Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Navy Recruiters

I guess all the military services are having troubles with enlistment.  Yesterday while I was talking to Jenny a Navy Recruiter interupted.  I waited.  He asked about her youngest son who is 24, how he was doing, what he was doing and Jenny didn't feel comfortable about answering such questions because anyone who knew her son knew he no longer lived there.

She said, "I am his mother.  Who are you?"

"Oh, well ma'am.  [your son] and I spoke back when he was in highschool.  I'm with the Navy Recruitment Office."

She said, "I'm uncomfortable in giving out my son's information.  Just so you know, we are ashamed of the war in Iraq and do no support it."

"We'll ma'am, that is the army.  We are the Navy."

"Look.  Don't pull that crap on me.  It is wartime.  Your enlistments are down or you wouldn't be calling," she said, then added, "We aren't interested."

"Ma'am? Would your son be more interested if he had that $84,000.00 signing bonus?"

"So 84 thousand is the price tag you put on my son?  You have determined his life is valued at $84,000.00?"

They begged off the phone after he asked her to take down his information.  I know it is going to be awhile till she sees her son.  He travels around the world.

Jenn was fast thinking.  Her brood was threatened today.

No WMD, no proliferation of weapons, biological or otherwise- still they want our children.  Numbers.  They want numbers.  I wonder what the new enlistments will be offered and where the next war is going to be fought since Bush declared our Victory in Iraq long ago.  Good day to you all.  May your brood be safe.

It all begins in Texas

From corporal punishment to privatized rip-offs, Texas leads us all. 

They lead the country in the most fatalities due to child-abuse and the most fatalities due to spousal abuse.  They privatized their social security fully for over a decade in three counties with the following as results: The wealthy did better than they would have had they stayed in social security while the poor suffered losses and in some cases became beholden to a welfare subsidy.  Brilliant.  Help the rich screw the poor.  Sooner you can help the poor die, the better off we will all be. (don't really mean it)

When we look for examples of success it makes it truly difficult to follow those coming out of Texas.  Odd how they all went to Galveston yesterday, Tom DeLay's territory to discuss Social Security Reform.  Here is a link that originated from the Chicago Sun and we ran in February.

Look, I'm thinking we all contribute a percentage up to a dollar ceiling amount which should guarantee benefits at a certain rate.  From there, we are already allowed to invest in privatized accounts.  I don't understand why we are pushing this now.  We have been allowed to fund our own retirements for years and even cease paying into social security since 1981.  However, I want us to all put in money up to a celing amount.  (That's my opinion because we must have a guarentee that we pay into, not something we get on the backs of others).  The privatized contributions would be on those who had more to invest.  The wealthier people would be taking greater risks and many will do much better than social security could ever do for them.  They ought to be allowed to do this and they are.  So when Clinton started this mess of reform when we had a surplus in our budget, I wonder why Bush is perpetuating it after that surplus is gone--and then some.  Again, it is just me wondering wtf is going on.

As for corporal punishment, a little discipline such as spankings should be allowed, but in the schools these days, we have too many people who can be brought up on civil rights lawsuits, both deserving to be and undeserving to be.  It is how our laws work for us and against us.  Personal ethics must be seeded and tended in order to grow.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Christians-The demise of this Country? chelle stockman

One day, the world will call for the death of Christians.  They will blame us for all that has gone wrong.  I never understood why anyone would want me dead or want my brothers and sisters dead.

But when you consider how easy it has been to get a lot of Christians together to help make political decisions you can begin to understand why it is quite possible that the world will come to hate us.

Frisk knows this and is now swaying us through good sense talks.  Trouble with good sense talks is that Frisk and his pals manipulate all the sense fed to us--not good.  They want the fillibuster to end when just ten years ago they were all for it.  Democrats were admanent about getting rid of the fillibuster back in those days, of course they didn't exploit the fledglings (christians) as this current administration is hell bent on doing.

