Sunday, January 2, 2005

In this world, we have become numb to much of the tragedy.  Every disaster, every war, and every injustice should bring us out of our cacoon, but instead its like we retreat to a web someone else designed to maintain order amidst the chaos.

I"m heartbroken and its no one's fault.  I weep deeply because the truths others have, like the real stories in the Tsunami disaster, they aren't being heard quite like they happen.  How do you catch the real depth of a soul's pain at the loss of a loved one.  There was a story aol featured about a mother having to choose which son to let float away.  Oh my gosh!   How can we really know what that is like but what little I do know has me weeping in their pain.  That son was found alive by the way, but the emotional scars done will be irreversable.  He knows his mom told him to "let go."  The story continues and will probably go untold.  There was the other story of the woman who was saved suddenly by some stranger who was determined to save her.  Moments later she saw him floating belly down in the water.  The next wave hit and a woman pleaded with her to stick out her hand.  She was so in shock all she could do was hold on for her life and she never saw that woman again. She now lives and asks herself, "Would that woman have survived if I just stuck out my hand?" 

Disaster builds character they say, but it will have left haunting impressions on the souls of those who came through it.  I weep for them, for their stories.  This is so enormous, this this, you know what I mean.  Its the war, the wars, the disaster, the disasters, its the sum total of what we are all passing through, some of us in abject numbness; hey, work calls, right?  Meanwhile others not so distant are trying to put their lives together.

Who has time to blame anymore?  As I sit here trying to stop crying, Fox comes on.  Seems my son thought it would be a nice joke to turn on the last station I look to for news.  They have just announced more fear on the horizon as they sold us the news about the nefarious potential loan bombers who will walk into the polling places to prevent the elections this month.  They are promising us a most fearful month of terrorism.  Go Fox, sell your followers Fear.  Perhaps they will gobble it down like a bowl full of Wheaties as they tell each other, "It's the breakfast of Champions!"  Fear, mm mm. 

Okay, so it worked.  I'm not quiet as weepy.   When I think of Fox and the bullshit others who are Fox watchers speak of, I get angry.  Why is it they eat the bullshit and the rest of us get sickened by it.  <shaking head>.   Peace to you all.   We will figure out our parts some day.

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