of the bench on cases involving corporations and misuse of power.  I can see it now.  People of America vs. Lily Pharmaceuticals.  People lose, and everything's coming up Lily.

Monday, October 3, 2005

Assassination: Insurance for Global Policy Makers

Subj: Check out U.S. Army Infantry Homepage  Date: 10/3/2005 10:59:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time From: GoddessOf7Worlds To: Names not disclosed

U.S. Army Infantry Homepage
This is about WHISC  It is a school of assassins and was formed originally as the SOA back in 74.
It's goal is to secure the world for Globalization and sees anyone opposing it in foreign countries such as Latin America, as impeding the program: and they will order the assassination of these objectors. These objectors include nuns, peace workers, and religious or humanitarian missionaries.

Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation or

SOA Watch   or

Stop the WHISC, Plan Colombia, and the Andean Initiative Petition  or

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are in for a huge fight.  Many good people in foreign countries, especially throughout Latin America, have died resisting American trained militias that were recruited from mercenary camps and drug cartels.  Their resistance was always peaceful, but to promote Globalization required a "No Dissent" clause which meant they either consented in silence or their voice would die. No dirge, just a cloak of sorrow.

If you recall, Newt Gingrich came up with The Republican Contract with America. (ty Joe for sending the link for that to me).  It was a move to dilute the power we give to our govt to represent us as it promotes a police state.  Those of us with our eyes open have seen such things from the smallest rights being violated such as helmet laws, to the larger things like the suspension of the habeas corpus and nullifying of the posse comitatus act.

All of this is crucial to push Globalization.  What are we going to do about this?  Which senators would be most responsive to our findings and concerns in such matters?  Which would be directly opposed?  We must not let the opposition get wind of our dissent until we have supporters for global ethics from those in high places.

I love you all dearly.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Who says so? Money or your vote?

Everyone wants to feel that their votes do count but sadly a great portion of this country has grown skeptical and believe their vote is overshadowed by dirty politics or corporate sponsorship through donations that require favors in return.   Others feel that "special interest" lobbying and funding controls the way our leaders are elected . They have lost their taste for getting off their butts and wasting gas to go vote.

Then along comes a special election in the state of California where the replacement Governor of California said, "Any of those kinds of real big, powerful special interests, if you take money from them, you owe them something."

Once elected, he went back on his promises and began taking millions of dollars from special interest sponsors to get some of his initiatives passed which all favored, guess who...his sponsors.  See the below link.

 California Clean Money Campaign Problems: Sacramento Bee, August 28th, 2005

Most of us who believe our vote doesn't count are ready to make the case for the Popular Vote in National Elections but I say that still isn't enough.  This is supposed to be a government of the people for the people and by the people.  If this were the case, we must ask ourselves why it is that most of our elected officals serving at the federal level are wealthy.  If you follow the money, you see that they accept donations up to $21,000 from each doner.  How many of us have that kind of money to send to those we believe in?  Campaign caps should be lowered to a more reasonable amount that will disempower the corporations and special interest groups and favor the individual constituents.  Still, this is not enough.

Arizona and Maine found a more viable solution.  See these links.

Even Marc Spitzer (R Arizona) strongly opposed their move to block the Clean Money Campaign.  The people of Arizona got the measure passed and Marc Spitzer realized that Clean Money Campaigning is the only way to go.  He cited that in past years prior to the Act passing, he spent time at country clubs and anywhere the wealthy were throwing bashes in his name to garnish donations for his campaign.  Now he is relieved to get to the grass-roots issues of his constituents rather than have to sweat it out trying to pass policy the corporate and special interest groups expected him too.  He now has joy in his political career.

This is echoed throughout other states who have Clean Money Campaigning. In California at the beginning of next year a measure titled AB 583 will be decided on.  Please write your assemblymen now. 

For more information, call (800) 566-3780 and visit

For all others, check in your area.  Several states are gearing up for Clean Money Campaignings to help the people have a fair chance at representation and having their votes count.  If there aren't any such things started and you want to start one in your state, contact the above number or web site.

Thank you so much for reading.  Empowerment=Transformation. Let us be active in such matters-together.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Think Globally:Act Locally

The stylists in town shaved the firefighters bald to help J.P. Taft get through his leukemia.  Also, the town of El Sobrante closed off their main road to bring people together in celebration of life.  The week was busy for me but it was all worth it.  Enjoy some of the pics.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Sunday morning 9a.m.

When I need to get away, I sit in my car and smoke a clove.  I think of many things.  This morning I have company.  It is a beautiful shiny black raven.  My noisy friend's head bobs as it bellows out a "Caw-caw-caw."  From where it is perched, at least three blocks can be seen-maybe more.  I caw back and we have a conversation.  I'm not sure what I'm saying but I decide to listen for awhile so that I can say it better. <smile>

Suddenly the raven starts a procession of long drawn out caws and when it finally stops, I hear a raven a few blocks away.  They jibe back and forth for a little bit, these guardians of our neighborhood. They go quiet.  I hear the annoying tinkling of the icecream truck as it rounds our corner.  Icecream at 9a.m.?  It makes it's noisy retreat down and around onto the next block.  The raven leaves me.

