Sunday, June 12, 2005

Freedom calls

The internet is a great place, a bastion of freedom, well it used to be.  Anymore these days, people say what is on their minds and they get kicked out of chatrooms for it.  They even get their internet service revoked. 

I've had no problem with that.  I'm told I am too pollyanna to say anything bad.  Those who say that don't know what I am capable of but in all fairness to them, I don't want to say anything inhumane to others.  I don't want to make folks feel bad.  Sure, I hope to provoke them.  I want them to provoke me some too.  It is through these kinds of tests that I am able to refine myself.  I become a tad more humane and on a deeper level when I overcome these tests. 

Of course I can be tested outside of the internet, but people here are not in my line of fire.  I won't follow them home and flatten their tires.  LOL  In fact, I'll smile and pray for them, something I might get decked for doing outside of the internet.  Imagine how frustrating it would be to someone wishing me misfortune, if I were to smile.  No, AOL has provided a relatively safe forum to discover my level of humanity towards others.

I'm considering leaving aol.  I require the internet for research but have discovered that there is nothing like doing live interviews.  You can do them by fax, by phone, and in person. I love chatroom environments for the above mentioned reasons, but perhaps it is time to move on.  I'm hoping this feeling will pass, but it feels to me more like an important decision. 

I won't be blogging or chatting.  Can I live without that? Only time will tell.

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