Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Xenoestrogen and Endocrine Disrupters (sp)


Okay folks, I'm pretty frustrated once again. How many of you have heard of xenoestrogens?  How about endocrine disrupters? Well for the past 70 years (our govt has been aware of this) we have been responsible as consumers for the degredation of all living things in our country which has since spanned to the rest of this world.  We have doubled our life span but every good thing has an ending.

We were given the charge to master this domaine (take care of and properly use) to be fruitful and multiply.  Well, we have lots of beasts roaming the earth, lots of marine life and a lot of fowl in the air.  I'd say we fulfilled the multiplying aspects, but we haven't properly mastered creation.  In our craving for more and more bettah we have sickened the bee colonies, polluted the soil, water and air, and created diabetis, mental illness of every kind including Alzheimers(sp), cancers, viruses, thyroid problems, higher infant mortality, more mongloid babies, more premature babies, and my fellow humans, every other kind of illness.  The entire United States is in trouble and there is a lot of information, credible information, but like ostriches we are burying our heads in the ground.  We think that since we are all going to die anyway, we may as well live, love and die when it comes our time.  No wonder we are fighting a war of convenience instead of a war of neccessity.  This kind of mentality, thankfully, will perish when the last of us is dead and the planet left by itself to heal.

What can be done about it?  Let me pose some questions to you.  Can you stop microwaving your food in plastic?  Can you write your cheese sources, your butchers, and all other food suppliers and ask them to quit packaging your foods in plastics?  You see, paper and glass are far safer. I know, we would have to use our foods sooner because foods oxidize more quickly in glass and paper, but wouldn't it be nice to bring bottling and paper wrapping back to our country on a much larger scale and offer the workers a living wage job?(yeah, I'm dreaming)

Can we ask the industrial farms and smaller farms to stop using products that create xenoestrogens in us?  It might not help; then again, it might  get the scientists funding for studies into safe harvesting of our planet which will give us healthier reasons to live as long as  we do.

Can we find alternatives to the fuels we use?  Why don't we do the fuel exchange methods Edison purchased from those who first attempted it.  It operated like trees, seriously!  Structures could be as trees taking in carbons (filtering) and producing oxygen and also taking in  oxygen thus producing carbons to warm and cool our buildings.  We are at a level in engineering now and this can be done.  It was done for some time till a huge accident scared us off and led us into total dependence upon gas and natural gas which are going to change the planet into something we won't be able to live upon without becoming a living fungus.  I suppose with evolution comes de-evolution, but come on people, how slimy must we become to call ourselves alive?  Well, now I'm just rambling...again.  Please do us all a favor and check out the links John Hopkins has provided us pertaining to our environment.  

 "Be fruitful and increase, fill the earth and subdue it, rule over the fish in the sea, the birds of heaven, and every living thing that moves upon the earth. I give you all, plants that bear seed everywhere on earth, and every tree bearing fruit which yields seed" they shall be yours for food.  All green plants I give for food to the wild animals, to all the birds of heaven, and to all reptiles on earth, every living creature."  (The Bible)

Look what we did to His song Ma.


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