Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Power of Manifestation

Silly I am, I know.  But, I wanted to create wealth and working hard isn't quite enough.  So, I've studied lots of things including all Susie Orman's main points about respecting yourself and your money. 

I got to thinking about how if you had the faith of a mustard seed, you could move mountains and asked, "Wouldn't it be nice if I could move mountains of debts and circumstances forever away from me and populate my financial fields at the same increase of the mustard seeds?"

You will never guess what I did.  I grabbed some mustard seeds, an oak leaf off the eldest tree in our town, hunted down some trees in the "perfect" public place, then planted those seeds and prayed quickly.  You see, mustard seeds grow quickly and also in abundance.

I'm enjoying this part of the process.  <smile>

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