Thursday, November 18, 2004

Painful message to my brothers and sisters.

Some of my sisters and brothers in the Lord have put me in a rock and a hard place, so first, I'd like to take a moment to explain how some who oppose the right to choose are compassionate helpers who work at Christian abortion counseling centers.  They help to restore the women back to a place where God can heal them.  This is truly a great thing in my opinion.  So I whole heartedly am proud of these sisters and brothers.

There are, however, brothers and sisters who haven't taken the time to understand the message of our Lord Jesus.  These are also the ones who say everyone must go through Jesus or they will go to hell without realizing the Jews were given laws for their salvation and the Islamics were given their directives for their salvation, something Christians cannot claim.  We were merely grafted in between these two olive branches, the half brothers--seeds of Abraham.  We were given as Gentiles the uncommon salvation through the messiah who is Jesus.  Jesus extended his arm of grace to us and called us to love our enemies, extend mercy without partiality, and forgave every sin with one exception--the blaspheming of the Holy Spirit. 

This is important to what I have to say to my brothers and sisters who are in error because it brings me great pain to have to correct them.  But since we are in the same family, I'm obligated to do so.  You see, God gave humans something quite special; he gave us free will, the ability to choose to come to him of our own free will, not to come to him because some law said we had to.  God waits for us to choose the path we will take.  On every path we will encounter sin (the formidable teacher), suffering and pain, amongst other things kind and unkind.  When we are humbled, in pain, suffering from our sins and we call out to God, he says, "I'm here."  We then choose to cry out our reality and invite our healing.  God sends his most Holy Spirit to comfort and teach us.  None of this can happen if we are enslaved by laws regarding a forced morality.  Morality isn't something we are to legislate.  In fact when someone showed Jesus a coin with Ceasar's picture, he looked at it with disgust and declared as he tossed it back to the gentleman, "Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars.

So my dear well meaning but mistaken brothers and sisters, I submit to you that by saying we must follow a moral form of legislated governing, we are stripping people of the gift God gave us, the gift of free will; and therefore, are denying that the Holy Spirit is able to save us from our demise.  This my family is denying the power of the Holy Spirit to meet the individual heart where it has gone, where it is at.  I'd like to throttle you all as you accuse Arlen Spector of being pro-murder and pro-abortion.  That is a lie! Stop lying this moment, repent of this sin.  There was no such bill ever that said proabortion or promurder.  Arlen is supporting the woman's individual rights to make a choice, something none of us should have to do since God guaranteed it.  Arlen feels the government shouldn't enforce private moral issues for individuals, that that is an intimate matter between they and whomever they believe in.  He is prochoice not pro anything else that goes on with that.  I ask you brothers and sisters, do you accept the salvation Christ offered to you?  If you say yes, then you murdered Christ.  Fear not, he is more than capable of forgiving you and he has. 

Now to the rabbi of the rabbi's you said, "Arlen Spector has stolen the civil rights of the unborn.  The unborn have been cheated out of their civil rights by Arlen Spector."  You sir, are in error.  In order to have civil rights, you must first be born and then secondly, you must be living.

I'm so sorry for having to scold you all, but believers are commanded to educate other believers who could be approaching the irreversable effects of error.   Do not deny the power of the Holy Spirit, accept the gift of free will that our creator teaches us through.  Selah--Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen sista... Amen!