Tuesday, December 11, 2007

If you bother to read my words...

See my previous entry and its ammended notation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chelle,  There is a 3rd conclusion that you can draw from the lack of response to the initial error in your blog--there are some of us who read your comments and thought so slight an error not worthy of comment.
Let me add one comment of my own to your observatons.  If it had been an English born son of and English born teacher who named the bear I would have believed it to be a case of cultural insensitivity.  But it was the Muslim born students who picked the name and then reported it to parents who became outraged.  If one or more of the students believed that choice was in conflict with the teachings of their parents couldn't they have spoken up?  Have they no voices?  Is silence mandatory in the society of extremists?  If so, where is hope?
