Monday, February 28, 2005

C-SPAN watching @ 5:30 am Monday

Subj: Should workers lose in order for consumers to win?   
Date: 2/28/2005 5:59:46 AM Pacific Standard Time 
From: GoddessOf7Worlds 

It doesn't have to be that way.  

Since Bush 41, to Clinton, to Bush our president, we have been on something called the "Fast Track."  You have heard other nifty phrases such as "Redistributing" the wealth.   To the last three presidents that means taking what we already have, rather than creating anew, and redistributing it from one place to another.   Even Clinton who boasted of creating jobs actually killed a living wage job, divided it up and out of that came 4 minimum wage jobs.

We are now asking everyone to invest in their future based on a price index category.   What this means as you know is we are planning to "redistribute" the global debts.    We are on the "Fast Track" cutting through all that evil red tape, mean ol stuff, so we don't have time to investigate all this.

Now, there is a way for everyone to win, with a little proper investment in the people.   Things change when the consumers actually own the companies they subscribe to.   Until then, we are stuck with bean counters, creating the illusion of wealth (redistributing it), and filling up the global data banks in the name of "free trade."

Chelle Stockman  


Anonymous said...

Two weeks from tomorrow I will be standing in the gulf waters of the Mayan Riveria.  For seven wonderful days I will bake in the sun, belly myself up to the never closing bar and barge my way through the buffet line.  Somewhere, on the other side of the trees that shield my view, on the other side of the roadway, there is a concrete block house.  It's color is only a little darker than lime green.  It has windows without glass.  It's living room lit with a single bare light bulb.  The furniture has an aluminum frame with woven plastic fiber, the kind of furniture I put out on my deck for my Monday Night Football buddies who are known to drink a little too much.  It is not the good furniture I have on my porch.  And the beds in the green house are hammocks hanging from hooks attached to the walls.

I can not marry the life of those in the green house to mine, except when I think their children love them just as much as mine love me.

I guess that I'm thinking the "wealth" belongs to all of us, not just to USa.

Anonymous said...

For some wealth is an illusion, for others it's a simple luxury like toilet paper, but no doubt, wealth is for those who create it and they won't be taking it with them.  The poor will always be amongst us and until you teach them how to be rich, providing they seek teaching, you will spend all your wealth feeding them.  No?  No, you say?  Well, okay then perhaps the rich amongst them ought to?  No, its not up to them?   Fact is before you take care of the entire world's problems you might try working on those we have here, said the log  in my eye to the speck in yours.  I'm trying, I'm trying!  

Meanwhile to those of you who can afford a vacation, you created the wealth to be able to do so and I hope you enjoy, come home safely but understand vacations are something I'm unable to create enough wealth for.  I do gots a roll of toilet paper though an an engaging smile.  I'm rich.  Do me a favor, Sireofone; safely return home to us.