Thursday, March 29, 2007

Veto Woes by Chelle Stockman

Veto Woes by Chelle Stockmamn (short version)

I am disheartened by this latest proposal coming out of Congress.  Why? Well, if you are committed to defunding a military plan that is running auk, why on earth would you put homeland security problems, natural disaster problems, homeland economic woes created from bioengineering products, homeland pollution disaster problems, and so much more into a bill that is supposed to represent our actions in the Middle East?
When I first read some of the so called pork in this bill, I recognized the issues they funneled into it as being leftovers from previous years--unfinished business. My first gut reaction was that they lacked sincerity and this bill was nothing more than political posturing.  How could a bill that you say you want passed for all the right reasons be ladled with stuff that has nothing to do with the war in Iraq?  That was my reasoning when I first reviewed the composition of this bill.
Now, I'm angry.  The things they ladled into this bill are important issues and deserve measures and bills of their own.  They shouldn't be filed into other bills that have nothing to do with the problems they seek to nullify. To me, a mere simpleton, I simply do not understand why Congress and all representatives from local levels to the higher federal levels, cannot seem to do business by addressing compatible issues in their natural form.  Time?  They haven't got the time?  Why not?  Why can't they budget their time? 

Look, when I have issues regarding my children,  I don't lump them in to issues that require me to look good for an event, like a manicure, pedicure and hairstyle.  When I am required to address issues regarding my salon,  I don't attach them on to issues that came up when I was attacked, issues that came up when my identity was sold to strangers, or issues that were born out my son's school activities.  I am forced to address each issue according to its kind.  Our governments haven't operated like this for at least 30 years. 

How do we get our city officials, our county officials, state and federal representatives to address issues according to their kind?  It would be so much easier for constituents to vote properly if we knew exactly what we were voting on.  They seem to muck everything up when they convolute and crowd their proposals.
This disheartens me greatly.

Chelle Stockman

Please check out my other blog via this link for a full version.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Give Iran Their imprisoned Kinsman

A week ago, I was listening to BBC Radio and they reported Iran's abduction of two British ships and several sailors running missions to ward off the ever present problem of piracy and drug running in the Iraqi waters which are also shared by Iran and Qatar, amongst other regions along those waters.  When I heard it, I immediately began calling all my loved ones and friends in order to inform them that Iran committed an act of war against Great Britain.  I was infuriated because at the time, no American news stations, radio or television had reported this.  In fact, no local newspapers had it in their A sections for several days.

But on March 25th, it occured to me that Iran is doing something pretty damn interesting.  They are holding 15 British Military Personnel hostage   I remembered that every time in the past hostage situation where Iran called the shots, they demanded the release of Islamic prisoners in American facilities. 

Here we have a president in Bush, a man who vowed to NEVER negotiate with terrorists or those who harbour them.  I'm thinking that the Iranian leader is showing the British that their support for the United States won't be reciprocated should the release of their soldiers come to depend on our releasing those in Guantanamo and other such facilities.  This is pretty tricky stuff.  But, you know what I'd do?  Brace yourselves because my suggestions might sound so Cheney/Bush-like in that it is far from humane. I'd sure hate for this to happen to any of our own in fact, but here goes.

I say we knock out all suspected terrorists and hostages we have stocked in our prisons.  We implant receivers in both ears and speak into their ears whenever we see fit.  Let them think they are hearing messages from their supreme leaders.  We could even start a hippy rebellion in Islam.  LOL  "You shall love your enemy.  You shall not kill your enemy.  Allah does not condone this hatred. You shall instead love your wives, mothers and sisters and shall serve them."  LOL   okay-okay, that's probably too much like torture. I'm sure you all get the point.  After we tag these prisoners, we might be persuaded to release them which would surprise the crap out of the Iranian leader.  He wouldn't have put his money on us helping out anyone because they see us as self serving to the point of screwing everyone else.  Their idea of America, is a country filled with people who buy themselves out of every known sin and woe.  Won't Iran be disappointed when we actually do release the prisoners back into their custody, along with a bill for their stay in the various jails, and offer Iran no money in the place of hostages.   Just imagine.

Geepers, I'm such a stinker.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Roman Centurians or Conservative Political Action of America? by Chelle Stockman

Response to Tom Smith's Article (mar2,2007 vallejo times herald) by Chelle Stockman

So typical of those tired of anyone who does not agree with President Bush, is the reasoning method chosen by Tom Smith in March 2, 2007, article, The Disastrous Left.

He begins by blaming the war in Iraq and eventual war in Iran on the "exportation of left wing, anything-goes attitude."  From there he quotes a minor few of Osama bin Laden and his Taliban movement speeches to the world.  You should see the things Mr. Smith left out as Osama and the Taliban site their reasons for killing innocents in New York shoving our brand of Democracy down our "arrogant American" throats.
From there, Mr. Smith says, "It's now time to stop the blame Game," and in the next breath he says it is up to the Democrats in the House of Representatives to basically fix things.  Was it the Democrats in the House of Representatives that took us to Iraq; is that what he thinks???  (sheer craziness and borderline lunacy)

Then Mr. Smith concludes by urging these left wing Democrats in the House of Representatives (or is he asking this of some other entity, its unclear in his letter) to "stop promoting diversity and start promoting unity!"

Until the "Conservative Political Action Committee" thinking people remove the log out of their eye, they will fail to persuade the speck out of the eyes of their accused.

Look, we are led to this war to disband OPEC and make a power grab for natural resources, beginning with Oil and moving on to the Natural Gas in the Caspian Sea.  In fact, our involvement in Afghanistan and Pakistan are directly related to the Natural Gas in the Caspian Sea.  It is about privatization of goods under the so called trade agreements.  So in effect, until our representatives admit this and see how those CEO's in higher places have manipulated even the 3 nations of Iraq under God, we shall not have a viable solution for peace.

The Taliban's message, most especially Mr. bin Laden's message, to the world speaks of Usury practices as being the evil of all evils.  Shall Americans stop taking out loans to buy homes?  Shall Americans cease to buy things on credit?  Hah! That will be the day.  They also blame us for being haughty and arrogant as we rely on our precious constitution that allows us to elect the likes of Bill Clinton (lying adulterer) and George Bush (capitalist lying murderer).  In fact, these are but a few of the reasons they gave in order to justify their attacks on the World Trade Centers.

Their accusations are correct; however, our Constitution, in line with the gift we were given pertaining to "free will", promises to allow us to think for ourselves, which includes making our own mistakes and also correcting them.  Unlike the other nations under God such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, etc., our constitution isn't based on Holy Words, but civil words. What sets us apart from Holy Based Constitutions, we leave the morality up to God and the people; not the courts of our laws.  Should we change and become a Theocratic driven Democracy, we shall become that which we find ourselves warring with in the Middle East. 

The CEO's of Halliburton, Kellogg and Brown, Monsanto, and other such principalities are counting on this controlled chaos.  You see, they are greedy and greed of that magnitude can never be satisfied.

I do agree with Tom Smith in that we need to unify, but we will have to do it by first agreeing that our Constitution is worth protecting, and then secondly, that We the People must claim our Liberties back from the Corporations that currently decide our national and foreign policies. 

Chelle Stockman