Friday, September 14, 2007

Pakistan, Iran's Protector? Bhutto, Beautiful but Deadly? Chelle Stockman

When  Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut asked General David Patreaus about Iran and inquired how soon we will be able to go there, I nearly fell off the couch where I had been reclining.  I couldn't believe my ears.  This is the third time I've heard Senator Lieberman inquire with an unappealing zeal as to when we shall go to Iran, as if it is a known and accepted reality.  Mind you, the senator was supposed to be asking the General about the surge and possible pull-out of Iraq. 

But you know, it kind of makes sense when you weigh it against the fact that Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, a political bed partner of G.H.W. Bush (41) back in the late 80s, has announced that she intends to come out of exile.  Do any of you recall the Bhuttos?  One was assassinated back in the late 70s when I was in college and dreaming of becoming a therapist that used movement through dance.  I wanted to volunteer in the peace corp in those days--such an idealist.  I do recall a Bhutto being assassinated and it was horrible.  I only knew this because my intellectual buddies all spoke of it but the newspapers that did report it didn't report it as my friends had.  Years later, it turned out that Americans had been manipulated and my friends were more accurate but also not entirely correct.   They could not see back then that Bhutto's daughter, Benazir would one day lead Pakistan and promote more freedoms for women and those under a slightly off kilter practice of the Islamic religion. Nor could they have predicted that she would become a close pal to the USA and Great Britain.  They couldn't have known that a woman would help to kill the Soviet Union while gladly leaving the United States all the glory.  But true to those who practice the Islamic Faith (not religion but faith), she had always been up front with those she dealt with. Every polite and casual conversation she had with those shesought the help of, was a fatwah in a sense.

She even warned us that the US would suffer a major retaliation for their hand in aiding her but she did it so casually, it went unheeded.  There is nothing in their religion that says they must declare things with fire and brimstone or a secretive note.  Nope, that isn't her style.  She is a woman, and a very intelligent woman.  She is a daughter who will have revenge.  Those who are responsible for her father's death had better look out and I'm sure that some faction of the US and also of Britain were involved, no matter what news sources may have said.  I'm sure of it. 

Consider that Zia Ul Huq/ Zia ul-Haq, a fundamentalist Mullah, was considered to be responsible for her father's death but that later after he was elected and changed the country forever, he and his aides were killed in an airplane crash.  Back in those days, planes made an easy way to dispose of those you wanted gone.

She had warned Bush 41 that because he empowered the extremist Muhajadeen to help them in a jihad against the Soviet Union, the Muhajadeen would grow in power and would one day become our enemy.  Now why would she say something like this so casually to one who helped her with her jihad?  Well, you see, to declare a fatwah, you must warn your declared enemy or more appropriately, the enemy of the cause of Allah.  She fulfilled this.

Important history

Benazir Bhutto was the wealthiest powerful female in the Islamic nation and Osama bin Laden was one of the most wealthiest and most power males.  Both were involved with the jihad against Soviet Union and both had formed a relationship with George Herbert Walker Bush.  Bush comes from a long line of powerful and wealthy aristocrats, particularly those from Connecticut and Joe Lieberman is a Senator there.

I predict, a blood bath in the territories of bin Laden and Bhutto. I predict a lot of talk that gets us to want to retaliate and I predict that now, we shall see more tragedy unfold, maybe that rivals that of 9/11.

Why are the wealthy and powerful doing this to us? Why are they tearing out the hearts of the people of this world?  Why are they manipulating us?   Why do they sleep with each other politically and financially speaking, only to declare each other enemies?   Why can't they go fight this out amongst themselves and let the rest of the people of this world do what we ought to be doing, living and loving? Why do we the people of this world protect them above ourselves?  Why do we do their bidding and spill our blood for their hatred, lies, and falsely interpreted religious doctrines?


Anonymous said...

Chelle, It is nice to see you back.  I wish this earth had rooms with doors we could lock.  We could give all of the naughty boys and girls of the world a "time out" and lock them in a room together.  Then, when they promised to be good we could let them out again and the world could become a more peaceful place.  You are right--there is a was going on within the bad boys and girls and the good boys and girls of that part of our world.  It is not unlike the wars we have fought in our part of the world in our not so distant past, only the weapons are more dangerous and travel is much easier.  We could try to isolate that part of the world from the rest, but that would become a reason for the "bad boys and girls" to gain influence.
I was proud of my President when he sent troops to Alabama to make the "bad boy" move from the steps of the school. I was ashamed of my President when he let so many civilians die in retaliation when we moved the "bad boy's army" out of Kuwait.  I was proud of my President when he sent troops to rescue women and girls from "bad boys with sticks".  
But there are so many bad boys and girls.  Larry

Anonymous said...

She was assassinated 12-27-07 American Time--Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Larry, tsk tsk tsk, so unbecoming to speak as a child.

                                                         signed, A Bad Boy

Anonymous said...

glad to have pissed you off, Badboy