Choosing the right leader
What I look for in a leader is someone I know has a record of trying to do what is right for our country. Being more globally minded is often the icing on the cake but in the case of our current occupation its just another way to frost the world. I don't dig double speaking politicians and I don't mean the flip-flopping kind who change their mind as new information comes to light.
Male, female, religion; these things don't matter to me as long as the people I vote for have a humane way of dealing with us (we the people).
Regarding raising the taxes for social security I say NO and Hell NO. Why? Well, you see, I believe in flat taxes on gross receipts meaning the corporations would be putting in a hefty chunk. Don't give me the fear factor that they will take their business elsewhere because many already have and without us, they may as well close shop. I'd tell all in the Senate and Congress, chuck the fear and quit parlaying to the Federal Reserve. Does this sound like the voice of a Damsel Of Dissent? I'm almost there, not quite.
In regard to pornography, we have it all labeled so the youngsters can figure out what they will look at. They have the choice of adult viewing to non-adult viewing. From there it is up to their guardians what they will allow. You asked if rape and death scenes should be permitted, at least that is the way it looked but I answered not sure because I wasn't sure if you meant they were in reality being raped and "snuffed". There were a few areas of questioning that are not clear. Rape and murder are illegal and if these porn profiteers are selling the "real" stuff they too need to be brought up on charges as accessories to the crime. The way I see it, their product is evidence and should have been turned into the FBIright away.
We have some internal turmoil and conflicts to handle and the others around the world need to be put on notice that at this time, should they decide to make the trip to America, we will deport them to a holding cell in a slave camp in Siberia until we can right the wrongs we have created amongst ourselves. We have made it a habit of taking one job providing a living wage and slicing it into 4 minimum wage jobs. Equal service for equal pay and Americans would be farming and waiting tables again as well as cleaning hotel rooms.
Farm Subsidies
In California, our rice farmers are paid to NOT grow rice. It takes a lot of water and can destroy the land's future farming. We buy rice from others but pay our own to not grow it. Ask yourselves why, people. Could it be in the name of NAFTA that we are paying our farmers subsidies? Or, is it something more sinister like industrializing farming so the farms can do whatever they wish on the properties without any corporate accountabilities the individual farmers or co-opted farmers would be held to? The questions regarding farming are iffy, Marc. Most folks don't know both sides of the issue.
The Best of the Best
Stars and sportsfigures are wonderful to behold, but each of them brings something enlightening to me when I have time to get involved in their arena. One isn't better than another but I do have my personal favorites which aren't on your list and still I wouldn't vote for any of them for president. <smile>
Ethnic Heritage
Just for the record, I'm about as American any American without feathers can be. I cherish my right to dissent which is the basic freedom we Americans should never forget or divide up in posturing legislation ("looks good on the surface" kind of stuff).
I am predominantly Italian and Irish in ancestory along with a smidge of German and French Basque, nearly untraceable. I wouldn't want to be anything other than I am nor would I want to change anyone else into something they aren't. That is kind of how those questions read.
I love taking your polls and every one I've taken lets me know how to gauge which way our political views will come out on television. Thank you for the tips through your line of questioning. Kisses and Huggs to ya. <smile>
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