Out of the recess of my mind comes some thoughts I'm unable to shake off.  One thought was about the men driving those trucks possibly being terrorists, or those passing messages along to those involved in terrorism.  They say terrorists are amongst us and they live in every ghetto as well as subdivision.  Could that be true?  I tell myself, that this is a crazy thought with absolutely no merit.  Then I ask myself as I try to drum up shame, "What do you have against Icecream men?"

The future answers back, "Yes, messages can be transferred via men in icecream trucks and never be noticed."

I respond, "That is an unreasonable notion."

My past argues on behalf of the future, "Remember Mr. Jolly that icecream man back in San Pablo?"

I'm transported back to 1964-65is to a time when I played with a gal named Wanda Clark. Mr. Jolly rented the small house in their backyard and had an icecream truck. He would always come to Davis Park where we played with hundreds of other kids.  We had rules at Davis Park.  If you were on the merry-go-round,  you had to push it for the next riders.  That way everyone who rode had to push too.

Just as it was my turn, all those who were supposed to push went running to Jolly's truck which had just pulled up.  Only they took a long time while the rest of us were waiting to be pushed. I went to see why they weren't coming back.  As I approached the crowd of little girls gathered around I saw the sign that said Not In Service.  I asked them what they were doing?  I was shushed as a little girl explained that Mr. Jolly had a pet mouse that if we made noise, it would disappear.  She said everyone was waiting their turn to pet it.

I pushed my way through and stood on the first step.  One little girl jumped off Mr. Jolly's lap quickly and it was Wanda's turn. I watched as Wanda reached into the baby blanket on Mr. Jolly's lap so she could pet his mouse.  Mr. Jolly kept cooing, "That's nice.  He likes that. Yes."  Then he told her she could jump up and the mouse would tickle her.  Wanda asked if that wouldn't hurt the mouse and Mr. Jolly explained that mouses like warm places that they miss their moms. I watched her dress fly up as she sat on his lap.  She felt it and wiggled and giggled some too.Mr. Jolly said, "The mouse especially likes you, Wanda.  You are special. Oh yes."

Wanda said, "The mouse wants to get inside me."

Mr. Jolly said, "Its Ok.  The mouse likes your warmth because he misses his mommy very much.  He likes you best of all, Wanda.  Does this feel good?"

She said, "It feels kind of funny.  Yeah, it feels good too."  She giggled and said the mouse was really tickling her. She was on his lap for a very long time and was bouncing.  I was getting impatient and told her we had a turn coming that it was her turn to push.  She said, "Oh, all right."  When she jumped down, I saw that Mr. Jolly didn't have a mouse, it was more like a snake.  He smiled at me and asked me to pet his mouse.  I felt sick, but wasn't sure why.  I explained that I had to go home.  I ran home and told my babysitter about Mr. Jolly's mouse in his lap that was really a snake and that he had been tricking the girls with it.  They all thought they were really petting a mouse.  My babysitter got angry and called some parents then ran next door to her house and spoke to her mother.  Next thing we knew Mr. Jolly was taken away. 

A few days later we all went to help Wanda's mom clean Mr. Jolly's house and we found so many newspapers with pictures of men and girls and men and boys and some painted women doing terrible things.  Turns out Mr. Jolly was a pediophile (sp).  Pediophiles are terrorists, right?

I never have cared for Icecream Men in trucks since that date.  Their songs announcing sweet treats are more of an evil invitation.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Being Gay From This Heterosexual Christian Chick's POV

Gov. Arnold Swarzenegger has decided to meet with representatives with the gay caucus declaring his announcement to veto gay marriages was premature.  He must have considered how fundamentalist Christians would react to gay marriage. 

What do fundamentalists believe in with all their heart?
They believe in family and God.  They believe children have the right to cultural enrichment and identification from having a solid family base.  They believe in family benefits.  They also believe in the right to life and oppose a woman's right to choose.  They are against gay marriage as well.

The irony is this.  Gay people are parents, too.  Are children of gay people to be disallowed the same cultural identification and enrichment the children of heterosexuals have?  Are children of gay parents supposed to be ok with the fact that one parent may have health benefits while the other does not?  Are children of gay parents supposed to suffer the  agenda and judgments of fundamentalists?

What say you?

Chelle Stockman

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Touched by An Angel

The Damsels of Dissent were on a hunt for women who had things to say about the way we Americans are conducting ourselves in this world.  Jenny and I took some time out to go to the Brownsville Blues Fest last Sunday, a mere week ago.

