Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Prudhoe Bay Spill and Democrats' Platform

This is a letter I sent to the DNC , Republican Senator Snowe and others this morning.  It is about environment as well as what I feel our platform should be.
"I Told You So, I Told You So," should be the cry of the people, but most especially the Democrats.
We are told we have no platform. That's a lie only the inept buy into which tells me we have more inept souls here than we have well informed souls. 
The environment must be our number one priority.  Education our second with Hillary's Universal Health Care plan tweaked and made our number 3 priority. 
Look, we have an expanding government under the Republican control which is contradictory to their "small Govt." stance of the past.  With all this government, shouldn't we take advantage of it?  Inform the people, the constituents, any way possible.  Turn up the volume, please. (Let's take a look at all the environmental legislation from the past 12 years and strengthen the many areas of weakness)
Take, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, where a "catastrophic" (not enough to be called a disaster) oil spill occurred due to a hole 1/4" in the pipeline.  The hole was plugged while production continued and five days later, bingo!--an oil spill of 300,000 gallons which has penetrated the snow and destroyed 2 acres (no big deal, right?) of tundra.  With the greedy for profits attitude of Don Young and his coconspirator, Pombo, we have the largest "insignificant" oil spill in that area, excluding the Exxon Valdez. 
What don't people get? Destroy the earth, we have no place to live let alone a purpose to live.  So Environment is what I want to hear coming out of our party.  I'm livid right now, barely able to see my own typing.  Forgive me any errors and turn up the volume on this important issue, please. We are all running out of time while people are playing politics and profits-the age old game of fascist imperialism.
Thanks for letting me vent,
Chelle Stockman 

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