Thursday, December 2, 2004

Letter To Mary& My Other Disturbing Thoughts

Well what can we say, Mary?  What about California?  I feel as the New Yorkers do.

Check this out, I was listening to the financial analysts who are all scratching their heads about Bush being re-elected.  They said that the blue states have consistently out contributed federal taxes 4 to 1 over the red states and its the blue states who will benefit the most from Bush's plans while the red states will be hurting more because they rely on the federal subsidies that come from the taxes the blue states contribute but won't be contributing as much of.  They are bewildered as to why the red states don't see this for what it is and they told the blue states to relax because we won't be footing the bill for the red states as we have always had to do.

Still, Mary, this pisses me off.  Taxation should be fair.  I still believe in a flat rate.  I can't allow myself to be happy that as a small business owner I get to get breaks others are deprived of.  When a great portion of our country is required to pay 20 percent or more of their earnings, I get pissed.  That is unfair!  Shit.  I want my Kerry.

Chelle                            MORE DISTURBING THINGS

President Bush was said to be a hero having saved a CIA agent, and a day or two later an assassination attempt was made on his life while at the APEC meetings.  Meanwhile, the plane Papa Bush flies on crashed killing the pilots and personal stewardess to the Bush Family just before it could pick up Bush Sr. for his trip to the APEC meetings.  Hmm  Are any of you seeing a trend here?  I get really pissy when someone tries to kill our leader.  If our leader has sinned, we the American people need to deal with him ourselves; its not the job for some global assassin.  Imagine if our leader were to be killed, the entire world would be screwed.  Cheney would be right where nobody wants him to be.

When Bush Sr was president, Cheney was never out of his sight.  A good warrior when going off to battle keeps his enemies close at hand.  Consider that Bush Sr., a member of the Carlyle Group at the time got into defense contracts for purposes of profits.  The one company in his way continuously was Halliburton.  So, Cheney got to ride the gravy train again when Bush Sr. became our president.  I propose that the 2000 election was totally illegal in order to force Cheney to step down from Halliburton and the only way to do it was to insure he was the Vice President.  Bush Sr is the smart boy of that lineage and Bush Jr., I choose to not think of as evil, but because he is such a reactionary, he is a good tool of those practicing evil ethics.  They play him like a puppet.  Still, as long as Bush is in office, we have some control over Cheney.  Who wins if Bush should die....Cheney and the world will go to hell in his hands.  So you can understand why I'm just a little pissed when I hear that Bush Jr. has made 10 assassination lists world wide.  Pray folks.

A little note:  Don't you think the Bush family is rather like the Ewings on the old show called Dallas?  Why, they even had a Jr.  

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