On the way there we passed a 40 mph speed sign and I said to Jen, "You know how 40 mph means nothing over 40 where you live?  Perhaps we ought to practice driving as the sign suggest since we don't know this area." 

She patted me on my knee and said, "Thank you, Chelle-Chelle. You are right."  She slowed down and its a good thing, too.  Up around the bend was a young man in the middle of the 2-lane road waving his arms like a windmill.  We slowed down and stopped for him. I rolled my window down and this dairy-farm wholesome looking baby-faced kid of no more than 15 looked at me, then Jen. 

He said, "Ladies (in a totally southern accent), there's a real bad accident up around the bend. Man on a motorcycle down."

I asked, "Can you tell me if there is safe passage through?"

He said, "Well, yeah, if you hang far to the left but you might drive through some wreckage.  You can make it."

With that we kept going and just as he told us, there was a terrible wreck! The injured man was just layed out and folks were running to him.  He looked me in the eyes and Jen said, "Whoa, what's that all about?"

I said, "A man in a lot of pain, Jen."  We prayed and mused for about 3/4 of a mile when up ahead was another man walking in the middle of the road, going up the mountain as we were.  He looked back at us and blew our minds.  He was the same kid that stopped us almost a mile back.  No way he could have made it that far. Then the red emergency truck came barreling down toward the accident behind us.

After the blues fest I asked an officer about that man and he told me the dude didn't make it.  I was so bummed.  I figured the man had to be only 51 ish.  I told Jen the bad news.   We checked the papers the next day-nothing.  I told her that maybe the fellow who stopped us was an angel.  Afterall, Jen remarked that he wasn't from our area and I had said he was sure a sweet kid.  We both considered that we might have had a visit with an angel who came for that man. We were there and I looked Mr. Beaver in his eyes as we inched our way through.  Here goes the Biker'sstory from the Union in Nevada City.

By Trina Kleist,
September 7, 2005

 Comments (2) Print Friendly Print Email Email

Friends mourned Tuesday for David Michael "Chicago" Beaver, a North San Juan man who was killed when a motorist struck Beaver's motorcycle in Yuba County.

Beaver, 51, was on his way to a blues festival Sunday in the town of Brownsville when an 18-year-old driver hit him and the car behind him, the California Highway Patrol reported. Charges might be filed against the woman whostruck Beaver.

Friends described the Chicago-area native as down-to-earth, a hard worker who laid asphalt on roadways during the summer and looked after elderly neighbors in the winter. "He rode slow, didn't drink and drive on his bike, didn't let any dirt on his bike," said Rhonda Murphy, also of North San Juan.

"He was sweet as cherry pie. He loved women and rock 'n' roll," said friend Jan, who declined to give her last name. "He was part of my mountain and we'll miss him."

At 2:10 p.m. Sunday, Amanda Driggers of Yuba City was driving a 1996 Honda Civic south on Willow Glen road 2.6 miles north of Marysville Road. "She came around a curve in the roadway, failed to stay in her lane and hit the motorcyclist head-on," CHP Sgt. John Pettigrew said.

Beaver had been driving north on his 1994 Harley-Davidson "Fatboy," followed by friend Kathleen Whittlesey in a 1986 Toyota pickup.

The Honda hit the Harley, went on to hit the Toyota, then crumpled against the embankment with the airbags deployed and several windows shattered, the CHP reported.

Whittlesey was not injured and stopped to try to help her friend.

Units arrived from the Foothill Volunteer Fire Department and Bi-County Ambulance, trying unsuccessfully to treat Beaver. He was pronounced dead at the scene, the CHP reported.

Driggers was transported to Rideout Memorial Hospital in Marysville, where she was treated for moderate injuries and released, a nursing supervisor said. An arrest order against her has been issued and charges are expected to be filed after an investigation of the accident is finished, Pettigrew said.

Beaver's friends said there would be a rock 'n' roll wake held Saturday evening at the Brass Rail on Main Street in North San Juan.


Trina Kleist may be contacted at 477 4231 or

Thursday, September 8, 2005

letter to Kathleen Babineaux Blanco-gov. of Louisianna

If I could hug you and our people there, I surely would.  Instead, I've been thinking. In the wake of Katrina, we don't have to perpetuate the horrors.  Instead we have an opportunity in New Orleans to accomplish what others have said would be too costly to do due to the fact we'd have to tear down and rebuild a new infrastructure.

You folks can build the first big-scale earth friendly energy center which would use "green" technology.  That alone would provide employment and it would be done so in American ethical form.

You could ask the engineers and scientists to step up to the plate and devise an environmentally friendly fuel source that we didn't need to barter or war for.  In addition, fuel conversion kits could be made for home and vehicle use and the industries could locate along the gulf states that require rebuilding.

Now is the time to build an infrastructure that will withstand natural catastrophes and will also slow, eventually end, the effects of global warming.
Imagine the jobs to be created here at home in America--living wages jobs for Americans building truly American products.  Even the industries could be environmentally friendly.

