Wednesday, June 22, 2005

(R) George Allen of Virginia Re: The Syria Documents

Subj: The Syria Documents  Date: 6/21/2005 1:45:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time From: GoddessOf7Worlds To:     (my friends)

I cannot seem to get away from the February 16th, 2000 interview done with GWBush and Jim Leherer.  It keeps coming back and biting.  It's all there.  He says everything he has been saying today.  He had intent, oh yes he did--plenty of it.
Online NewsHour: Newsmaker: George W. Bush -- February 16, 2000

With John Bolton as his nomination to the UN, he would have a spy.  You see, I know I'm right when I say that Food For Oil program was co-sponsored by Germany, Russia, and France because they too heard Bush's words.

John Bolton and the mysterious Syria Documents.  Ask yourselves what it means?  Keep in mind that in Bush's interview in 2000 he spoke quite a bit on going to war with Syria.  I heard R. George Allen speak on CSPAN.  So I wrote him.

Here goes that letter:

Dear Mr. Allen,

You told the US today that our elected officials of the Democratic Party continue to obstruct the up-or-down vote.  How would you like it if the voters slung similar dirt on the Republican Party by saying something like, "The Republicans are a paranoid war-mongering lot who cast blame everywhere else when they might be called to some accountability for their nefarious actions"? 
That isn't too cool, is it sir?
All I ask is that you help to maintain an example in this world that is humane.  If the rest of the world sees us as patsies then lets go isolationist. We don't need a spy in the UN.  We all know that that is what Bolton is going to be-a spy. He wants to keep his eye on, as our president has said, "The temporary leader of Russia...", Putin. 
Please allow me to remind you of Governor Bush's words to us from 2000.

Bush does plan on taking us to Syria.  Why don't you represent us in America by helping to release the Syria Documents.  Please, sir.  I don't want my sons going to war there, or anywhere else for that matter. 

I know you are in Virginia, but I do watch you all.  Why?  Because our people elected you. Please keep our needs in mind and check this fellow out closely. 
Thank you, sir.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Republicans Keep the House Ethics Committee Busy

San Diego's paradise is rocked (not really because money doesn't care what money does) by the actions of their elected Republican Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham.

An AP report in the Sunday Times Herald says that this member of the House defense appropriations subcommittee sleeps on Mitchell Wade's (pres. of MZm Inc. a defense contractor) yacht in D.C.  Apparently, Duke also sold Wade his San Diego home at an inflated price, but that was OK because MZM began being awarded large government contracts.  Something must have gone wrong because Wade is miffed at having lost $700,000 of his investment.

So Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility are calling for an investigation.  Wonder how Duke Cunningham will wiggle out of this.  Think he will blame others for doing the same thing as Delay continously does?  Man, oh man.  Sure are a lot of snakes that slither out of those Bushes.

Wonder what happened about Delay and his trip to Scotland.  Aren't world leaders due to congregate there this coming month?  Isn't there going to be another G8 Summit?  Hmm.  Delay fixing Scotland? or...Delay fixing the Summit?  Not even Pelosi can do something like that.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

No liberties? No liberals present.

I watched Sandy Froman on CSPAN.  They gave her time to spread a "conservative" message.  Nevermind the conflicts that dripped out of her legalized rhetoric.  Overall, her message was that we have a right to bear arms and it should never be jeopardized.  I do agree with that. 

She seemed to be like so many others who bear arms in that she felt the liberals were her enemy or some pestulence undeserving of such fine rights.

I believe that a liberal stripped of their civil rights isn't a liberal at all. So rather than give her some cute little stories, I sent her one bone chilling reminder.

While I'm armed, I'm not ready to join the butched or aryan(sp) women that bedeck the NRA--yet.


