Veto Woes by Chelle Stockmamn (short version)
I am disheartened by this latest proposal coming out of Congress. Why? Well, if you are committed to defunding a military plan that is running auk, why on earth would you put homeland security problems, natural disaster problems, homeland economic woes created from bioengineering products, homeland pollution disaster problems, and so much more into a bill that is supposed to represent our actions in the Middle East?
When I first read some of the so called pork in this bill, I recognized the issues they funneled into it as being leftovers from previous years--unfinished business. My first gut reaction was that they lacked sincerity and this bill was nothing more than political posturing. How could a bill that you say you want passed for all the right reasons be ladled with stuff that has nothing to do with the war in Iraq? That was my reasoning when I first reviewed the composition of this bill.
Now, I'm angry. The things they ladled into this bill are important issues and deserve measures and bills of their own. They shouldn't be filed into other bills that have nothing to do with the problems they seek to nullify. To me, a mere simpleton, I simply do not understand why Congress and all representatives from local levels to the higher federal levels, cannot seem to do business by addressing compatible issues in their natural form. Time? They haven't got the time? Why not? Why can't they budget their time?
Look, when I have issues regarding my children, I don't lump them in to issues that require me to look good for an event, like a manicure, pedicure and hairstyle. When I am required to address issues regarding my salon, I don't attach them on to issues that came up when I was attacked, issues that came up when my identity was sold to strangers, or issues that were born out my son's school activities. I am forced to address each issue according to its kind. Our governments haven't operated like this for at least 30 years.
How do we get our city officials, our county officials, state and federal representatives to address issues according to their kind? It would be so much easier for constituents to vote properly if we knew exactly what we were voting on. They seem to muck everything up when they convolute and crowd their proposals.
This disheartens me greatly.
Chelle Stockman
Please check out my other blog via this link for a full version.