Ya know, it is easy to get upset when Dean speaks. His booming voice explodes through our daily routine and our selfish thoughts about where we are going to get our next pair of Bermuda Shorts. He says stuff like, "{Those} Republicans never worked an honest day of work in their life."
In regard to the fillibuster on MSNBC, "But if you look at what's good for America not what's good for the Republican Party, what the Republicans want to do is not good for America."
Refering to Tom De Lay he said to Mr. Russert, "You have a Republican leader who has been admonished three times by the Ethics Committee, and his response is to get rid of the Ethics Committee or render them inoperable. "
Still part of the Russert interview. (Videotape, May 14):
DR. DEAN: I think Tom DeLay ought to go back to Houston, where he can serve his jail sentence down there courtesy of the Texas taxpayers.
Dean responding to Russert's assertions pertaining to another interviewee's pot shot at Dean saying Dean was in the wrong.
DR. DEAN: As I said before, we're not speculating here. Three of the things I've mentioned he has already done and been admonished for by the House Ethics Committee. Look, Harry Truman was campaigning in 1948, and a guy went up and said, "Give 'em hell, Harry!" And Harry Truman said, "I don't give 'em hell. I just tell the truth and the Republicans think it's hell."
Cnn.com reports as Howard Dean defends his comments:
Dean told a forum of journalists and minority leaders Monday that Republicans are "not very friendly to different kinds of people, they are a pretty monolithic party ... it's pretty much a white, Christian party."
Challenged on that during the NBC interview, Dean said "unfortunately, by and large it is. And they have the agenda of the conservative Christians." He went on to say,
"This is a diversion from the issues that really matter: Social Security, and adequate job opportunity, strong public schools, a strong defense," Dean said.
The buttcheeks of Democrats and Republicans alike tighten when Howard Dean speaks these days, but consider that the Democrats have been shrinking away as the GOP chips at every thing they do. They (the frame artists of the GOP who can take something beautiful and show it as tawdry and cheap) effectively labeled a fellow representative, Dem Congressman Gary Condit, in the death of Chandra Levy, all without having to offer proofs. In the minds of Americans it stuck as truth. Fact is, Gary didn't kill Chandra but his seat was filled with a Republican. The length the GOP has gone to to get their agenda on the table makes the old mafia look like patsies at some girlie-mon show.
Howard is trying to wake the Democrats up but it seems that all he is doing is ruffling feathers of the yuppies in the DNC who are currently, no doubt, buying stock in hemorrhoid creams. This is only temporary. The Dems will waken and toss the elephant off their backs. There shall come a time we (the dems) will no longer shoulder the burden of the GOP. They have burdened the donkey long enough.
Dean wants to show the republican Americans that this is how their party has always campaigned and how they have always spoken about Democrats. So he is merely giving the Republicans back what they have said was true about the Democrats, and what do they do? They cry! They act all angry as though they are surprised. To these people who cry out for the Golden Rule but curse it when it works against their efforts, I have this to say, "Well, well, well, which way is it? Careful, your answer might get you a health pension in Galveston, Texas, home of DeLay's delay. "
That's the issue here folks. Let's get DeLay out of the way, then go after the others.
I want to go on all records as being convicted in my heart. The corporate thugs of the GOP are dirt shovelling people. They don't worry that someone standing in their way may be squeaky clean. They are masters and dirtying reputations. They would succeed in bringing down even Mother Theresa. Do I blame them? Well, the bible says, "whatsoever you do to the least of these, you do also to me." So I figure God will take care of the GOP but I do blame all those of us who subscribe to their misrepresentationof truths and deem them to be facts. Yes, it is those of us willing to believe the corporate sponsored advertising that I do blame.
I just got another vision of GW Bush and Sean Hannity. Man oh man, they remind me of "Me and Mini-Me" from the Austin Powers flick. <shudder>
It isn't too late for us to change our habits. Nope. It's always a great day for repentance. Shall we?