Friday, October 1, 2004

Shiite American Partnering: Conspiring For A New World Democracy


By Chelle Stockman

October 1st 2004

The current American Administration led by President George W. Bush has allied itself with an elite population of Shiite Iraq.  In doing so it has led to so called uprisings of insurgents throughout all boarder and interior territories of Iraq and has now infected Pakistan. His posturing with Prime Minister Ayad Allawi  has jeopardized and polarized not only the Shiite poor majority of Iraq, the nearby Islamic regions, the Sunni Islamic people, but has also jeopardized our children over there fighting on behalf of American interests misrepresented to us by their Commander in Chief, George W. Bush.

Up to the end of August the war was a Shiite war against infidel (United States) occupation in Iraq.  The poor majority of Shiite people have been fighting against the elite Shiite which supported Saddam.  We are waging one war against so called Terrorism while they are waging a long and bitter civil war that has been going on since the late 1990s.  The only thing American presence has accomplished was to remove Saddam and further empower the so called insurgencies.  Peace will not come at our hands if we continue to handle this war built on false pretenses.  This has always been first and foremost a civil matter to the people of Iraq. 

Saddam denied the people their voice by controlling media.  Moqtad al-Sadr, a Shiite advocate had his newspaper shut down at the direct orders of higher ranking American generals who claimed his newspaper ( the voice of the Shiite poor majority) reported false information--this coming from a country who places high value on own our rights to free speech.

Saddam jailed and slaughtered anyone who opposed him on any level while we moved against the insurgents (overburdened poor Shiites) in Najaf in one of the bloodiest three week long battles ever fought on their soil.  It bode far worse for the poor majority in Saddam's absence in such a short time because we moved in on them without knowing what kind of war they were already fighting amongst themselves.  Our involvement killed their already distraught people trying to find their voice, hoping in vain they might be heard now that the Americans had arrived and in doing so we lost many of our children.  Shame on President Bush and Prime Minister Ayad Allawi.  Our soldiers thought they were there to bring hope to the people butNaim al-Kaabi accused American forces of destroying the homes of innocent civilians and said in despair that even, "The Iraqi government cannot defend us."  In retaliation hoping to be heard, another elitist who was to run for office in January, a Shiite political official and his family, on September 29th were killed.  Still, nothing happened.

We have beheadings happening after our contractors, everyday people, are kidnapped and held hostage. The 'insurgents' message is a simple one, "Our every day people are still being killed and deprived of their rights.  Saddam is no longer responsible; strange politics is."  Add this to what their Koran says, "[47.4] So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favor or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates. That (shall be so); and if Allah had pleased He would certainly have exacted what is due from them, but that He may try some of you by means of others; and (as for) those who are slain in the way of Allah, He will by no means allow their deeds to perish;" and you have two different wars being fought by their people; in addition to this they have the American occupation built on false premises.   They don't see themselves as terrorists; they see themselves as people who have no voice unless they get attention through terrifying tactics.  This was an effective attention grabber--yet our nation hasn't utilized diplomatic measures. Their call for understanding goes unheard by our nation.

Bush in collusion with Allawi has made another undemocratic  claim to both Americans at home and to the world at large when he said that elections will definitely go on in January.  Why is it that the Bush supporters and Bush himself fail to recognize that if this election goes on, it will enter us all in the most fierce battle we have ever faced in the history of this world?  Imagine if you will, if only 23 percent of an elite minority got to vote and the rest of our nation were denied that right.  This is precisely why the Sunni man walked in to a Mosque in Pakistan today and killed over 50 Shiite men during prayer.  You see, their Sunni brothers would be totally deprived of voting while the Shiite elite received an entitlement that should belong to all.  That is some kind of Democracy we have brought to Iraq.  Their actions also made another statement, "Bush has paid you handsomely, Pakistan, and your support to the American enemy will be used by us to get out our message."  Bush makes strange bedfellows and if he isn't careful, he will find himself asleep when the snake bites.  We put our soldiers in danger for this????  Is this what you want for our children?  Is this what you want for the poor people we came to deliver? 

Hear, oh lord, the cries of your people.  You know your sheep and we/they know you.  Oh merciful Father in Heaven, restore truth to our hearts; remove the blinders that we might see; lead us to repentance; and may the seed of your truth, your will, take root in our heart.  Selah...Amen. 

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