I used to make grocery lists in my mind while planning out the day ahead, reminding myself of things due in the coming week and making plans to meet with my friends a few months in advance; but not anymore. Instead my head is filled with foreign policy matters, domestic matters, global strategies, universal implications and God's intent when he first created this all.
I can smell a lie as it is being sold. By then it is too late. The damage is done. Do you know how that makes me feel? For instance, just as I think we need to take care of our environment, master the domain and all that,some talented yo-yo goes on television to promote his book. The dude is a seller of justice as he defines it. His name?
Allan Parker. He is a man with an agenda and a near perfect smile, the founder and CEO of the Texas Justice Foundation (TJF). His resume reads like this: Lawyer specializing in, Women's health, Limited Government, Parental Rights, Education Reform, Economic Freedom, and Property rights. The man is, however, one of our gifted sharks. I've been doing research on this devourer of the flesh. I say that, because he finds it neccessary to make laws regarding the "flesh". He says it is in the name of God that he does it and backs up in his book things he says John Adams and George Washington said. But he neglects to say in no uncertain terms what they have said.
George Washington said, "The United States of America should have a foundation free from the influence of clergy." But, Allan Parker equates God's will for us as something religious men interpret. (Guess he has forsaken the Holy Spirit interpreting the word in a man's individual heart. What, is he a Jehova's Witness?)
John Adams said, "The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or a Mohammedan nation."
Allan Parker says that John Adams and George W. Bush say we are a Christian Nation but our constitution declares us to be more of a nation under God or was that just the Pledge? (are Christians allowed to pledge to anyone other than God?)
Remember when we were going to war? It was going to be against all who were evil doers. I find it odd that George Bush went to the Pope's funeral amongst all those Catholics. In 1579-1656 there lived a clergyman, a Catholic monk who found himself inEngland same time Queen Elizabeth was. She had him tried for treason because it was illegal to practice Catholicism in England during that time. His name was Andrew White. He had this to say,"The main doctrine of a fanatic's creed is that his enemies are the enemies of God."
Tell you what folks. I'm tired of folks selling half truths and misinterpretations of the truth in the name of Allah or Jesus. The truth comes to those of us who seek it. God meets us where we are at. But you know what else? We are wrong to force our beliefs upon others! It isn't what my creator wanted. My creator gave us free will, no yoke about our neck so that we come together because it is our heart's desire to do so; not because we must, or we should, or because we have laws forcing us to. Whether we believe or disbelieve it is and should be our choice based upon free will. Those of us who do believe know this best! Yet here we are trying to legislate free will. We take away the rights of it forcing our country to put laws on the books giving us back identified portions of our free will that were taken away from us. We have been bartering away God's gift to us because we don't allow others to make mistakes, to grow from them, to build faith and know the joy of changing our hearts on matters that actually matter.
Allan Parker is taking the case of Norma McCovey (Roe vs Wade) and Sandra Doe (Doe vs. Bolton). The women had guilt over the way they exercised their choices. Sandra is still enslaved by her guilt and Norma wants to eliminate the possibility that another should ever have that feeling again. They both feel that if we were to take away the rights of other women to make mistakes as they admit they did, then it would some how make up for the mistakes they made. Lawyer (shark) Allan Parker in the name of Jesus (so he says) is using these women to see to it that his agenda starts off in one hell of a forward motion play. Smart dude this guy, really smart. Trouble is, if he were a man of God and if the women did search the word on their own, they would see how they allow their feelings interfer with the process of others making choices according to their free will yes and even their sinful natures. Without meaning to, I'm sure, they are blaspheming the Holy Spirit. To deny the Spirit from transforming these women is to deny what the Spirit has done for them and it minimalizes God's will in our life thus rendering it into the agendas of special interest groups with all kinds of catchy names like Family this, Parent that, Freedom this, Limited Government that.
I hope you all forgive me for being so disagreeable. It is how I feel and I feel this way with all my heart. Let the others learn from their mistakes, won't you please. I fight to do so too. I don't always like what folks do with their rights and hell, I've screwed up too. Still, I learn from my stupidity, my wastefulness, my sin, my mistakes. If I can, anyone can. There is hope for me and since there is hope for me, there is for everyone else too. Let us not rescind rights. Let us stay out of the bedrooms of humans. Murder and theft are still illegal. Let the punishment fit the crime but in regards to things like civil rights remember this, to have a civil right, you must be born. Don't go screaming murder should some gal get an abortion.