Monday, October 3, 2005

Assassination: Insurance for Global Policy Makers

Subj: Check out U.S. Army Infantry Homepage  Date: 10/3/2005 10:59:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time From: GoddessOf7Worlds To: Names not disclosed

U.S. Army Infantry Homepage
This is about WHISC  It is a school of assassins and was formed originally as the SOA back in 74.
It's goal is to secure the world for Globalization and sees anyone opposing it in foreign countries such as Latin America, as impeding the program: and they will order the assassination of these objectors. These objectors include nuns, peace workers, and religious or humanitarian missionaries.

Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation or

SOA Watch   or

Stop the WHISC, Plan Colombia, and the Andean Initiative Petition  or

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are in for a huge fight.  Many good people in foreign countries, especially throughout Latin America, have died resisting American trained militias that were recruited from mercenary camps and drug cartels.  Their resistance was always peaceful, but to promote Globalization required a "No Dissent" clause which meant they either consented in silence or their voice would die. No dirge, just a cloak of sorrow.

If you recall, Newt Gingrich came up with The Republican Contract with America. (ty Joe for sending the link for that to me).  It was a move to dilute the power we give to our govt to represent us as it promotes a police state.  Those of us with our eyes open have seen such things from the smallest rights being violated such as helmet laws, to the larger things like the suspension of the habeas corpus and nullifying of the posse comitatus act.

All of this is crucial to push Globalization.  What are we going to do about this?  Which senators would be most responsive to our findings and concerns in such matters?  Which would be directly opposed?  We must not let the opposition get wind of our dissent until we have supporters for global ethics from those in high places.

I love you all dearly.

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