Friday, January 28, 2005

Letter To Senator Boxer 1-29-05

On some of the websites for our senators they inform us that these 17 issues are what they will all be deciding on this term and some sites ask us to list the 3 most important ones. In bold, I'm going to list my immediate thoughts on each item so I can return to this list and expand on some ideas then write those who actually listen.  Feel free to use this list by copy paste and you can then delete my comments and add your own notes. 

1) Preserving Social Security and Medicare   I don't agree with Private accounts in place of the current system because of the fees middle men claim, the fleeting and indeterminable reliability of investments and the brokers, and because the companies we will be investing in will be overseas, not American companies in America, unless its the 1) defense contracts 2) pharmeceuticals 3) insurance portfolio companies (all past and current clients of the Bush families).  I do agree Social Security should be reworked and monies borrowed from them immediately replaced with some other area covering the bond deficit.

2) Protecting a woman's right to choose Note, this is not the "abortion bill" as the misinformed people would have you believe; its about choice.  In order to have a choice you must first be born and because a woman has been born a woman has a choice.  This isn't something that should be legislated.  If you reword this and say to perform abortions should be illegal because the woman is choosing to, with the doctor's help, to alter the predestined selection of nature, then we must also make sure it is co-legistlated to say invitro fertilization should also be illegal as well as saving the life of the dying person, since it is also natural to die.  Look, we have choice and we will suffer our choices as well as be blessed by them, but each individual does have free choice in a free society.  We make mistakes; don't take away our right to learn from them.

3)Making health care more affordable for families Define health care as preventative medicine and for those who are ill, allow them to be treated without stipulating rules regarding pre-existing conditions or pre-qualifications.

4 )Ensuring that polluters -- not taxpayers -- pay for toxic waste cleanups Polluters are companies doing business in America.  Since we are probusiness, we the people owe it to these companies to assist them in ways to do business with less pollution.  We should help to fund the building of environmentally friendly structures, saline plants to reuse water, silt systems to gather residuals that would normally pollute, research and development to help use what is left behind.  If after that companies who want to do business in America don't repent of their polluting ways, we fine them heavily and give them no longer than a year to vacate our soil.  Dig it, this is terrorism to us to our environment and since we are being sold on fear of terrorism  we should begin with companies who have no regard for our environment, companies who put profit over ethics and humanity.

5) Enacting a Patient's Bill of Rights for those enrolled in HMOs Do away with HMO's and PPO's.  They are leeches sucking the money out of the wallets of folks who need real health care.  Some things should be socialized, and regardless how you might argue Canada and Italy's medicine, with the amount of money we contribute in taxes, we could provide wonderful health care to the entire Western Hemisphere.  What about Dental Care?  Now that kills the pocket book real fast.

6) Fully funding the No Child Left Behind education law Do away with this fluff notion and get real folks.  Every child has and has had for years, the right to quality education just as Teachers were to have the right to teach.  Yet we have these tests which measure failures and run through obscure stat counters and every child who takes these tests does not benefit from them.  Allow the teachers to teach and promote testing that shows the child where they need to improve.  Leave the tests and the interpretations to the teachers thank you very much.  I've got a lot to say about education and taxation  funding and protocols but not enough space in a blog to address it.

7) Ensuring veterans have adequate health care All Americans should have adequate health care but if we depend on our military for our safety we need to be aware that military personnel give up many of our civil rights to do their job and many get hurt or die.  These families most definately should have immediate health care at their use without a red tape line to walk.

8) Increasing resources for homeland security Teach the American people how to look out for one another without violating each others rights and how to know the difference.  Teach the police, firefighters, forestry dept, border patrols, etc how to deal with explosives, toxins and other such terrorist related things.  Make it a regular part of their training and their job description. Leave the "digital divide" as Bush calls it out of security for our homeland.  The internet is the number one vunerability for our homeland security.  Alert the people of the world about this and remember if you can see information, the originator can see information about you.  Its like looking through windows, ya look out, someone looks in.

9) Increasing the minimum wage Quit driving the costs of goods up and the wages won't have to keep raising.  Discourage high interest rates and credit card debt by first being an example in not spending what we don't yet have.  Just remember, a minimum wage is not a living wage.

10)Passing a comprehensive transportation bill -- to create jobs and improve transportation And more pollution and more tax revenues because the more than use it the more maintenence is needed and on and on and on and ya know what, I don't have an opinion on this at this time.

11)Ensuring that America’s judges represent mainstream American view No judge should render a decision that depends on anyone's point of view.  A judge has only this to do; interpret the law justly and render a decision.

12)Providing a tax cut for the cost of college I'm against tax cuts.  I believe all companies and people of this country should pay 1 % taxes to federal programs, 1/2% to states, 5% sales tax which are divided up for cities with 2% of that going to counties.  These taxes will go off of gross earnings--no deductions period. (I'm radical this way)

13)Preserving more of America’s wild and natural places Learn to respect and care for our environment and our cement cities too. 

14)Passing a Violence Against Children Act If we enforced laws currently on the books, people are forbidden to cause harm to other people and living things therefore this law is not supposed to be needed.  Where are we going wrong?

15)Expanding the COPS Program -- to put more police officers on the streets This may become necessary, but not to control the masses.  We need police at this time to be the eyes against insurgents who might try to enact revenge upon our country because we have put profits and our national interests over humane, ethical, and respectful treatment of folks abroad and their customs.

16)Reducing our national debt Number 1 in importance.  The federal reserve owns the individuals who have credit card and home loan debts as well as our country's bonds.  The federal reserve depends largely on foreign investors, such as the Saudi's, the Chinese, the Germans, and whomever else we whore ourselves to.

17)Passing an effective National Energy Policy   Don't you  believe what they tell you about CNG and LNG.  Most of the wars we are engaged in are about our consumption level for products such as these and OIL.  They do pollute and in different ways; not only that, to extract them kills our environment.

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