Subj: SandyFroman nra guns   Date: 6/18/2005 11:09:27 PM Pacific Standard Time From: Chelle Stockman To: GoddessOf7Worlds

Dear Sandy Froman:

I'm with you in the area of protecting the constitution.  I also believe in bearing arms to protect us against a government that becomes corporate sponsored to the point that the people our constitution was designed to protect become endangered as we exercise our liberties. More simply put, this current administration and the past few presidencies have been an enemy to our constitution.

Damn shame about that nullification of the Posse Comitatus Act which led to the Davidian compound massacre.  Of course, what good are four weapons against a militia of tanks?  Thank you President Clinton and Governor Bush.  Ms. Reno, you weren't slick enough to see what they had planned.
Oh and Ms. Froman, just what liberals are you talking about?

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The People On AOL

It is the people on AOL that have given me reason to renew my subscription.  I've made friends over the last decade with some remarkable souls-all whom I met on AOL.

It is my hope that people will show some respect for others, not make assumptions about their personal life, and accept graciously whatever the other may say about themselves, without attack.  I know we all have good days and bad days and I also know that we will all make some assumptions about people we have never met.  When we do, I hope the others will refrain from TOS'ng us.  So many of the best arguers have been TOS'd in the past 4 months.  Some of them are no longer around.  I know some of you don't like to argue with these "jerks", but I respect those who challenge my mind.  When the challenge goes beyond mere words, when I must actively be present and learn, that is what good chat in chatrooms is about for me--not what authors I truly dig, not what I did on Wednesday night, but what I am able to discover that will help grow the person I'm becoming. 

So thank you all for being who you are.  Thank you for the privlege of telling you off when I feel you have crossed the line.  Thank you for not TOS'ng me when I do so.

I look forward to more flavored and colorful discussions with all those I know and all those I've not yet encountered.  

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Freedom calls

The internet is a great place, a bastion of freedom, well it used to be.  Anymore these days, people say what is on their minds and they get kicked out of chatrooms for it.  They even get their internet service revoked. 

I've had no problem with that.  I'm told I am too pollyanna to say anything bad.  Those who say that don't know what I am capable of but in all fairness to them, I don't want to say anything inhumane to others.  I don't want to make folks feel bad.  Sure, I hope to provoke them.  I want them to provoke me some too.  It is through these kinds of tests that I am able to refine myself.  I become a tad more humane and on a deeper level when I overcome these tests. 

Of course I can be tested outside of the internet, but people here are not in my line of fire.  I won't follow them home and flatten their tires.  LOL  In fact, I'll smile and pray for them, something I might get decked for doing outside of the internet.  Imagine how frustrating it would be to someone wishing me misfortune, if I were to smile.  No, AOL has provided a relatively safe forum to discover my level of humanity towards others.

I'm considering leaving aol.  I require the internet for research but have discovered that there is nothing like doing live interviews.  You can do them by fax, by phone, and in person. I love chatroom environments for the above mentioned reasons, but perhaps it is time to move on.  I'm hoping this feeling will pass, but it feels to me more like an important decision. 

I won't be blogging or chatting.  Can I live without that? Only time will tell.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Howard Dean Getting To Ya? Good!

Ya know, it is easy to get upset when Dean speaks.  His booming voice explodes through our daily routine and our selfish thoughts about where we are going to get our next pair of Bermuda Shorts.  He says stuff like, "{Those} Republicans never worked an honest day of work in their life." 

In regard to the fillibuster on MSNBC, "But if you look at what's good for America not what's good for the Republican Party, what the Republicans want to do is not good for America."  

Refering to Tom De Lay he said to Mr. Russert, "You have a Republican leader who has been admonished three times by the Ethics Committee, and his response is to get rid of the Ethics Committee or render them inoperable. "  

 Still part of the Russert interview. (Videotape, May 14):

DR. DEAN:  I think Tom DeLay ought to go back to Houston, where he can serve his jail sentence down there courtesy of the Texas taxpayers.

Dean responding to Russert's assertions pertaining to another interviewee's pot shot at Dean saying Dean was in the wrong. 

