Thursday, September 27, 2007

Duplicitous Republican Representatives

Yeah, its another week of media sponsored bat guana.  O.J. got out on bail, that lucky bastige but there is always the newsworthy advertisement of  Boy, the media and congress must surely love MoveOn, the way they pay them homage.

Ya know, the Republican representatives have been mighty busy this week denouncing the moderately left website calling what MoveOn did to General Patreaus irreprehensible. They said the Democrats failed to denounce MoveOn, forgetting that this is a free-market country where advertisers are free to advertise and newspapers are about the advertising dollars before they are a readership. These same Republicans sat silently when the not so Swift-Boaters smeared another decorated soldier, Senator John Kerry.  They did nothing except they defended the wimp running on their ticket who had no record of servitude other than enlistment.  These Republicans are the same as the wimp they elected.  That's all for now.


Anonymous said...

enlistment???, you better check those facts, he was in some form of service. look into it.

Anonymous said...

They show him enlisting the air national guard and pretty much avoiding any service.  His discharge isn't even spoken of as being an important event.  He did get busted for drunk in public and drunken driving during this time and flying while under the influence.  Outside of that, he didn't go to war, just seemed to have some innocent college type of fun.