The fillibuster is designed to give the minority a voice.  Look, if there was good research done on a subject (and it is usually too biased to be good), there would be no need to have a fillibuster.  Why don't we the people say, "These are the rules of the senate.  Do your research, represent us, ask us what we think, inform us and do the American thing. For once, put your party talk behind you."

Please take time to go to this link and answer some questions.

Thank you,

Chelle Stockman

Friday, April 22, 2005

Just A Few Little Things...

Remember how history went with Benito Mussolini?   Remember what we have created for history with Saddam Hussein?  Both were in the way of our goals and it was possible that our goals were good ones ultimately.  It is still too early for me to say but I do know that while Italy was being occupied by Germany, propaganda pertaining to the ill tempered Hindus was spreading which ultimately resulted in The Muslim League exterminating a great portion of them.  This was in the 40s.

We are after the natural gas in the Caspian Sea which the people of Gorgan (Iranians) control.  We removed Saddam because we could not count on him to help us get the Natural Gas.  He was a Sunni.  Right now, the Shi-ites are spreading stories about the Sunni people.  They are accusing the Sunni of kidnapping and killing them.  This is how it happened in the 40s to the Hindus.  Over a million of them were killed in so called defense maneuvers.  I wonder how many Sunnis will die in this era. In that area, the Sunni make up 32- 38 percent of the people with most of them being Kurdish in origin.  Looks like the Kurds can't get away from the genocide that is chasing them. 

Let's just watch and see.



Now, Go thank your Senators, please.

Subj: Letter to Senator John Voinovich & John Kerry  Date: 4/22/2005 2:34:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: Chelle Stockman To: GoddessOf7Worlds

Dear Senator Voinovich,
What can I say?   THANK YOU-THANK YOU-THANK YOU.  Your honesty is something I've not seen a lot of lately.  Our nation is under a spirit of anti-pluralism and ill-liberalism right now. 

In regard to appointing John Bolton as the U.S.Ambassdor to the U.N.,we truly need to think on this.  We need discussion.  If someone has proved they usurp the the integrity and authority of others while alienating subordinates, we must not allow that person to represent us.

Your timing was brilliant and you made me cry.  To admit that you weren't aware of allegations that you heard them did a lot for my belief in our system.  With good people like yourself, democracy American style works.

Thank you for bypassing the labeling of democrats and republicans.  Thank You. 
I'm overjoyed to be an American.

Rochelle Stockman

Dear Senator Kerry,

THANK YOU-THANK YOU-THANK YOU!  You are wonderful, sir.  I appreciate your patience and eloquence, your persistence and the way you handled the issues regarding John(the beast)Bolton.  You, Bidon, Boxer have a friend and concerned partner for America in Senator George Voinovich.  I'm telling you, I cried when American considerations seemed to be failing.  When Voinovich said he hadn't been aware of the sins of Bolton and until they checked things out he wouldn't be willing to vote.  Well, you were there.  I watched, glued to C-Span! 

I wrote him to thank him.  He deserves it.  You all do, well those of you who were more interested in truth than fighting the labels put upon us.  The truth is, this isn't a republican-democrat fight.  We are warring anti-pluralists and those possessed by a spirit of ill-liberalism.

Keep up the good fight sir.  I love you.

Chelle Stockman of California.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Reminder for Chelle--Sunday afternoon

Michael Jackson settled out of court the last time which was in 1994.  Clinton was president and the "white water scandal" was under foot.  Michael Jackson's publicity from this trial took our minds off a great deal of White House stuff at that time and got our minds off of war efforts abroad.  Plus, there wasn't a lot in mainstream news pertaining to NAFTA which had the more compassionate people in-the-know spitting mad.

 Michael Jackson: 1993 allegation of child sexual abuse - Learn all about Michael Jackson: 1993 allegation of child sexual abuse

 We spoke of many things today.  We spoke of evil triumphing for a time.  She maintained the Protestants are the real evil doers of this day.  She was upset.