Where others see blame and no end in sight, I see an opportunity to change our country for the betterment of our universe.
Please, Madam Governor, lead us on.  Lead us Louisiana, lead us forward.

My heart's hopes are in your competent hands. God is with you folks.

Chelle Stockman

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

September 6, 2005



Our children choose to serve our country for many reasons. Lance Cpl. Phillip West asked his father, “If I don’t, then who will?”  Sadly, Edward West’s editorial reported that his son died in the line of duty.

My son goes into the military next year for what he hopes will be a long career because as he put it, “Our fathers knew when the Bill of Rights were drawn up, liberty would be a lifetime battle.”

People like Mrs. Sheehan and those who oppose her are proof that some of our liberties remain intact.  I thank them for using these rights and doing so without violence.

Real republicans have seen to it we still have our right to bear arms while the real democrats have seen to it that we still have our rights of free speech.  However, due to the necessity for Homeland Security, the one liberty that united both of the largest political parties has gone by the wayside, much as the credibility of both parties has.  High-tech crimes and policing, surveillance cameras on highways and tracking cards used for shoppers and gamblers, leave the average person stripped of privacy.

            Freedom and liberty come at a high price. If we don’t use them responsibly, we stand to lose them altogether which wouldn’t hurt the World Order’s agenda of globalization.  While our children are fighting wars this fast-tracking out-sourcing tax deferring corporate government creates and sponsors, it is up to us to secure our liberties so our children have some left to return home to.

A reminder: Governor George W. Bush’s words when Clinton was president. "Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the President to explain to us what the exit strategy is." --Governor George W. Bush (R-TX)

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Friggin Katrina

Last night late, I tried to call my friend the Hippy.  He resides in Colorado, a place that isn't under the spell of Katrina.  I couldn't connect to him.  It dawned on me today that the cell signal towers were out because of this spirit of far reaching winds.

Panic set in on me this morning when I realized that I have people I care for who live in Mississippi and Louisiana that I had not kept contact with due to personal differences.  Today taught me, as I sought any way to contact them--only to fail, that it is far better to keep in touch; because you never know, I mean you just never know when we shall forever disappear from each other's lives.

I cannot watch these stories without having a part of my heart shredded. Yet, I do.  Pain is the only way I can drum up the presence of those who can't contact anyone to let them know they are alive.  God protect them, feed them, and lead them to safety. 

If this was something I could repent of and it would stop, then I would do so. Let those of us who pray continue to do so. 

Today's Conversations and Odd Tidbits

Today, everywhere I went, people were talking about the hurricane Katrina. But, like Katrina, our conversations took some unexpected twists and turns.  The most alarming comment was how the weather front did the most devastation in the "red" states.  I won't repeat what followed, but if you have any recollection of those states, you can guess where the conversation ended up.  Check out the red state/blue state map.

I spoke with a man who spoke no English.  He was from Chile.  I did pretty good on my own but did much better with his cousin as our interpreter.  I inquired about the savings certificates that all their people had now that they had a privatized social retirement program.  I explained that my curiousity peeked when our president told us how well it was doing, how happy and proud the people of Chile are with their savings books that they carry on them as he tried to sell our country on the idea.  This fellow warned me and told me that the rich are all busy selling us untruths.  He explained that not one of them is being truthful that they are in the golden boot (collusion) together. He told me about General, César Gaviria, distinguished former President of Colombia and how he too had fallen to the side of untruth that the people in Chile have never been so discontent.  So I decided to look this fellow up and check out what date this speech of his was, and who was present.  I did more follow-up and this fellow was telling me the truth.  Here is the link:

I asked some folks if they heard what happened to Dick Luger (R-Ind) and Barack Obama (D-Ill) while trying to leave out of Russia to continue their trip to Ukraine.  Each and every person who knew the name Obama ,skipped over the little problem the two senators met up with. They all said something like this. "Obama for president!"  Interesting.  As a matter of fact, I think he would make a fine leader.  More curious is why the National Security Force of Russia wanted to search Obama's and Luger's plane, especially since it is against international diplomatic policy.  This occured in Perm, Russia.  If I were Obama, I'd be watching my back. And.... what about Luger and Obama????  I mean, what an odd couple!

Like the block buster movie of the week, Cindy Sheehan continues to be high on the spin list of the media.  I've been patient as they paint pretty much the same picture of what one little gal from Vacaville, Calif. has accomplished; and, still the media misses the mark.  This one woman has acquired the attention of international media and what is on display to the entire world?  Democracy-Liberty-Freedom of expression.  Not only that, she has many people dissenting her dissent.  This my friends is huge news! Huge!  The entire world is watching as one woman has succeeded in making herself heard in a time where a supposedly evil country like the United States does nothing to stop her.  Not only that, others are opposing this one woman.  She must be important!   Imagine, one woman being that important.  Imagine others being allowed to disagree and not be shot or imprisoned.  The world is getting a far different picture of democracy and America that it had with the promise of freedom that lead to a war which destroyed all resources the people need.

