Friday, October 10, 2008

Letter to Rachel Maddow by Chelle Stockman

Letter to Rachel Maddow by Chelle Stockman
Good Morning, Rachel;
I have a question regarding Senator McCain's ties to the Kemper-Marley crime syndicate.  He seems hell bent on bringing up Senator Obama's associates but the fingers seem to point right back to himself, his lovely wife, and her father. 
Is it true that Jim Hensley was connected to the Tishes, the Linders, the Rothchildes and Drexel Burnham Lamburt?  If so, why is there nothing about it slapping us in the face? Where is that guilt by association John and Sarah are offering up?
It's no secret that Republicans don't vote for people of good character instead opting to vote for characters such as gippers, mavericks, and hammers. With sensible reason tossed out they are casting their votes for winks, the pursing of lips, empty promises and identifiable charm instead which cloaks the high crimes and suspicious suicides ultimately leading to Jim Hensley's involvement.  Tell me Senator McCain didn't know this.
Is it also true that Cindy McCain has profited heavily off of the war industry and has money in off shore accounts?  What the hell is going on with our nation?
Any response is appreciated.
Chelle Stockman


Anonymous said...

suspicious suicides,.. the name Foster ring a bell?   heh heh heh

Anonymous said...

Zz, what has Vince Foster got to do with McCain unless the Hensleys had something to do with it, or Senator McCain did, the comment is nothing more than to deflect attention away from a politician seeking high office.  He is a gangster and has heavy mob ties.

I do understand that you want Clinton to take our minds off the hypocrit seeking to represent the frothing angry republicans we see on television today but it won't work.  I don't recall republicans ever being so hateful; a tad prejudiced, yeah.  I can recall them spewing crap about the "hispanics, orientals and black bastards" but I figured that went to how they were raised.  I never saw them as calling for murder or spewing hate and lies.  I thought those days were behind us.

You know, if McCain loses this election, it will be because his followers are showing a strange hate and those who might have voted for him won't do so because they aren't hateful and don't want to be associated with hate or hate crimes.  

I wish we could get the word out that not all Republicans are like this.   I said it before; the GOP could have chosen a better candidate from the pool of fine Republicans available, but no.  They settled for McCain and now we are seeing hate.  Kind of reminds me of chat room stuff from the old days, don't you think so?  Remember the hate in that place?  We did our best to lighten it up but it choked the life out of the room and the room is no more.  TTYL  Be Well.