We spoke of the importance of the work we do in today's world.  I spoke of how difficult it is for me to accept a gift.  God gave me certain gifts and not a one so far has involved a lot of money in an account or in a purse for that matter.  I'm doing the best with what I have, well, at least the best I know how.  Jenn is too.  Al is happier as he quit his job and is going out on his own.  God lead and bless Al please.  Thank you.  * Jesus.  Jenn and I reminded ourselves how when death knocks on the door darkness comes to haunt people.  She is being kind of haunted now as she takes care of Joyce who seems to have taken a turn for the worst. 

Hospice workers wear out , burn out but they have an important grace to pass on.  In the last weeks and days, comforting the person who is to pass away and helping them to be more upbeat, these are the things that beat the darkness back.  Amen.

I can't remember what else we spoke of but we spoke of much.  I wanted to blog it so it would help others but also so we could remember it and my goodness, I've forgotten already what it is that I wanted to write. 

Oh,Yori and I got into it once again and it was over the same old thing--alternative energy.  I don't know why he is so opposed to it.  What is up with him, anyway?  It isn't the accusations he makes any time I or anyone else speaks on the subject, it goes beyond that.  Maybe he is frightened by the consequences of our consumption?  Maybe he knows something devastating we aren't aware of and for our protection he holds it in without letting it out?  I don't get it.   

Time to go home and fix dinner now so I can make it back later for more cleaning.  Maybe then, I will remember what it was that I forgot.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Road To...

Blighted Choice

By Chelle Stockman



            No reservations necessary! Wombs available in America. The unborn strangers have rights to life at the expense of a woman’s right to choose.  Apparently the wombs of American women are the new courthouses for creationists.

            Yes, the moral extremists are at it again.  In the past they maintained that a married woman is not allowed to deny her husband his sexual cravings, not allowed to take contraceptives if that husband wants children and if the unmarried women have sex then they must suffer the consequences and bear the fruit of their shame.  They have demonstrated consistently their beliefs that a woman does not have the right to choose; and have vehemently fought against a woman’s right to terminate pregnancy even in the first trimester citing a passage of Exodus that declares an eye for an eye or a life for a life mandate.

            But in truth, women have, for the most part, found a way to get around terminating unwanted pregnancies.  How?  Contraception.  The right to contraception is coming under fire and along with it, a woman’s rights.  The two cannot be separated in this matter. warns moral extremists about the evil of practicing contraception outside of abstinence and has made it their mission to disband Planned Parenthood and deprive women of their rights over their own sexual behaviors.

            In 2004, lawmakers in Mississippi passed a bill which allows health care specialists, doctors, nurses, etc., to refuse dispensing medicines or services because of their moral or ethical beliefs.  According to Associated Press (2-10-05) a group of anti-abortionists going by the name of Pharmacists for Life (PFL) called for pharmacists to refuse to distribute emergency contraceptives (EC).  I’m surprised they didn’t threaten the pharmacists with the death penalty alternative if they didn’t comply with PFL’s requests.

            Karen Brauer, right wing member of this pharmacist group, lied to patrons coming for the Morning-After-Pill and for monthly contraceptive packets at the K-Mart Pharmacy in Ohio. April 16, 2001, Bill O'Reilly of “The O’Reilly Factor” interviewed her and Brauer admitted to lying to the patron thus denying her a monthly refill for contraceptives.

            That’s some morality they are bullying women with.  Where was Brauer’s moral conscience when she made the choice to lie to the patron?  Perhaps it is OK to lie if it lands you national attention and creates legislation in the favor of your political standards. 

