Sunday, September 23, 2007

How Shall We Be Changed? Questions by Chelle Stockman

So many things could be made better in my opinion.  For one, I'd like people to not feel uncomfortable around one another anymore. I mean, because of race, gender, habits, etc, I wish people wouldn't commit so many atrocious acts.  I wish we didn't have to be so puritanical around sexuality, nor do I wish for us to be so blatant and even perverted.  I wish television commercials didn't try to sell us sickness because they have a new drug they want us to pay for.

I wish men didn't have such a terrible problem with erectile dysfunction, women to have such a problem with restless legs, with leakage during laughter and coughing spells, with people having every kind of addiction, which requires these new designer drugs that employ actors in commercials in hope that we shall subscribe not only to these problems, but also to their many awful side-effects that also require new designer drugs to combat.  I wish instead, pharmeceutical companies would bring us anti-hate remedies and anti-war pills, anti-fossil fuel dependency pills, etc.  But then, that would be witchcraft, wouldn't it?

I wish people wouldn't rely upon graphs and charts to state their case because the use of those charts have always been manipulated by those wishing to make a point-especially companies wanting to sell us designer drugs insurance companies don't pay for, dependency on resources that ultimately lead us to war, and half truths that keep us in one war or another, without regard for basic human life.  I wish no Bush or Cheney existed to sell us hate and fear and the idea that some how our lives are more important than those they want us to erradicate. I wish no other devils like Bush and Cheney would take their place as they fade into meaningless conversations of the all too easily manipulated masses. I wish humans understood the difference between minding their own business and helping the innocent, and I wish they would do what the situation required to either allow folks to handle their own problems without interference, especially when they don't ask for that help anyway; and I wish people would admit that when people are having their homes bombed, their marketplaces blown to smithereens, and their children and loved ones tortured, and made dead, I wish they'd realize that this is not kind, it is mean and it is useless, a product of manipulation and evil and that instead, these victims need our help, not our hate or apathy. 

I wish the congress and senators would address each issue alone and seperate from all other issues, one at a time, after careful consideration of what we the people ask of them while weighing them out with their own findings from their own research, not the research from those with pie charts and graphs. I wish there wasn't destruction of this earth and I wish there were no murder and no need for weapons.  If I could change any one of these things I would, but I am, at least in my thinking, unequipped to change each and every one of these things and others like them.

As I was considering the level of frustration that was entering into me while I was doing an absorbtion meditation, I told myself, I can choose to not be so affected.  The Sun brightened through the clouds and its beauty touched me deeply as it seemed to pass through me and dance upon the earth.  It occured to me, that the Sun does what it does, it behaves only like a Sun and it isn't something we should interfere with, while the Earth, when allowed to, behaves as Earth should and that we should do whatever we can to not interfere with this process as we maintain our lives.  At that moment, something happened to me and I got filled with peace.

Then it occured to me that we people of this earth have others we either elect or those who appoint themselves to do our bidding, to represent us, and to serve us. We cry foul when these representatives fail us and lately, all we can do is argue amongst ourselves about which representatives are dishonest and which are honest.  But you know, our representatives are people too.  Some are not evolved in the way of kindness.  Some are highly interfering in the lives of other human beings.  Some actually care and do their very best to keep their promises.  Not one is perfect.  Not one represents us perfectly, not so any of us would notice.  You know why that is?  They are human beings and they are human beings who are on their own life's path, a path that will hopefully lead them in the light of truth to wisdom.  They are humans just as we are.  So why is it we need them to do for us what we are unwilling or unable to do?

There is no doubt in my mind, that things need to change, that situations like the fiasco in Iraq must change, that our practices here on Earth need to change; but what I do know to be true, is that no matter how much we discuss solutions or who it is we should be blaming, not one of us can change anything or anyone but ourselves and those changes begin with changing the way we think.  Only then can any of us be transformed.  We don't live in an impossible world.  We live in a world of change; may we soon choose change for the sake of transformation instead of profits.  Amen




Anonymous said...

it's a crazy thing, there is so much in life that SHOULD be different, but all things happen and there is not a damn thing we can do about most of it. people do things they want to do, and then, they try to do things they want to do. but, we can;t have it all our own way all the time. it's so easy when you really stop to think about it, it just is not going to happen. it's a thing we call life. plain and simple, this ain;t Burger King, baby. we don;t get it our way. we all have to deal with it in some form or another. people dying and people killing, it doesn;t matter how, it's going to happen and sometimes all we can do is witness the aftermath. I;m not saying we shouldn;t try to change things from being this way, all I am saying is that most times we can't. I wish I were more able to articulate what I;m trying to say. but it seems I have reached my limit. so, I;ll just end my little sermon right here, have a great day sweet lady.

Anonymous said...

You articulated it just fine and I do agree with everything you said.  Still, if things are to change for the betterment of mankind,  I better continue on my tranformational journey.  

By the way, thank you for taking the time to read and comment.  I appreciate your periodic visitations.  Thanks muchly.