Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Same Song, Same verse-A little bit LOUDER and a whole lot WORSE

In 2000, I went to bed thinking Gore would be our president. I woke to Bush.  Soon, I'll go to bed but it doesn't look like I'll wake to Kerry.

Therefore, I'll be busy for the next four years.  Unless you can help our country by becoming an activist, I won't have the opportunity to speak with you.  I'll be missing you, my friends.  I have a lot of research to do and already have a few who are willing to get busy with me. 

The process will be extensive and even the book I was about to start researching for, will be put on hold.  I feel awfully sorry for my husband because it will be as though he doesn't have a wife.

The rough plan.

First I'll outline the overview of the problems we face because of the way our current administration has bungled things. I'll see what other potential catastrophes pop up.  When I compile the lists, I'll snail mail to aproximately 200 senators and members of the house.  I'll also be on the telephone hoping to meet my California representatives in order to carry some of our concerns to them and they in turn, to Washington D.C..  Wish me luck.

From there, I'll review the problems of various states and also of cities within those states.  I'll write to these representatives and inquire what they plan on doing about it.  If I have help from the locals within that region, the task will be more personal and easier to handle.  Wish us all luck.

How I wish that you all would take a proactive stance, but seeing as how the vote has come down, I realize you are confident that everything is going your way.  So it isn't for the nearly 57,000,000 voters out of the 109,000,000 plus voters that I do this: it is for the remaining 52,000,000 plus voters that I'll be trying to help.  Their voice was heard by me and it cries out to be heard by our administration.  The rest of you have been heard already.  But know this;  should things not turn out for you as you had hoped, join me in making your voice heard, too; and wish us all luck.  Good night folks.

Peace and rest before resting in peace.

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