            This double-speak must be exposed for what it really is—the disarming of women to have a choice.  Look, in our society, gun owners have amendments protecting their right to ownership and self defense while women are close to having their procreative decisions decided for them by the courts in accordance to President Bush’s agenda.  Posted on National Organization of Women’s (NOW) website is a list of what Bush accomplished in his first term.  Here are a few of them:

  • Dangerously limited access to emergency contraception (EC)
  • Signed into law an unconstitutional federal abortion ban
  • Expanded ineffective, biased abstinence-only programs
  • Relentlessly pushed so-called “fetal rights” initiatives    

      George Bush was right about one thing.  We “misunderestimated” him when he promised to “rid the world of evildoers.” And to think I thought he was kidding when he said, “A dictatorship would be a lot easier.”

      President of Catholics for Christian Political Action Gary Potter said a long time ago, “After the Christian majority takes control, pluralism will be seen as immoral and evil and the state will not permit anybody the right to practice evil.”  Years later his good intentions were echoed at a banquet sponsored by the U.S. Taxpayers Alliance. On August 8 1995, Operation Rescue founder and anti-abortionist Randall Terry expanded on Potter’s philosophy and said, “When I, or people like me, are running the country, you’d better flee, because we will find you, we will try you, and we’ll execute you.” He like many other over the top right wing zealots choose to ignore much of theprecepts of the Old Testament but cite Exodus 21:22-25 which awards judgment against someone who causes a premature birth that is unharmed and also severely penalizes someone who causes a miscarriage resulting in death with the judgment of capital punishment.  Not only is abortion considered to be murder and ought to be punished as such; to the members of these organizations contraception is also murder.  I wonder how many of these people eat pork or have ever advanced money and acted like a money lender exacting interest. It seems to me that for members of these organizations, beasts have more rights than do women wishing to have control over their procreative choices.

This world is growing crazier faster than we can fill our Viagra prescriptions. We sustain this lunacy as some hope to sustain an erection.  Where are the voices of these right wing organizations when it comes to interfering with nature in regard to a man’s ability to perform?  When it comes to artificial insemination or the use of fertility drugs I never hear them squawking.  While the Bible says if we didn’t speak out the rocks would, I’m surprised my vagina hasn’t spit forth an issue or two.  If it could speak it would say, “Get over that garden incident and leave what fruit comes from our wombs out of your politics. The tree of knowledge wasn’t supposed to make vengeful dummies out of you.”  Jesus, I’d hate to see mankind’s intelligence before they ate of that tree.



Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Letter To Senator Boxer

Subj: Letter to Senator Boxer 4-13-05  Date: 4/13/2005 5:13:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: Chelle Stockman To: CC: GoddessOf7Worlds

As you know, women around America who are prescribed oral contraceptives are being denied by certain pharmacists and told to come back another time, to go elsewhere (which can be a major inconvenience), or simply lied to and are being told the product isn't available.  Those being prescribed the "morning after" pills are experiencing the same trauma and inconvenience as those trying to prevent pregnancy. This is a real issue for Americans.

I'd like to see Planned Parenthood Pharmacies on premises for their patients.  I'd like to also help protect the employers who suddenly find themselves faced with this dilemma.  If we don't nip this in the bud now, we will find our prescriptions barcoded then dispensed by machines eliminating jobs for humans.

This is ridiculous my dear Senator, wouldn't you agree?  Imagine if one of these Americans walked in to a pharmacy for their heart medication and were refused by the Muslim pharmacist because they (the patrons) were infidels who the pharmacist decided (in his moral conscience) did not deserve to live. Ridiculous! 

Please tell me how to help make sure folks are being treated with respect in regard to having their prescriptions filled upon request without suffering shame and humiliation or anxiety and inconvenience. 

Thank you.     
Chelle Stockman

Xenoestrogen and Endocrine Disrupters (sp)


Okay folks, I'm pretty frustrated once again. How many of you have heard of xenoestrogens?  How about endocrine disrupters? Well for the past 70 years (our govt has been aware of this) we have been responsible as consumers for the degredation of all living things in our country which has since spanned to the rest of this world.  We have doubled our life span but every good thing has an ending.