On the other hand, the world sat watching a show they might never have watched had some American not used his liberties so  irresponsibly.  Yup, Pat Robertson was at it again.  It wasn't bad enough that he said to his viewers (I happened to be channel surfing and caught him!) that Muslims believe they are rewarded heavily when they are martyred, so why don't we go make martyrs out of every last one of them.  This time he merely thought assassintation would be more cost effective so why don't we assassinate this evil communist, good friend of America's enemy, Fidel Castro.

Cindy Sheehan used our rights and it was good for the world to see.  Robertson used our rights irresponsibly and the ripples haven't slapped our asses yet--but they will.  Still, I'm a firm believer that if you don't use it, you lose it (have it taken away) but freedom comes with responsibility.  Live and learn; or die a dummy.  Good job Ms. Sheehan! Pat, Pat, Pat<slap!!!>

One more thing, check out the Hutchinson-Wampoa Shipping lines.  Would you  be surprised to learn that they are owned by the Chinese Army?

They control the northern and southern entrance of the Panama Canal. 

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Our Troops

I subscribe to military news in hardcopy and online.  Today, one of my favorite web sites shared a woman's blog who is in Iraq.  The Military Government has decided that they must monitor the blogs of our military personnel for security reasons. 

There is an upside to this but also a downside.  For some of us, their words will be the last we shall ever see of them.  They have to all registar to blog now.  Soon, they will all have to have special clearance to send emails home.

Come home dear ones.  Come home to us soon.

Below is one of my favorite links.  If you are into conspiracy links, you won't find a conspiracy here--just old fashioned information.,13319,FL_blogs_081305,00.html?

Tuesday, August 9, 2005


Today I noticed that people were more relaxed, almost resigned to something I could not see with my eyes. I could sure feel it, whatever it was.  I figured since it was my only day off, Tuesday, I'd take a drive.  I thought about going to a favorite coffee house in Vallejo called Listen and Be Heard.  It is where poets gather and good coffee is served.  At the last minute I headed toward the I80 instead. 

The gas station where I filled up last week at $2.45 a gallon, today advertised gas at $2.68 a gallon.  I turned on the radio and thought about the inflation our president spoke of as being at an all time low just yesterday while in New Mexico.  I wondered when we could get some relief before I had to resort in raising my prices--just one more added expense to my clients already stretched budgets. Then as if on cue, the news announced that our prime rate is due to increase by a sizeable amount which means our credit card interest rates are about to go up.  Great.  Friggin great.

I ended up at a new casino just 20 miles away.  It was totally packed.  People from every walk of life were plunking their dollars away.  Me too. I enjoyed myself and didn't spend too much, thank God. On the way home, every restaurant and bar was packed.  I guess folks figured like I did, that what the hell.  Better spend it before some stranger claims it as their interest.

We are in an unhealthy period financially.  It is nationwide.  The trick is to eat very little, do next to nothing unless it involves earning a living, and invest anything you have leftover into something that has a chance of earning money.  I asked folks at the slot machines what they thought about the economy.  They all had lost money in their retirement plans--blue collar workers and average middle class folks.  What struck me as one of those things where you just go "huh...", was that every person I spoke to figured they had a better chance of bettering their current situation through gambling!  Holy Smokes!  I went there to win as well.  Who gambles to lose?  Still, we must ask ourselves, when did investing in a financial portfolio become too much of a gamble to risk that people are suddenly more willing to gamble in casinos?

I hope the nation's economy heals soon.  I know that something good has to come from all our lamentations.  Right?  Right?             


Friday, July 22, 2005

Sham el Sheik Explosion

What If?

They reported that a car filled with explosives crashed a gate at the resort where Egyptians and Europeans take their holiday.  The governor of South Sinai province suggested but did not state that it was a suicide bombing.

But, what if they find a body or evidence that a body was there?  What if that body had been murdered before, a hostage or some such human, and explosives were also strapped to that body which was strapped into the driver's seat?  What if the vehicle was driven by remote? 

Too bad an autopsy couldn't be done. I'm curious.  Ok, Ok, so I write fiction occassionaly. I've learned that all my good stuff eventually comes true leaving me to believe that a great deal of reality comes out of imagination.,,2-10-1462_1742380,00.html

The news reported:

Strong blasts

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, which came nine months after simultaneous bombings hit two resort further north in Sinai, killing 34 people.

One of the explosives-laden cars smashed through security into the front driveway of the Ghazala Gardens hotel and exploded.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

The War For Our Belief

The time has come where the push towards Globalism has loosened every brainwashing technique ever tried on mankind.  We are being controlled on every level, especially in America.  Diabetis is a response to brainwashing.  I'll come back to write more on this later. Go ahead and call me nuts.  I've got some research to do.

