Monday, February 28, 2005

C-SPAN watching @ 5:30 am Monday

Subj: Should workers lose in order for consumers to win?   
Date: 2/28/2005 5:59:46 AM Pacific Standard Time 
From: GoddessOf7Worlds 

It doesn't have to be that way.  

Since Bush 41, to Clinton, to Bush our president, we have been on something called the "Fast Track."  You have heard other nifty phrases such as "Redistributing" the wealth.   To the last three presidents that means taking what we already have, rather than creating anew, and redistributing it from one place to another.   Even Clinton who boasted of creating jobs actually killed a living wage job, divided it up and out of that came 4 minimum wage jobs.

We are now asking everyone to invest in their future based on a price index category.   What this means as you know is we are planning to "redistribute" the global debts.    We are on the "Fast Track" cutting through all that evil red tape, mean ol stuff, so we don't have time to investigate all this.

Now, there is a way for everyone to win, with a little proper investment in the people.   Things change when the consumers actually own the companies they subscribe to.   Until then, we are stuck with bean counters, creating the illusion of wealth (redistributing it), and filling up the global data banks in the name of "free trade."

Chelle Stockman  

Sunday, February 27, 2005

This Poor Woman's Pallor

Imagine waking up with the plight of our military on your heart.  Your young people, your nieces and nephews ( kind of sounds like the name of deer, doesn't it?), your children and grandchildren, they have a patriotism that is to be honored, whether it is to resist the so called "war efforts" or to lay their lives down because of it.  One should not taint the other but I remember the real fall out from Viet Nam oh too well and how well those were treated who made it home, how many so called M.I.A.'s found it difficult to call themselves American after what they were asked to do there, so they just stayed there, never bothering to come home, a reverse AWOL of sorts.  I remember how those protesting the war in the first place went to Canada.  They were seen as traitors, chicken shits but it took a brave soul to leave your life, your family behind in order to protest the war, to do what all Americans are promised (at least on paper where everything these days looks like something it ain't) and that is to give voice to your dissent.  I woke with this on my heart.

So I did what I used to do every day or night upon waking and that was to turn on the television.  Usually I opt for C-SPAN but I turned to channel 5 news, shocked that it was on at 3 am.  They showed a funeral of a young man from my area who died in a copter crash in Iraq a month ago. He has been on my mind as his death has been in our news papers for the past few days. He had a beautiful young wife and two beautiful children, tons of friends who loved him and a mama who could be a friend of mine.  He was a whopping 30-years-old.  It was for them he served.  He felt our freedoms were in jeopardy as long as others were deprived of freedom.  So he served us, served our country in the way he felt was important.  He went beyond the need to be called an honorable man by us.  In my heart I thank Marine 1st Lt. Dustin Shumney and all others overseas.  As I sat there feeling my heart being pierced by the sting of war "No Child Left Behind" was mentioned.  My life force left temporarily when I heard...

They are telling all high schools that recruitment for the military must be allowed or federal funding will be cut in those schools.  This No Child Left Behind deal is turning into the back door draft John Kerry warned us about.  In every high school  in California there are posters promising our kids better education for a minimum of service.  Meanwhile teachers who point out the truth are having their jobs threatened in a state where we are already terribly short of teachers.  The teachers are telling students that freedom begins here at home but I guess that is a bad bad message that the message to bring an underterminable freedom to other countries means something; whereas our freedom is that bad bad thing.

No Child Left Behind--Back Door Draft?

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Wonderful World Of WonderCon

WonderCon Ramblings

Notes by Chelle


            The black creature not more than 6 feet tall, tail no longer than 5 feet reeled around so fast narrowly missing a toddler in her chariot of a stroller as she hollered out her disdain.  Her mother never saw nor heard her lament, nor did the creature.  What was it that stole away the attention of creatures and mothers alike?  They did, a beautiful bloodsucking couple decked out in gothic attire.  Never has anyone seen a collar more than 2 feet wide on a man who, in his platform shoes, had to be 7 feet tall along side his bride who wore a blood red wedding gown that revealed, well it revealed plenty.  Lucky vampire.           

        Television crews, radio personalities, and reporters hoping to get interviews gathered around like the petals flower girls drop at a wedding procession.  Merriment all around and the light from the tips of sabers the Star Wars characters wielded took all who descended the escalators of the Moscone Center into a world of magic.  Yes indeed, this was some kind of celebration, one that combined every known creature in our galaxy and several unknown ones as well.

            But down where the action was going on, it was time for business, big business.  Issues of Superman comic books were going for up to $4500 smackers.  Collectors raked in the money and conducted after hours brokering.  Out of print pieces such as those of the Air Pirates command a nice price when you can get your hands on them but just imagine if you had them autographed on the spot!

