Friday, March 2, 2007

Roman Centurians or Conservative Political Action of America? by Chelle Stockman

Response to Tom Smith's Article (mar2,2007 vallejo times herald) by Chelle Stockman

So typical of those tired of anyone who does not agree with President Bush, is the reasoning method chosen by Tom Smith in March 2, 2007, article, The Disastrous Left.

He begins by blaming the war in Iraq and eventual war in Iran on the "exportation of left wing, anything-goes attitude."  From there he quotes a minor few of Osama bin Laden and his Taliban movement speeches to the world.  You should see the things Mr. Smith left out as Osama and the Taliban site their reasons for killing innocents in New York shoving our brand of Democracy down our "arrogant American" throats.
From there, Mr. Smith says, "It's now time to stop the blame Game," and in the next breath he says it is up to the Democrats in the House of Representatives to basically fix things.  Was it the Democrats in the House of Representatives that took us to Iraq; is that what he thinks???  (sheer craziness and borderline lunacy)

Then Mr. Smith concludes by urging these left wing Democrats in the House of Representatives (or is he asking this of some other entity, its unclear in his letter) to "stop promoting diversity and start promoting unity!"

Until the "Conservative Political Action Committee" thinking people remove the log out of their eye, they will fail to persuade the speck out of the eyes of their accused.

Look, we are led to this war to disband OPEC and make a power grab for natural resources, beginning with Oil and moving on to the Natural Gas in the Caspian Sea.  In fact, our involvement in Afghanistan and Pakistan are directly related to the Natural Gas in the Caspian Sea.  It is about privatization of goods under the so called trade agreements.  So in effect, until our representatives admit this and see how those CEO's in higher places have manipulated even the 3 nations of Iraq under God, we shall not have a viable solution for peace.

The Taliban's message, most especially Mr. bin Laden's message, to the world speaks of Usury practices as being the evil of all evils.  Shall Americans stop taking out loans to buy homes?  Shall Americans cease to buy things on credit?  Hah! That will be the day.  They also blame us for being haughty and arrogant as we rely on our precious constitution that allows us to elect the likes of Bill Clinton (lying adulterer) and George Bush (capitalist lying murderer).  In fact, these are but a few of the reasons they gave in order to justify their attacks on the World Trade Centers.

Their accusations are correct; however, our Constitution, in line with the gift we were given pertaining to "free will", promises to allow us to think for ourselves, which includes making our own mistakes and also correcting them.  Unlike the other nations under God such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, etc., our constitution isn't based on Holy Words, but civil words. What sets us apart from Holy Based Constitutions, we leave the morality up to God and the people; not the courts of our laws.  Should we change and become a Theocratic driven Democracy, we shall become that which we find ourselves warring with in the Middle East. 

The CEO's of Halliburton, Kellogg and Brown, Monsanto, and other such principalities are counting on this controlled chaos.  You see, they are greedy and greed of that magnitude can never be satisfied.

I do agree with Tom Smith in that we need to unify, but we will have to do it by first agreeing that our Constitution is worth protecting, and then secondly, that We the People must claim our Liberties back from the Corporations that currently decide our national and foreign policies. 

Chelle Stockman


Anonymous said...

ain;t lunacy and bein crazy about the same thing?

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are correct sir.  It was the most lady-like way I could think of to slap that writer in his wordy big mouth.   <smile>  Good to see you still live and to think you once told me you'd  be dead by fifty.  :)   This is one of those cases when I am actually pleased to have won that discussion.  :)

Anonymous said...

if you don;t hear from me again, have a great birthday come the 22nd.  one hundred and forty three times into the great beyond.

Anonymous said...

have a nice birthday tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for remembering. I'm still not going to be a half century, not this year.  You might remember that I was given a death sentence in that I wasn't supposed to make it to 50 years of age, so said my family doctor.  This upset my grandmother so much and she held this secret in for a decade.  Sometimes when we spent precious time together (all time we spent was precious) she would tear up.  One day she told me of the doctors prognosis.  I remember telling her to cheer up that I rarely do what is expected of me.  <smile>  So, I pass our life sentence here on earth as we each do our time, thinking that I'll make it to a half century.   You might also remember that I've always wanted to live to be a wonderful vibrant clear minded age of 98.  Still,  I've been a little anxious for the half century mark. So one more birthday after this coming one, and I'll have made it.  Then onward to the full century mark it will be for me.  It is 9:07 PST--only ten hours and 29 minutes left to go, then I'll be 49. :)  

I hope all is well with you.  I think of you often and look at the book that I've never finished editing thinking of how disappointed you would be if you knew that.  Well, now you know it and it occurs to me that you were proud of me for just doing it in the first place.  You, Mary and Alma; you folks were the ones that inspired me.  You folks are in my heart for life, no matter how long that turns out to be.

Anonymous said...

is it too bold of me to say smooch?