Saturday, July 9, 2005

The Dreams of Lana Wolfe

Years ago, I'd dream in two identities.  I was Eve Rivers and Lana Wolfe.  Writing about the Dreams of Lana Wolfe, I began research.  I wanted to make sense of the dreams I was having not so much for personal meaning but for the movie like qualities the dreams projected.

I went up to Oregon to look for possible Eco-terrorist sites.  I learned about the Kyoto Protocols, some quickie pros and cons from everyone concerned including different environmental groups.  I began studying Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and their methods of operation which were many and diverse.  I studied their history; they began in the United Kingdom, particularly London, England.

They used timed detonation devices and used simple products to begin fires, stuff you could buy at hardware stores. I got much of that information off the FBI websites way back before 9/11.  Many of the ELF members were against the Kyoto protocols. They felt them to be a form of posturing that didn't take the environmental woes seriously in that we wouldn't be moving away from the use of raping land for fossil fuels and we would still be encouraged to use fossil fuels with additives.

They loathed genetically altered life-period.  I am not aware of them killing humans intentionally but these are different times, a new decade and a new century.

The G8 summit was meant to begin some environmental talks.  More posturing? Maybe so, but the stuffed shirts have to begin somewhere.

(Japan subway, America WTC during Clinton's watch, Spain trainstation-who's next? Germany? Russia? India?) I see a connection.

I'm having a terribly difficult time believing the Islamic Terrorist/Jihadists groups had anything to do with the London (timed) explosions. This particular set of explosions, forgive me for saying so,  were a tad too simple(elegant not sloppy) and clean to be one of the splinter groups of the Islamic nations. 

I suppose it really doesn't matter who committed the attrocity; it was unnecessary.  The leaders will concoct a story to manipulate or sedate the general public, whatever suits their whims. 

It's like John Kerry pointed out to us.  Terrorism should be treated as a constant threat, the kind of stuff police should be trained to deal with, like in gang violence which never dies.

We live in a crowded world with many an agenda and alot of people craving attention.  It's all about getting attention, even if it requires the death of innocents.

God protect our minds and help us to protect one another.  Amen.

Thursday, July 7, 2005

Never an excuse to bomb innocents.

They say this morning's explosions in London were done by al-qaeda affiliates.  I don't believe this. I'd like to begin to formulate why.

The French last week did not want Paris to do all that work in their bid for the Olympics.  Paris completed it anyway.  Yesterday, London won the bid for the Olympics and suddenly some people of France were offended.

The Egyptian envoy was beheaded, the one who didn't want to make the trip at the Saudi's request. He did so and was kidnapped then beheaded.

In Scotland at Gleneagle, the G8 summit was being held, the very place Tom Delay had taken part of his 3 week vacation.  The people of Scotland did not want Bush or Blair there.  They were in fact insulted.

So there are 3 possible connections to this series of explosions in the subways and buses of London.

Today the explosive devices were not deemed to be dirty bombs and no suicide bomber was attached.  It is my guess that the devices were strategically placed with remote detonation devices attached.  This is the kind of work the Palestinian Liberation Front and the Irish Republican Army used to do back in the 70s.  Both would definately see an opportunity to gain attention and both might feel they have a motive.  These attacks were well thougtht out and planned.  There is only one organizer who used such sophisticated methods for such little destruction.  He was an engineer and he was mercenary we once used.  Perhaps it was one of his proteges.  I doubt it. I truly doubt it. He has bigger fish to fry and is probably under direct orders to lay low for now by his sponsors.  No, I doubt bin Laden had anything to do with this one- though they are already saying on News entertainment stations that he is responsible.

John Kerry was right, we must treat this as a constant police matter.  One gang of bombers goes down and another rises, just like all other gangs.  Let's keep aware, folks. 


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

(R) George Allen of Virginia Re: The Syria Documents

Subj: The Syria Documents  Date: 6/21/2005 1:45:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time From: GoddessOf7Worlds To:     (my friends)

I cannot seem to get away from the February 16th, 2000 interview done with GWBush and Jim Leherer.  It keeps coming back and biting.  It's all there.  He says everything he has been saying today.  He had intent, oh yes he did--plenty of it.
Online NewsHour: Newsmaker: George W. Bush -- February 16, 2000

With John Bolton as his nomination to the UN, he would have a spy.  You see, I know I'm right when I say that Food For Oil program was co-sponsored by Germany, Russia, and France because they too heard Bush's words.

John Bolton and the mysterious Syria Documents.  Ask yourselves what it means?  Keep in mind that in Bush's interview in 2000 he spoke quite a bit on going to war with Syria.  I heard R. George Allen speak on CSPAN.  So I wrote him.

