Sunday, June 19, 2005

Republicans Keep the House Ethics Committee Busy

San Diego's paradise is rocked (not really because money doesn't care what money does) by the actions of their elected Republican Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham.

An AP report in the Sunday Times Herald says that this member of the House defense appropriations subcommittee sleeps on Mitchell Wade's (pres. of MZm Inc. a defense contractor) yacht in D.C.  Apparently, Duke also sold Wade his San Diego home at an inflated price, but that was OK because MZM began being awarded large government contracts.  Something must have gone wrong because Wade is miffed at having lost $700,000 of his investment.

So Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility are calling for an investigation.  Wonder how Duke Cunningham will wiggle out of this.  Think he will blame others for doing the same thing as Delay continously does?  Man, oh man.  Sure are a lot of snakes that slither out of those Bushes.

Wonder what happened about Delay and his trip to Scotland.  Aren't world leaders due to congregate there this coming month?  Isn't there going to be another G8 Summit?  Hmm.  Delay fixing Scotland? or...Delay fixing the Summit?  Not even Pelosi can do something like that.

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