Sunday, November 20, 2005

So glad to be alive

Everyone!  I wish to share something with you. I stepped outside tonight- to smoke.  I was in deep thought, thoughts of God; thoughts to God.  I thought of my neighbor and of myself, two people who love God very much.  I thought of my transgressions and began to speak out loud with the stars as my audience. 

I'm not perfect but I do get things right now and then.  I don't blame and don't believe in excuses.  I am a woman of intent and don't dismiss much as a mistake.  I am what I am, a woman on a personal journey.

Truth is important and tonight the Holy Spirit met with me as the celestials witnessed.  Mercy and compassion, the spark of the living, this was how I was touched tonight.  I figure that I want to live a very long life because there is so much to learn and I'm unafraid.  But, repentence takes time, therefore for me, it will be neccessary to live a long life.  I'm unafraid of sin so long as the Holy Spirit is here.  I trust with all my heart that the Spirit is powerful enough to lead me to transformation.

Thank you.   I had to share and now I'm going back out to think some more.

Friday, November 18, 2005

A Call For Action

In the face of global capitalism and the redefining of democracy, liberty is fading away into the shadows of fascism. Corporations have freedoms their consumers do not have such as paying 16 cents to the dollar of taxes owed; meanwhile, procuring hefty tax breaks that aren't passed down to the consumer.   They supply our wants on the backs of the world's desperate and jack up the cost of our needs, the resources we must have to survive in this world today.   They buy legislation that allows them to accomplish their goals to have the entire world under the umbrella of a Global Order.   Everyone from the purchased presidents down to the illegal immigrant slaves serve the interests of these corporations.

With all the technological advances this world has seen, and renewable energy sources more readily available, these mega-conglomerates and their subsidiaries  continue to fight us on alternative energy sources that are more environmentally friendly. This leads me to believe that the wars we fight today are more about profiting off the control of natural resources which we are all beholden to than they are about democracy.   Would America purchase goods and resources from the rest of the world if they knew the role mercenaries of these corporations play?   Would Americans do so if they knew the methods used such as starting divisions amongst people indigenous to the areas where our resources come from?    Would America be OK with these activities if they knew the corporations are also proliferators of evil?   I'm not sure I can handle the answer to those questions.

I urge you, our representatives, to stand up to this man with a mandate whom we call our President, and levy the truth and consequences of his actions on behalf of, not only the world at large, but more specifically, the liberty that belongs to Americans here at home.

If the Democrats are publicly accused of handling information irresponsibly in regard to their initial support of going to war on the grounds of WMD, then the President must admit publicly through all veins of media how he was the avenue of the faulty information.   He must admit that as the "elected"  head of the chain of command, he failed to bring the full and examined truth to America and the rest of the world.

His goal was always to dispose of Saddam Hussein.   His father's goal was to do that in order to free the Iraqi people and pavethe way for them to join the Global Order.   That was his father's vision.   Since then, Bill Clinton also carried out that goal and fell short as his predecessor had.   His law H.R. 4655- "Iraq Liberation Act of 1998" never took hold in the minds of the average American and I wonder how many people of the Senate and Congress ever give thought to it.  

In G. W.  Bush's talk with Jim Lehrer on February 16, 2000, he shows us that he intended to go after Hussein.   He said, "I think we need to have inspectors back into Iraq, and I think we need to make it clear to Saddam Hussein we want them back into -- we need to make it clear to our allies we expect the inspectors back in to make sure he's not developing weapons of mass destruction."  He then went on to say, "I'm just as frustrated as many Americans are that Saddam Hussein still lives. I think we ought to keep the pressure on him. I will tell you this: If we catch him developing weapons of mass destruction in any way, shape or form, I'll deal with that in a way that he won't like."
Mr. Lehrer asked him, "Like what, bomb him?"
Bush responded, "Well, it could be one option. He just needs to know that he'll be dealt with in a firm way."

There is no way we can let President George Bush get off by admitting irresponsibility in the handling of "misinformation."  He, like his predecessors, was chomping at the bit to dispose of Saddam and set up a strategic position in Iraq.   When Sept. 11th brought us to a screeching halt, our President wasted no time in capitalizing on the egg of disaster the golden goose had laid.   He immediately exploited our fears and took us down a path of vengeance.   This implies intent.   Intent is not to be minimized as irresponsibility.   His intent involved selling Congress, the Senate, the American media, and people, a lie.   This most certainly is an impeachable offense.  

If we won't impeach this man, we must definitely speak to the truths that so far have been mishandled and whored by this media driven conspiracy.  

Democrats, it is time to stand together more firmly and speak out more eloquently than we have ever had to do before.   Let's do it now.

Thank you.

Chelle Stockman



Monday, November 14, 2005

Letter to the AOL Democrats RE: I've had enough.

Subj: Re: [AOLDemocrats] Oil firms see tax rates fall: Nice.  Date: 11/14/2005 8:37:24 AM Pacific Standard Time From: GoddessOf7Worlds To:

I did something I rarely do early this morning.  I turned on Fox Fallacy News to see what spin they were putting on information they might have.  The show was Bulls and Bears, a financial advisory show (supposedly).  Every guest went on and on as the cameras zoomed in for the close-ups of them frothing.

The subject was the Democrats being unethical towards those poor oil fellows.  Apparently the Democrats were trying to hold them accountable for accounting activities and this had the pundits of the show in a frothy tither.  They were very upset for the oil corporations and said they have the right to make profits that the Democrats were just trying to make themselves look good to the little guy.  They explained that little guys own stocks in these oil corporations and that the little guys will see through this Democratic play on our emotions.

Never once did they say how the oil companies find the resources which usually involves the use of mercenaries and even military forces.  They never once spoke to the raping of the land in these countries where this valuable resource can be extracted.  They never once spoke to the displacement of the indigenous people of these lands nor did they speak to the destruction of our ecosystem.  They seem to have forgotten that this 43rd president promised us that by 2008 we would be using hydrogen power.  Below is just one of his three promises to we the people of the United States:
             "In this century, the greatest environmental progress will come about not through endless lawsuits or command-and-control regulations, but through technology and innovation. Tonight I'm proposing $1.2 billion in research funding so that America can lead the world in developing clean, hydrogen-powered automobiles."  G.W. Bush

For more of his broken promises, feel free to check out my journal. 
What's going on?   or if that link doesn't work.

Yesterday set me back a bit.  The History Channel re-aired an episode on the making of 9/11 and I suspect it was at the urging of the White House since the president is making his case against the Democrats and once again diverting the attention off of his failures.  The History Channel showed what individuals were doing on that morning prior to the attack of 9/11.  What they conspicuously left out was what our President was doing that day.  Enough said. 
This letter is going to be added to my blog today.  I've had enough of this administration's deceit and it is time we do something about it.

Thank you for letting me pitch my fit.

Chelle Stockman