Thursday, March 17, 2005

Something So Simple!

 On the way to school, my son informs me, "Mother, I conquered Ireland last night." To which I replied, "You little shit, why the hell did ya do that?" 

"Resources mom.  I needed their resources in order to keep persuing the real enemy.  I took over southern Italy too."

"Even Calabra?"  I could see his response in my rear view mirror.  "Tell me you didn't invade Napoli."

"I had to mom.  Mussolini was a shit and the Germans were occupying a great deal of Italy."

"So you basically invaded the countries of our family.  I ought to whoop you good." 

He was England in this battle.  I dropped them off and considered how war is fought then the most simple explanation for Iraq jumped out at me.  I remembered  Governor Bush of Texas announcing he was going after Russia's temporary leader, Putin. (2-16-2000)  I remembered how our country was wanting revenge on Iran for the 1970s.  It occured to me that we went to Iraq to secure "resources" and a more advantageous position.  This my friends, is merely a skirmish, one thats costing trillions and lives, but its a teensy battle compared to what we really have planned.   Stay tuned.

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