We were given the charge to master this domaine (take care of and properly use) to be fruitful and multiply.  Well, we have lots of beasts roaming the earth, lots of marine life and a lot of fowl in the air.  I'd say we fulfilled the multiplying aspects, but we haven't properly mastered creation.  In our craving for more and more bettah we have sickened the bee colonies, polluted the soil, water and air, and created diabetis, mental illness of every kind including Alzheimers(sp), cancers, viruses, thyroid problems, higher infant mortality, more mongloid babies, more premature babies, and my fellow humans, every other kind of illness.  The entire United States is in trouble and there is a lot of information, credible information, but like ostriches we are burying our heads in the ground.  We think that since we are all going to die anyway, we may as well live, love and die when it comes our time.  No wonder we are fighting a war of convenience instead of a war of neccessity.  This kind of mentality, thankfully, will perish when the last of us is dead and the planet left by itself to heal.

What can be done about it?  Let me pose some questions to you.  Can you stop microwaving your food in plastic?  Can you write your cheese sources, your butchers, and all other food suppliers and ask them to quit packaging your foods in plastics?  You see, paper and glass are far safer. I know, we would have to use our foods sooner because foods oxidize more quickly in glass and paper, but wouldn't it be nice to bring bottling and paper wrapping back to our country on a much larger scale and offer the workers a living wage job?(yeah, I'm dreaming)

Can we ask the industrial farms and smaller farms to stop using products that create xenoestrogens in us?  It might not help; then again, it might  get the scientists funding for studies into safe harvesting of our planet which will give us healthier reasons to live as long as  we do.

Can we find alternatives to the fuels we use?  Why don't we do the fuel exchange methods Edison purchased from those who first attempted it.  It operated like trees, seriously!  Structures could be as trees taking in carbons (filtering) and producing oxygen and also taking in  oxygen thus producing carbons to warm and cool our buildings.  We are at a level in engineering now and this can be done.  It was done for some time till a huge accident scared us off and led us into total dependence upon gas and natural gas which are going to change the planet into something we won't be able to live upon without becoming a living fungus.  I suppose with evolution comes de-evolution, but come on people, how slimy must we become to call ourselves alive?  Well, now I'm just rambling...again.  Please do us all a favor and check out the links John Hopkins has provided us pertaining to our environment.  

 "Be fruitful and increase, fill the earth and subdue it, rule over the fish in the sea, the birds of heaven, and every living thing that moves upon the earth. I give you all, plants that bear seed everywhere on earth, and every tree bearing fruit which yields seed" they shall be yours for food.  All green plants I give for food to the wild animals, to all the birds of heaven, and to all reptiles on earth, every living creature."  (The Bible)

Look what we did to His song Ma.



Subj: note to staff at aol  Date: 4/12/2005 11:10:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: GoddessOf7Worlds To: GoddessOf7Worlds

People are saying AMERIKA BOY who comes into several chatrooms throwing his scrolls of smiling faces, freezing up anyone running graphics features while in the chats: they are telling everyone you (AOL) cannot get rid of them because they have breeched security and hacked in through some mysterious back door.  

If this is the case and AMERIKA BOY is really from outside AOL entering AOL chatrooms, how can we be sure we are safe to shop on AOL?  Can you guarantee our safety and that AMERIKA BOY won't rip us off or be a threat to us in any other way?  Can you insure us that when we are booted down to black screen on XP (rare) when he runs his scrolling, can you insure our systems are safe?

Is it true that you cannot get rid of AMERIKA BOY?  Please respond back to Goddessof7worlds.



Subj: Terms of Service  Date: 4/13/2005 12:28:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time From: TOSGen1 To: GoddessOf7Worlds

Dear Member,

Thank you for writing. To empower our members, AOL has recently developed enhancements to our chat feature. These improvements allow AOL members who create a chat room to have the ability to eject other members from that room by clicking the "eject" button.  Members who create the room can also close the room.  "Member-Created Rooms" include:

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As these are not AOL created rooms, but rather member created, ownership is based on a first come, first serve basis. If you are uncomfortable with an owner or a specific room, please feel free to create your own chat room, public or private, or visit our AOL created rooms.