            Hippy Comix slash Carnal Comics hosted the originators of the Air Pirates and friends who had come together for the first time since the late 1970s.  Dan O’Neill who used Mickey Mouse in his Odd Bodkins Parodies teamed up with Ted Richards, Clay Wilson, and editors such as Ron Turner of Last Gasp Comics to turn our world of comics and cartooning all topsy-turvy landing the Air Pirates in several lawsuits and concurrent investigations from the FBI.  By the end of the 70s, all went their own way, on to support families or start different artistic endeavors.  Each, while apart, continued to etch, dribble, and sketch ideas which they also did while talking to their fans under the umbrella at the wonderful world of WonderCon, united once again some three decades later.

            Referring to themselves as “The Dinosaurs” of this event, they joined with younger counterparts such as the creator of the adult comic, Vampirooni, Randy Vogel.  From politics to porn the vendors on aisle 1000 wielded their artistic sword of dissent drawing fans from all over the world, fans that happened to get their message. 

Yet is difficult to decide who has the larger influence upon whom.  As the people, most especially the females, sought out their guru creators of nonsense and mayhem hoping to nab an autograph and chat, these commanders of comedia all sat forward like coyotes in a collective.  Outcame their sketch pads and with the exception of a few chuckles quietude settled upon them as though Charles Shultz’s Dirtbag character just rained his dust of normalcy over the entire row.  While it is true that sketching and writing words our subconscious recognizes is the norm for the artists at WonderCon, the extraordinary menagerie of people gathered in a celebration of bold truth mixed with fantasy are anything but normal.

February 18th through the 20th hosted several things in San Francisco but only at the WonderCon held in the Moscone Center would you dare “to boldly go”... or something like that.  For more information on comic driven events you can contact  There is just one suggestion when attending events where cartoonists rule.  “Expect the unexpected.”

Monday, February 21, 2005

Zogby Poll, an indicator of what is to come.

Subj: (no subject)  Date: 2/21/2005 2:58:57 PM Pacific Standard Time From: GoddessOf7Worlds To:

Choosing the right leader
What I look for in a leader is someone I know has a record of trying to do what is right for our country.  Being more globally minded is often the icing on the cake but in the case of our current occupation its just another way to frost the world.  I don't dig double speaking politicians and I don't mean the flip-flopping kind who change their mind as new information comes to light.

Male, female, religion; these things don't matter to me as long as the people I vote for have a humane way of dealing with us (we the people).
Regarding raising the taxes for social security I say NO and Hell NO.  Why?  Well, you see, I believe in flat taxes on gross receipts meaning the corporations would be putting in a hefty chunk.  Don't give me the fear factor that they will take their business elsewhere because many already have and without us, they may as well close shop. I'd tell all in the Senate and Congress, chuck the fear and quit parlaying to the Federal Reserve.  Does this sound like the voice of a Damsel Of Dissent?  I'm almost there, not quite.
In regard to pornography, we have it all labeled so the youngsters can figure out what they will look at.  They have the choice of adult viewing to non-adult viewing.  From there it is up to their guardians what they will allow.  You asked if rape and death scenes should be permitted, at least that is the way it looked but I answered not sure because I wasn't sure if you meant they were in reality being raped and "snuffed".  There were a few areas of questioning that are not clear.  Rape and murder are illegal and if these porn profiteers are selling the "real" stuff they too need to be brought up on charges as accessories to the crime.  The way I see it, their product is evidence and should have been turned into the FBIright away.
We have some internal turmoil and conflicts to handle and the others around the world need to be put on notice that at this time, should they decide to make the trip to America, we will deport them to a holding cell in a slave camp in Siberia until we can right the wrongs we have created amongst ourselves.  We have made it a habit of taking one job providing a living wage and slicing it into 4 minimum wage jobs.  Equal service for equal pay and Americans would be farming and waiting tables again as well as cleaning hotel rooms.
Farm Subsidies
In California, our rice farmers are paid to NOT grow rice.  It takes a lot of water and can destroy the land's future farming.  We buy rice from others but pay our own to not grow it.  Ask yourselves why, people.  Could it be in the name of NAFTA that we are paying our farmers subsidies?  Or, is it something more sinister like industrializing farming so the farms can do whatever they wish on the properties without any corporate accountabilities the individual farmers or co-opted farmers would be held to?  The questions regarding farming are iffy, Marc.  Most folks don't know both sides of the issue.

The Best of the Best
Stars and sportsfigures are wonderful to behold, but each of them brings something enlightening to me when I have time to get involved in their arena.  One isn't better than another but I do have my personal favorites which aren't on your list and still I wouldn't vote for any of them for president. <smile>

Ethnic Heritage
Just for the record, I'm about as American any American without feathers can be.  I cherish my right to dissent which is the basic freedom we Americans should never forget or divide up in posturing legislation ("looks good on the surface" kind of stuff).
I am predominantly Italian and Irish in ancestory along with a smidge of German and French Basque, nearly untraceable.  I wouldn't want to be anything other than I am nor would I want to change anyone else into something they aren't.  That is kind of how those questions read. 