DR. DEAN:  As I said before, we're not speculating here.  Three of the things I've mentioned he has already done and been admonished for by the House Ethics Committee.  Look, Harry Truman was campaigning in 1948, and a guy went up and said, "Give 'em hell, Harry!"  And Harry Truman said, "I don't give 'em hell. I just tell the truth and the Republicans think it's hell." reports as Howard Dean defends his comments:

Dean told a forum of journalists and minority leaders Monday that Republicans are "not very friendly to different kinds of people, they are a pretty monolithic party ... it's pretty much a white, Christian party."
Challenged on that during the NBC interview, Dean said "unfortunately, by and large it is. And they have the agenda of the conservative Christians."     He went on to say,
"This is a diversion from the issues that really matter: Social Security, and adequate job opportunity, strong public schools, a strong defense," Dean said.

The buttcheeks of Democrats and Republicans alike tighten when Howard Dean speaks these days, but consider that the Democrats have been shrinking away as the GOP chips at every thing they do. They (the frame artists of the GOP who can take something beautiful and show it as tawdry and cheap) effectively labeled a fellow representative, Dem Congressman Gary Condit, in the death of Chandra Levy, all without having to offer proofs. In the minds of Americans it stuck as truth.  Fact is, Gary didn't kill Chandra but his seat was filled with a Republican.  The length the GOP has gone to to get their agenda on the table makes the old mafia look like patsies at some girlie-mon show.

Howard is trying to wake the Democrats up but it seems that all he is doing is ruffling feathers of the yuppies in the DNC who are currently, no doubt, buying stock in hemorrhoid creams.  This is only temporary.  The Dems will waken and toss the elephant off their backs.  There shall come a time we (the dems) will no longer shoulder the burden of the GOP.  They have burdened the donkey long enough.  

Dean wants to show the republican Americans that this is how their party has always campaigned and how they have always spoken about Democrats. So he is merely giving the Republicans back what they have said was true about the Democrats, and what do they do?  They cry!  They act all angry as though they are surprised.  To these people who cry out for the Golden Rule but curse it when it works against their efforts, I have this to say,  "Well, well, well, which way is it?  Careful, your answer might get you a health pension in Galveston, Texas, home of DeLay's delay. "

That's the issue here folks.  Let's get DeLay out of the way, then go after the others.

I want to go on all records as being convicted in my heart.  The corporate thugs of the GOP are dirt shovelling people.  They don't worry that someone standing in their way may be squeaky clean. They are masters and dirtying reputations.  They would succeed in bringing down even Mother Theresa.  Do I blame them?  Well, the bible says, "whatsoever you do to the least of these, you do also to me." So I figure God will take care of the GOP but I do blame all those of us who subscribe to their misrepresentationof truths and deem them to be facts.  Yes, it is those of us willing to believe the corporate sponsored advertising that I do blame. 

I just got another vision of GW Bush and Sean Hannity.  Man oh man, they remind me of "Me and Mini-Me" from the Austin Powers flick.  <shudder>   

It isn't too late for us to change our habits. Nope.  It's always a great day for repentance.  Shall we?







Sunday, June 5, 2005

Timeless Adage, Eternal Cliche

 I am thinking of adages and cliches right now.

"The sun shines and rains on us all."  Whether a "good person" or a "bad person" two things they share in common and always will, they are born and then they die.  So right out of the womb, we are formed with commonality. Maybe we are two sides to the same coin.  When I say we, I mean all of mankind, not just you and I. In many cases, you and I are on the same side of issues. (my guess)

"Without failure, you'll never know success."  Ever hear of that one?  I wonder how true it is.  I know that for many people, even for me, it seems to be true.  But what if some of the things we are told are our success really are an illusion that someone else has sold us?  What if the so called failures we experience were really lessons that test our ability to overcome in times of duress?  What if the real success is in how we carried ourselves through these times and what if our real failures are in failing to be empathic towards others or from some other such human characteristic? 