Community Action Team
America Online, Inc.


Subj: Terms of Service  Date: 4/13/2005 12:29:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time From: TOSGen1 To: GoddessOf7Worlds

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You can also turn off your Instant Messages by sending an IM to the screen name $im_off. You will need to type some text (at least one letter) in the body of the IM and click the send button. They will stay off until you reactivate them by sending an IM to $im_on or until you sign off.

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Community Action Team
America Online, Inc.


It sure is aggravating trying to get AOL to listen.  If this Amerika Boy is coming in from the outside ( i don't believe this is true as onliners say) then AOl is not safe to conduct any business, web searching and your systems are not safe on AOL.  But, if this Amerika Boy is nothing but a nuisance, we must ask ourselves why people who use sharpened or vulgar speech are kicked off aol when someone who runs scripts (tos violation) thus knocking people off to black screen forcing them to reboot their systems while he takes off and goes to another chat to do the same, is allowed to continue on AOL as a customer. 

Is it time to create our own server, say a People's Server?  Aol did tell me to keep reporting these script running scrollers.  See above if you haven't already figured out how to notify aol.



Sunday, April 10, 2005

Run on frustration, run on.

I used to make grocery lists in my mind while planning out the day ahead, reminding myself of things due in the coming week and making plans to meet with my friends a few months in advance; but not anymore.  Instead my head is filled with foreign policy matters, domestic matters, global strategies, universal implications and God's intent when he first created this all.

I can smell a lie as it is being sold.  By then it is too late.  The damage is done.  Do you know how that makes me feel?  For instance, just as I think we need to take care of our environment, master the domain and all that,some talented yo-yo goes on television to promote his book.  The dude is a seller of justice as he defines it.  His name?

Allan Parker.  He is a man with an agenda and a near perfect smile, the founder and CEO of the Texas Justice Foundation (TJF).  His resume reads like this: Lawyer specializing in, Women's health, Limited Government, Parental Rights, Education Reform, Economic Freedom, and Property rights.  The man is, however, one of our gifted sharks.  I've been doing research on this devourer of the flesh.  I say that, because he finds it neccessary to make laws regarding the "flesh".  He says it is in the name of God that he does it and backs up in his book things he says John Adams and George Washington said.  But he neglects to say in no uncertain terms what they have said.

George Washington said, "The United States of America should have a foundation free from the influence of clergy."  But, Allan Parker equates God's will for us as something religious men interpret. (Guess he has forsaken the Holy Spirit interpreting the word in a man's individual heart.  What, is he a Jehova's Witness?)

John Adams said, "The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or a Mohammedan nation."

Allan Parker says that John Adams and George W. Bush say we are a Christian Nation but our constitution declares us to be more of a nation under God or was that just the Pledge? (are Christians allowed to pledge to anyone other than God?)

Remember when we were going to war?  It was going to be against all who were evil doers.  I find it odd that George Bush went to the Pope's funeral amongst all those Catholics.    In 1579-1656 there lived a clergyman, a Catholic monk who found himself inEngland same time Queen Elizabeth was.  She had him tried for treason because it was illegal to practice Catholicism in England during that time. His name was Andrew White.  He had this to say,"The main doctrine of a fanatic's creed is that his enemies are the enemies of God."

Tell you what folks.  I'm tired of folks selling half truths and misinterpretations of the truth in the name of Allah or Jesus.  The truth comes to those of us who seek it. God meets us where we are at.   But you know what else?  We are wrong to force our beliefs upon others!  It isn't what my creator wanted.  My creator gave us free will, no yoke about our neck so that we come together because it is our heart's desire to do so; not because we must, or we should, or because we have laws forcing us to.  Whether we believe or disbelieve it is and should be our choice based upon free will.  Those of us who do believe know this best!  Yet here we are trying to legislate free will.  We take away the rights of it forcing our country to put laws on the books giving us back identified portions of our free will that were taken away from us.  We have been bartering away God's gift to us because we don't allow others to make mistakes, to grow from them, to build faith and know the joy of changing our hearts on matters that actually matter.

