Wednesday, June 1, 2005

No More Delays for DeLay-Prosecute that over ripened loquat

Tom DeLay is under fire and he should be. For a list of some of his many sins, please check out this link.

I have so many reasons to be disenchanted by Tom Delay that it surprised me for us to be investigating him on such trivial matters, like getting vacation money from a gamblers' lobbiest such as Mr. Abrams.  It isn't that I expect all congressmen and senators to get such perks; it's because Mr. Delay has such a vast amount of more severe sins he is guilty of that this one is small in comparison.  Mr. Delay should be happy we are going after him for such a small reason but what does he do?  He ratfinks on all his co-legislators.  He is a pigeon, offering up information about others to take the blame off of himself.   In fact, that is why the GOP has not been held accountable for any of their actions.  They wasted taxpayer dollars going after the Clintons and our money was redistrubuted to a revolving file somewhere far from our coffers.  In order to save face, they went after the activities roster of Clinton's penis.  Even Clinton ,as the Republicans still cry, was made to be accountable. The Republicans, to this day, scream, "He lied to America about Monica's lips on his penis!"   So Clinton had to face impeachment.  But, ain't it like the GOP to blame everyone else and then blanket their own transgressions. I truly believe my brothers and sisters who happen to be members of the Republican Party deserve far better than this.

Any good prosecutor would say, "Trick to winning any case is to stick with the case.  Go the distance and finish one case at a time."  To Mr. DeLay, I say, we are going to go after you and we aren't going to stop until we have been satisfied.  As for all those you rat out, they are next, one at a time. Until then, Mr. DeLay, we won't be sidetracked or lead down your path toward confusion." 

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