Saturday, April 23, 2005

Christians-The demise of this Country? chelle stockman

One day, the world will call for the death of Christians.  They will blame us for all that has gone wrong.  I never understood why anyone would want me dead or want my brothers and sisters dead.

But when you consider how easy it has been to get a lot of Christians together to help make political decisions you can begin to understand why it is quite possible that the world will come to hate us.

Frisk knows this and is now swaying us through good sense talks.  Trouble with good sense talks is that Frisk and his pals manipulate all the sense fed to us--not good.  They want the fillibuster to end when just ten years ago they were all for it.  Democrats were admanent about getting rid of the fillibuster back in those days, of course they didn't exploit the fledglings (christians) as this current administration is hell bent on doing.

The fillibuster is designed to give the minority a voice.  Look, if there was good research done on a subject (and it is usually too biased to be good), there would be no need to have a fillibuster.  Why don't we the people say, "These are the rules of the senate.  Do your research, represent us, ask us what we think, inform us and do the American thing. For once, put your party talk behind you."

Please take time to go to this link and answer some questions.

Thank you,

Chelle Stockman

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