Here goes that letter:

Dear Mr. Allen,

You told the US today that our elected officials of the Democratic Party continue to obstruct the up-or-down vote.  How would you like it if the voters slung similar dirt on the Republican Party by saying something like, "The Republicans are a paranoid war-mongering lot who cast blame everywhere else when they might be called to some accountability for their nefarious actions"? 
That isn't too cool, is it sir?
All I ask is that you help to maintain an example in this world that is humane.  If the rest of the world sees us as patsies then lets go isolationist. We don't need a spy in the UN.  We all know that that is what Bolton is going to be-a spy. He wants to keep his eye on, as our president has said, "The temporary leader of Russia...", Putin. 
Please allow me to remind you of Governor Bush's words to us from 2000.

Bush does plan on taking us to Syria.  Why don't you represent us in America by helping to release the Syria Documents.  Please, sir.  I don't want my sons going to war there, or anywhere else for that matter. 

I know you are in Virginia, but I do watch you all.  Why?  Because our people elected you. Please keep our needs in mind and check this fellow out closely. 
Thank you, sir.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Republicans Keep the House Ethics Committee Busy

San Diego's paradise is rocked (not really because money doesn't care what money does) by the actions of their elected Republican Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham.

An AP report in the Sunday Times Herald says that this member of the House defense appropriations subcommittee sleeps on Mitchell Wade's (pres. of MZm Inc. a defense contractor) yacht in D.C.  Apparently, Duke also sold Wade his San Diego home at an inflated price, but that was OK because MZM began being awarded large government contracts.  Something must have gone wrong because Wade is miffed at having lost $700,000 of his investment.

So Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility are calling for an investigation.  Wonder how Duke Cunningham will wiggle out of this.  Think he will blame others for doing the same thing as Delay continously does?  Man, oh man.  Sure are a lot of snakes that slither out of those Bushes.

Wonder what happened about Delay and his trip to Scotland.  Aren't world leaders due to congregate there this coming month?  Isn't there going to be another G8 Summit?  Hmm.  Delay fixing Scotland? or...Delay fixing the Summit?  Not even Pelosi can do something like that.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

No liberties? No liberals present.

I watched Sandy Froman on CSPAN.  They gave her time to spread a "conservative" message.  Nevermind the conflicts that dripped out of her legalized rhetoric.  Overall, her message was that we have a right to bear arms and it should never be jeopardized.  I do agree with that. 

She seemed to be like so many others who bear arms in that she felt the liberals were her enemy or some pestulence undeserving of such fine rights.

I believe that a liberal stripped of their civil rights isn't a liberal at all. So rather than give her some cute little stories, I sent her one bone chilling reminder.

While I'm armed, I'm not ready to join the butched or aryan(sp) women that bedeck the NRA--yet.


Subj: SandyFroman nra guns   Date: 6/18/2005 11:09:27 PM Pacific Standard Time From: Chelle Stockman To: GoddessOf7Worlds

Dear Sandy Froman:

I'm with you in the area of protecting the constitution.  I also believe in bearing arms to protect us against a government that becomes corporate sponsored to the point that the people our constitution was designed to protect become endangered as we exercise our liberties. More simply put, this current administration and the past few presidencies have been an enemy to our constitution.

Damn shame about that nullification of the Posse Comitatus Act which led to the Davidian compound massacre.  Of course, what good are four weapons against a militia of tanks?  Thank you President Clinton and Governor Bush.  Ms. Reno, you weren't slick enough to see what they had planned.
Oh and Ms. Froman, just what liberals are you talking about?

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The People On AOL

It is the people on AOL that have given me reason to renew my subscription.  I've made friends over the last decade with some remarkable souls-all whom I met on AOL.

It is my hope that people will show some respect for others, not make assumptions about their personal life, and accept graciously whatever the other may say about themselves, without attack.  I know we all have good days and bad days and I also know that we will all make some assumptions about people we have never met.  When we do, I hope the others will refrain from TOS'ng us.  So many of the best arguers have been TOS'd in the past 4 months.  Some of them are no longer around.  I know some of you don't like to argue with these "jerks", but I respect those who challenge my mind.  When the challenge goes beyond mere words, when I must actively be present and learn, that is what good chat in chatrooms is about for me--not what authors I truly dig, not what I did on Wednesday night, but what I am able to discover that will help grow the person I'm becoming. 

So thank you all for being who you are.  Thank you for the privlege of telling you off when I feel you have crossed the line.  Thank you for not TOS'ng me when I do so.

I look forward to more flavored and colorful discussions with all those I know and all those I've not yet encountered.  

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Freedom calls

The internet is a great place, a bastion of freedom, well it used to be.  Anymore these days, people say what is on their minds and they get kicked out of chatrooms for it.  They even get their internet service revoked. 

I've had no problem with that.  I'm told I am too pollyanna to say anything bad.  Those who say that don't know what I am capable of but in all fairness to them, I don't want to say anything inhumane to others.  I don't want to make folks feel bad.  Sure, I hope to provoke them.  I want them to provoke me some too.  It is through these kinds of tests that I am able to refine myself.  I become a tad more humane and on a deeper level when I overcome these tests. 

