Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Suggestions for the Judiciary Committee in the Miers decision

Dear Senator Feinstein:

Regarding the lack of a paper trail from Harriet Miers, you can find such things in the firms she worked for.  One such firm was Locke, Liddell and Sapp where she shared the role as head of the firm and was copartner.  They were made to pay 22 million for a judgment where they defrauded their investors.  There were several similar cases with smaller amounts of judgment against them.  Erxleben comes to mind.

Lawyers never change their ethical spots and you can know a lawyer by simply understanding the firms they work for.  The fact is, this firm had many unethical practices and refused to admit accountability for their actions.  Remember, she was a big fella of this firm, not some simple schmuck doing internship.

Her specialty was corporate law and her friend, our president, spoke of his agenda to end class action lawsuits.  My heart sunk when he said that.  Who better than Ms. Miers to make compelling arguments in corporate cases with her judicial colleagues on the Supreme Court.

Asking her about Roe v Wade is a waste of time.  Instead, look up precedent setting corporate cases, class action lawsuits, and investment fraud cases.  Ask her about these things.  Look her in her eyes and ask her how she supports the president in his hopes of doing away with class action lawsuits which are intended to hold the unethical corporations accountable; and ask her how she hypothetically and constitutionally would go about achieving this.

I've got much more to say about her and if you want me to do research on the cases she litigated, I'd be happy to do so.  I just hope you get this letter in time.

My friends want to know if she can even cite the examples where Republican presidents used executive power that were unconstitutional.  That might be another question.

Still, I know her nomination is really about swaying the rest of the bench on cases involving corporations and misuse of power.  I can see it now.  People of America vs. Lily Pharmaceuticals.  People lose, and everything's coming up Lily.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She has no court experience but she is a political hack....just Like Brown the head of FEMA was