Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Early Tuesday morning, just after midnight, I ventured into a news chat room.  I visited a few of them over the course of a few hours.  In the first, they were pondering as to why a gunman would shoot so many people.  They debated whether or not it was over a love tryst.  One gent said the fellow was Chinese.  I had heard he was Asian and not necessarily Chinese.  In fact, I thought he might be Korean.  Why?  I got a flash of the Korean man who set himself on fire at the WTO summit in Mexico back in 2003 or 2004.  It was tragic.  This fellow wanted to show the world that the free trade agreements, the WTO and IMF involvements were a move towards globalized slavery by which economies could easily be manipulated in sudden power plays.  The Mexicans had just had their corn crop killed by Bush as Bush ordered our corn farmers to accept a penny to the dollar and dump their crops on the Mexican market just before their harvest time.  Of course  the world got to watch this Korean man die.

As the chatters kept chatting I had another flash only this time it took me to South America where a group of nefarious terrorists known as the Shining Path (combination of Maoist and Islamic protestors) wreaked havoc upon the indigenous people.  It was rumored that the CIA monitored their activities and may have funded many of them in order to get some American Corporations into South America without the dissent of the natives there.  Such companies were Shell and Bechtel.  In fact, I wrote a book (still unedited after all these years) titled Beyond The Mattress and it began in the area where the Shining Path ruled.  According to the CIA, they were effectively erradicated but I remember thinking, "no, they are only sleeping."

I wonder if this young Korean man, this shooter at Virginia Tech, had another message that went above his love for this girl on campus as we are currently being told by our American news media.  I wonder if we shall ever hear the real truth.   That's all.

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