I love taking your polls and every one I've taken lets me know how to gauge which way our political views will come out on television.  Thank you for the tips through your line of questioning.     Kisses and Huggs to ya. <smile>

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Death Marched On Without Me

Some time ago, I popped into the Author's Lounge to kick around my stories.  Eventually it became apparent that the Lounge wasn't that kind of a place.  It instead was a venue where writers and readers could blow off steam, kick around some ideas and argue until they were satisfied that some problems existed along with potential answers to those problems.

Bill, one of the poets of the Lounge, was an interesting soul, with a screen name that suggested death or at least a challenge to defy the living. His words were contrary to the names he chose for himself.  He was kind-hearted, a muse of mine online; so I took our relationship to another level.  About a year ago we exchanged numbers and began a series of conversations that will keep Bill alive in my heart for the rest of my life.

He wasn't like some of those I speak to by phone riddled with contrary passivity or who are sexual combatants undeserving of a dual; no, Bill wasn't like that in the least, not with me, not ever.  Always the gentleman Bill showed genuine concern for others.  He deserved the same from us but was often deprived of it especially by those he most loved, his mother, brothers and sisters.  He had Tom and Tom's brother, he had me and two others from our Lounge; and he had them, the women outside of our cyber saftey net.  The two different ladies, if that is what you choose to call them ,were also the end of him.  One cared for Bill but she also found him to be taxing.  She had always been somewhat a free spirit and most patient.  He would feel her weakening and then would step back to not lose her out of his life entirely; but then there was the other gal who Bill never lost his taste for.  I'm sorry Bill, for writing about them in this manner, but the fact is, they never told you the truths you needed to hear from them. 

The first time we spoke, he spoke of his religious beliefs.  He made it known to me that death was important because it meant he would get to come back and live anew.  That is what he wanted to do because this life was so disapointing.  I really let him have it when he told me of his attempt to exit life.  Not long after that he filled the bath waters, got out a large beer and took his meds.  I spoke to him as his words grew more slurred and we went around and around about how selfish he was to deny the Holy Spirit. I get really pissed at those thinking of suicide. I told him there was only one sin man could do that was unforgiveable and he warned me that he doesn't subsribe to the hypocritical religion of his family.  I just kept talking (yelling) telling him that the Holy Spirit, whether he believes it or not is powerful enough to get us through anything that to deny the Holy Spirit is capable to change us from the inside out is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.  So, together he and I headed off his urges to vacate this world--for nearly a year.  I won the argument, but for a small moment in time; either that or he was just being his gentlemanly self and decided to allow me the grace of his presence for a little while longer.  He could be like that you know.

In the end he had seen that the people around him  are some screwed up lifeforms, inconsiderate asses even.  It became clear to him that while he may have suffered the judgment of his family for suffering severe depression, his family at times were lower than the lowest of animals on earth.  He got one last reprieve he did, when one of the women came back into his life, one more destructive hope giving hope raping time from his precious love.  He moved in with her and thought things would become normal, until he read of her sexual trysts with his brother in her journal.  So he shot himself in her basement on Christmas Day. 

You know something?  I believe the Holy Spirit is capable even of seeing to it that our Bill, kind and gentle, gifted in poetry, has peace--at last.

Saturday, February 12, 2005


Salon conversations continue to rank high in my life as some of the most engaging and thought provoking of all.  While working with my client's natural beauty I also do little side-shows, mostly political in nature.  They get involved as well.  We do it all through the mirror.  Some how its easier if we are both looking in the mirror, as though we are both protected by some glassy existence, a condom of sorts.

We spoke of medical care and the farce that it is manditory, like insurance, yet you can't get what you paid for and even if you could it would damn near cost you your life. 

 We spoke of how from Bush Sr to Clinton, from Clinton to Bush Jr., it has been more like a relay where the baton is passed on to the next participant. 

Then we spoke about rising against the corporations who have become larger than life and have garnished, purchased even, constitutional rights that we are having stripped away from us little by little in the name of legislation and regulation.  OUR RIGHTS ARE NOT FOR SALE, DAMN YOU!