At any rate, it is as I've always thought.  "It isn't where you go, it's what you do to get where you end up or as the cliche goes " it's how you get there."  So who is there to tell us whether or not we have failed or succeeded, but us.  In essence, we listen to our own voice as much as we listen to the voices of others.  Who is more objective? Nobody.  Note, each individual must work out their own salvation, work through their own failures, and define their own successes, for the purposes within their own hearts.

There will always be those more poor in spirit, more downtrodden in faith, and more impoverished than another; just as there will always be those filled with more peace, more hope and less poor than another. So what is your responsibility?  "Charity begins at home."  Take care of what we are charged or blessed with, such as our immediate family.  My friend, Mr. Jule once said to me (and I thought heartlessly so before I understood) that, "The poor outnumber all other things.  The poor will always be with us."  You can teach them through habit that they can learn a new trade, learn to speak the native language of whatever country they are in, learn the rules, and learn how to push through whatever red tape each country puts in front of them.  So why is it that through habit people are taught to hold out their hand in case by chance a coin or bill will be dropped in?  Why are they taught how to fight in lines for food stamps when they can be taught to bring home a paycheck?  Why are their immediate needs being partially met when we all know they will be right back for more of the same tomorrow?--that is, unless they die.

You can give a man fish or you can teach him how to fish.  My guess is that teaching requires way too much of our time, our patience, and it might reveal to us how little we really know about what the needs of others entail.  It's easier to toss coins at them and watch them move on to their next coin toss far away from us.  We can even worry about them later when we find the time and maybe even pray for them.

As long as we keep trying to fix everyone else's problems, we will be swimming in their mud puddles.  If we continue to swim in their mud puddles we will soon be a fixture of those puddles, unable to work out our own tests and trials.  Teach those who are teachable, reach the reachable, but get out of the mud and clean up your act. Don't get dirty trying to clean up the act of others; don't get snot all over you wiping their nose. Keep your nose clean.   Remember, you can be part of the solution or you can be part of the problem. 

I'm just venting. If you made it this far, I thank you.  Wish I had something more intelligent to share, something more original, but the troubles of others are dragging a friend of mine down, and it is forcing me to remind her that she must take care of herself first and stop making everyone's problems hers until she is fit to teach even one of them to handle their own problems.  It's damn hard to do without help from the adages and cliches. Guess some old truths are ageless.

Wednesday, June 1, 2005

No More Delays for DeLay-Prosecute that over ripened loquat

Tom DeLay is under fire and he should be. For a list of some of his many sins, please check out this link.

I have so many reasons to be disenchanted by Tom Delay that it surprised me for us to be investigating him on such trivial matters, like getting vacation money from a gamblers' lobbiest such as Mr. Abrams.  It isn't that I expect all congressmen and senators to get such perks; it's because Mr. Delay has such a vast amount of more severe sins he is guilty of that this one is small in comparison.  Mr. Delay should be happy we are going after him for such a small reason but what does he do?  He ratfinks on all his co-legislators.  He is a pigeon, offering up information about others to take the blame off of himself.   In fact, that is why the GOP has not been held accountable for any of their actions.  They wasted taxpayer dollars going after the Clintons and our money was redistrubuted to a revolving file somewhere far from our coffers.  In order to save face, they went after the activities roster of Clinton's penis.  Even Clinton ,as the Republicans still cry, was made to be accountable. The Republicans, to this day, scream, "He lied to America about Monica's lips on his penis!"   So Clinton had to face impeachment.  But, ain't it like the GOP to blame everyone else and then blanket their own transgressions. I truly believe my brothers and sisters who happen to be members of the Republican Party deserve far better than this.

Any good prosecutor would say, "Trick to winning any case is to stick with the case.  Go the distance and finish one case at a time."  To Mr. DeLay, I say, we are going to go after you and we aren't going to stop until we have been satisfied.  As for all those you rat out, they are next, one at a time. Until then, Mr. DeLay, we won't be sidetracked or lead down your path toward confusion."