Wednesday, March 23, 2005

My Response to a letter Joe sent to me.

I said it all along; Terri Schiavo is a pawn in a political agenda that was intended to head straight for the Supreme Court.  The motive?  To give parents (men) the rights over their child's right to live (over the mothers-to-be who don't wish to be mothers).

Are we surprised by this?  This isn't the only trick up their sleeve.  Stay tuned.

Chelle Stockman


Subj: Congress must stop grandstanding on the Schiavo tragedy  Date: 3/23/2005 5:19:12 PM Pacific Standard Time From: To:

Dear friend:

On Sunday, Tom DeLay and Bill Frist, the Republican congressional leaders, convened an emergency meeting of Congress to pass a bill that recklessly interferes in the tragedy surrounding Terri Schiavo.

Frist and DeLay claim that they're acting out of concern for Ms. Schiavo.  But a memo intended only for Republican Senators--uncovered by ABC News--reveals Republicans' true concern: "The pro-life base will be excited...this is a great political issue...this is a tough issue for Democrats."  This story also takes the heat off Tom DeLay, who is facing a number of serious ethics charges and legal scandals.

Americans can have different personal opinions about what should happen to Terri Schiavo--life is precious, and this case raises some important ethical questions. But we can all agree that that's what the courts are for: to make the call in difficult circumstances.  That's why Congress' interference is such an ugly and shameful incident of political grandstanding. 

Will you sign this petition to tell Congress they must stop using one person's tragedy for their own political gain, and move on to the important business facing our country?

Sign now at:





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