Of course I can be tested outside of the internet, but people here are not in my line of fire.  I won't follow them home and flatten their tires.  LOL  In fact, I'll smile and pray for them, something I might get decked for doing outside of the internet.  Imagine how frustrating it would be to someone wishing me misfortune, if I were to smile.  No, AOL has provided a relatively safe forum to discover my level of humanity towards others.

I'm considering leaving aol.  I require the internet for research but have discovered that there is nothing like doing live interviews.  You can do them by fax, by phone, and in person. I love chatroom environments for the above mentioned reasons, but perhaps it is time to move on.  I'm hoping this feeling will pass, but it feels to me more like an important decision. 

I won't be blogging or chatting.  Can I live without that? Only time will tell.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Howard Dean Getting To Ya? Good!

Ya know, it is easy to get upset when Dean speaks.  His booming voice explodes through our daily routine and our selfish thoughts about where we are going to get our next pair of Bermuda Shorts.  He says stuff like, "{Those} Republicans never worked an honest day of work in their life." 

In regard to the fillibuster on MSNBC, "But if you look at what's good for America not what's good for the Republican Party, what the Republicans want to do is not good for America."  

Refering to Tom De Lay he said to Mr. Russert, "You have a Republican leader who has been admonished three times by the Ethics Committee, and his response is to get rid of the Ethics Committee or render them inoperable. "  

 Still part of the Russert interview. (Videotape, May 14):

DR. DEAN:  I think Tom DeLay ought to go back to Houston, where he can serve his jail sentence down there courtesy of the Texas taxpayers.

Dean responding to Russert's assertions pertaining to another interviewee's pot shot at Dean saying Dean was in the wrong. 

DR. DEAN:  As I said before, we're not speculating here.  Three of the things I've mentioned he has already done and been admonished for by the House Ethics Committee.  Look, Harry Truman was campaigning in 1948, and a guy went up and said, "Give 'em hell, Harry!"  And Harry Truman said, "I don't give 'em hell. I just tell the truth and the Republicans think it's hell." reports as Howard Dean defends his comments:

Dean told a forum of journalists and minority leaders Monday that Republicans are "not very friendly to different kinds of people, they are a pretty monolithic party ... it's pretty much a white, Christian party."
Challenged on that during the NBC interview, Dean said "unfortunately, by and large it is. And they have the agenda of the conservative Christians."     He went on to say,
"This is a diversion from the issues that really matter: Social Security, and adequate job opportunity, strong public schools, a strong defense," Dean said.

The buttcheeks of Democrats and Republicans alike tighten when Howard Dean speaks these days, but consider that the Democrats have been shrinking away as the GOP chips at every thing they do. They (the frame artists of the GOP who can take something beautiful and show it as tawdry and cheap) effectively labeled a fellow representative, Dem Congressman Gary Condit, in the death of Chandra Levy, all without having to offer proofs. In the minds of Americans it stuck as truth.  Fact is, Gary didn't kill Chandra but his seat was filled with a Republican.  The length the GOP has gone to to get their agenda on the table makes the old mafia look like patsies at some girlie-mon show.

Howard is trying to wake the Democrats up but it seems that all he is doing is ruffling feathers of the yuppies in the DNC who are currently, no doubt, buying stock in hemorrhoid creams.  This is only temporary.  The Dems will waken and toss the elephant off their backs.  There shall come a time we (the dems) will no longer shoulder the burden of the GOP.  They have burdened the donkey long enough.  

Dean wants to show the republican Americans that this is how their party has always campaigned and how they have always spoken about Democrats. So he is merely giving the Republicans back what they have said was true about the Democrats, and what do they do?  They cry!  They act all angry as though they are surprised.  To these people who cry out for the Golden Rule but curse it when it works against their efforts, I have this to say,  "Well, well, well, which way is it?  Careful, your answer might get you a health pension in Galveston, Texas, home of DeLay's delay. "

That's the issue here folks.  Let's get DeLay out of the way, then go after the others.

I want to go on all records as being convicted in my heart.  The corporate thugs of the GOP are dirt shovelling people.  They don't worry that someone standing in their way may be squeaky clean. They are masters and dirtying reputations.  They would succeed in bringing down even Mother Theresa.  Do I blame them?  Well, the bible says, "whatsoever you do to the least of these, you do also to me." So I figure God will take care of the GOP but I do blame all those of us who subscribe to their misrepresentationof truths and deem them to be facts.  Yes, it is those of us willing to believe the corporate sponsored advertising that I do blame. 

I just got another vision of GW Bush and Sean Hannity.  Man oh man, they remind me of "Me and Mini-Me" from the Austin Powers flick.  <shudder>   

It isn't too late for us to change our habits. Nope.  It's always a great day for repentance.  Shall we?