We spoke of the pharmeceutical industry most specifically because we are so damn tired of thinking about the Defense Industry.  We realize that vitamins and herbs will be regulated if we don't rise against this, yet prozac will be handed out like peanuts at a circus.  They don't need to prevent poor health; they won't even know they are sick until we have the title to their wealth, and by then, with Prozac, they won't even care.  It used to be that if we suffered depression, we worked through it by first identifying the source, then doing whatever neccessary to fix it for the individual.  Everyone did not get one pill for all woes in those days.  We used to crack jokes about therapy and psychiatry but now when you think about it; the only time you really hear of professionals like hard core psychotherapists getting involved is in court.  They are our modern day "grim reaper".  They can make it for us or break it for us when brought forth in a court of law.  This is a case where an industry has more say than the customers.  The customers aren't always right nor do they have rights--toss another pill their way and just let them believe they do.


Thursday, February 10, 2005

On The Way To School (Today)

As usual, NPR brought me my morning information.  Secretary Rice gave her speech to North Korea.  I believe she did a great job, but I also know some will hear what lurked behind her words and become upset.  As for me, I heard once again what is absent in all our dealings with North Korea--understanding.

Why do we, when we think of nuclear weapons and North Korea, think they want to use them against us or sell them to those who might?  Proliferation of nuclear weapons and self defense are secondary issues for North Korea.  They want more than anything for other nations to respect them, not for their poverty, but in spite of it.  They want to be able to respect the nations as well; yet they have a difficult time when nations throw a sickening cocktail of pity and threats their way expecting them to just swallow it all down without so much as a peep.

Mongolia knows North Korea better than anyone does.  They have shown them ways to improve their standard of living without insulting the Koreans.  The Koreans are a proud and stubborn people.  They will not hear one word someone says if that person or nation starts out either issuing threats, or by saying, "Here, let us show you a better way."   You just don't do that to the North Koreans. 

What I wish Secretary Rice had said would have been, "To you the quiet nation of North Korea.  We are coming to understand your concerns about the stability of the world.  Because we have enjoyed a time of "plenty" we were blind to your plight.  We the United States ask you to forgive us our arrogance as we flaunted our reserves.  It is our hope to bring your nation a security that we won't attack you or invade you.  As you know, attacks such as those we are doing in Iraq at this time are because we had to remove a ruthless enemy who stole the hearts and lives of people in front of their loved ones.  Wars like the ones we are currently engaged in are to be avoided.   Know that we have worried for some time that you might side with the enemy we face and because of our already strained relationships with you, we were concerned you might sell your weapons to them or some other nefarious organization.  We never believed that you would attack us without feeling as though you were under a direct threat from us.  In the next few months, it is the hopes of America that we can arrive at an agreement that you won't sell your arms to our enemies, nor will we attack you unprovoked."  

If we in America would admit this to the North Koreans, they would have a much better reason to believe us and maybe even come to respect us as a country who is finally coming to respect them.

Tuesday, February 8, 2005

"Someone pass the buck," exclaimed the capitalist.

When it comes to blaming the Republicans and the Democrats for everything I say, fuckin cut the crap.  I'm tired of the Opposition being labeled as: Democrats, Liberals, Left Wingers, Whiners; and I'm just as tired of the Occupation being labeled as: Republicans, Lemmings, Right Wing Fundementally disabled.  We have some budget woes and Social Security at this time is a distraction of greater things, larger broken promises, etc.

Last year at this time we were assured by Secretary of Treasury, John Snow, that our Medical Care was in trouble and under the President's visionary proposal, in ten years we will have spent only 4 billion.  Well, one year later we have already done that.  Now this same President has another visionary proposal that favors the "price index" which is determined largely by the Federal Reserve.  This means we won't have any guarantees.  What it also means is that we can't touch our money except in annuities.  Is that how that is spelled? The only way, according to Snow that we can touch this is if we can prove we won't outlive the money in the private account.  My question here is that if it is a private account, why can't we do what we want with it, and why do we have to invest in something that resembles a 401k or IRA or some other account that depends on the Federal Reserve?  I never did trust the Federal Reserve.  A hell of a lot of good they did us in the 20's and 30's. They aren't allowed to preside over our Wage Index Accounts (traditional social security) and they are hella pissed.  We just borrowed in this last year another 139 billion from Japan, 43 billion from China and another 15 billion from the OPEC nations.  The Federal Reserve wants a larger chunk of this multinational redistribution of wealth.  They couldn't care more or less about the individual human because they have no heart and their soul has only one mantra, "More!"

The Federal Reserve blames the country for these problems and takes no responsibility for misleading us, for inflating costs when it suits them, raising interest rates to prevent deflation etc.  They tell us it is because we have fewer wage earners now, fewer industrialized jobs; well hell yeah we say.  We all know that much is true but few of us know that the money being shuffled away from us and into the hands of workers like ourselves in other countries is coordinated in large by who else...The Federal Reserve--the sponsors of this world's demise.

Here are some links you might find interesting folks.

 National Average Wage Index 

 FRB: Press Release--FOMC statement and Board discount rate action--February 2, 2005 | Reserve 'blows whistle' over rates (07-02-2005)