Allan Parker is taking the case of Norma McCovey (Roe vs Wade) and Sandra Doe (Doe vs. Bolton).  The women had guilt over the way they exercised their choices. Sandra is still enslaved by her guilt and Norma wants to eliminate the possibility that another should ever have that feeling again.  They both feel that if we were to take away the rights of other women to make mistakes as they admit they did, then it would some how make up for the mistakes they made.  Lawyer (shark) Allan Parker in the name of Jesus (so he says) is using these women to see to it that his agenda starts off in one hell of a forward motion play.  Smart dude this guy, really smart.   Trouble is, if he were a man of God and if the women did search the word on their own,  they would see how they allow their feelings interfer with the process of others making choices according to their free will yes and even their sinful natures.  Without meaning to, I'm sure, they are blaspheming the Holy Spirit.  To deny the Spirit from transforming these women is to deny what the Spirit has done for them and it minimalizes God's will in our life thus rendering it into the agendas of special interest groups with all kinds of catchy names like  Family this,  Parent that, Freedom this, Limited Government that.

I hope you all forgive me for being so disagreeable.  It is how I feel and I feel this way with all my heart.  Let the others learn from their mistakes, won't you please.  I fight to do so too.  I don't always like what folks do with their rights and hell, I've screwed up too.  Still, I learn from my stupidity, my wastefulness, my sin, my mistakes.   If I can, anyone can.  There is hope for me and since there is hope for me, there is for everyone else too.  Let us not rescind rights.  Let us stay out of the bedrooms of humans.  Murder and theft are still illegal.  Let the punishment fit the crime but in regards to things like civil rights remember this, to have a civil right, you must be born.  Don't go screaming murder should some gal get an abortion. 

Sunday, April 3, 2005

Our Worst Enemy

Karen from Missouri, a friend of mine did not vote for Bush, but most of her loved ones did.    Her momma killed herself this year.  She found out she had a terminal disorder which meant a slow death.  The reason?  The price of medical care was too high and she didn't want to burden them, cost them what little they had.  She voted for Bush too.  Karen didn't care who they voted for because for Karen, this was a bad trick of fate.  This had nothing to do with politics or at least that is how Karen chooses to believe it.  I do too.  No one would be so cruel as to profit off that which is neccessary if it meant life or death, right?

Merle of Ohio will be coming out to California to visit us next month.  Merle is the only democrat in the diner where the folks hang out.  He gets hassled all the time and his blood pressure has sky rocketed.  This isn't good for a man in his 70s.  He has developed a contempt for anything Republican because of the things the people say in that diner.  Of course, like him, they are all retired or they wouldn't be able to afford hanging out daily in a diner.  The place is becoming a ghost town according to Merle.  Not even Walmart wants to go there. Merle fears that California is more red than blue.  A man shouldn't have such fears.  No one should be afraid of political party affiliations or philosophies but apparently they are.

This country, in every state is filled with beautiful people.  We all want what we think is best for our families, what is best for each other, what is best for our country even.  Some of us have a more global desire, that being the goodness for all.

I figure we ought to find that which we can agree on and begin there.  Urge our senators and representatives to not lump unclear issues with valid concerns.  Take that which we agree on, vote on them, pass them into legislation then go back and work on those things we must still debate.  That is the way it ought to be because if we keep up doing things the way we are doing, more people stand to lose than to gain.  The world is a far different place today than it was even twenty years ago.  It is time we quit trying to sully good ideas with less than good ideas.  Let us bond together for that which is good.  Let us stick to the key issues and points we do agree on.  I choose to believe that we are not an enemy to each other.  Division is our enemy.