Monday, July 19, 2004

Single ladies and married ladies--not the norm

I tell you this; I miss the Playfuls 40s and 50s chat from time to time.  It was there I met Alma and Cj, two very available ladies.  I met Mary and Karen there too, both single ladies.   Of the marrieds, I'm friends with Soly, Janice, Di,  and Tammy,  not the skanky Tam with cat names but the wife of one of our military men who plans on serving our country until they tell him he can't do it anymore.  LOL  That's about it, hah, Tam.  Anyway, these gals all share something in common.  No matter what anyone else says about them, they are ladies.    I met them all in Playfuls inside the romance category.  To this day, that category is my most favorite, because folks don't talk about stuff I can't understand nor do they act all weird like the elves and fairies that follow me from time to time.  No, only the romance category is overall a fun place to roam.  Life category has a few neat chats too, yeah and then there are the authors in the lounge, one of my personal favorites, but the Playfuls are my family. 

Then along come a host of single broads that bitch about married people in a romance chat.  They are as repetitive as they are starving for good sense.  No, the sense they possess is far too common, like dirt.  Yup.  Those skanks are as useless dirt, not even fit for the garden.  The Mirthfuls, Kittens, Angels (yeah right), Kissie type chicks and the Hugging and cuddling wackos, that group of wenches are inferior and to this day they exist in the human form of a mosquito or wasp.  They contribute only stinging words and aren't fit for the compost heap.   They ruin the reputation of other single women by just being present.  Ladies like Karen aka wiggles and Cj, these gals deserve to be respected for being ladies, but when the single scum moan and groan that they can't get laid by the drones on aol because the married ladies are too friendly, they spoil it for the LADIES.  Do they care?  They only care about getting attention and appearing intelligent before the hoards of those barely possessing  common sense.  

Rise people, both married and single and show your good sense.  You can properly showcase it as a contrast to those like the troublemaking whining and aging lost who possess only (and barely) common sense.  That is all for now.   Rise...rise...rise...     from a married woman who just might cyber your drone next.   Be aware, I'm real good at it when I want to be.


Anonymous said...

Mi amiga, as always you outdo yourself each time I read you.  It is such a joy to have you in my life and listen to your smiling voice from the other end of the country.  You are wise beyond your years, you are an old soul with the heart of a baby.  God always keep you in his protective hands.

I too feel blessed by being able to call so many of you my friends.  Both men and women, both single and married.  I say.. to each his or her own, mind your own business and live a life you're proud of.  Oh, and mucho sexo!

Chelle te quiero mucho mi hermana!

Anonymous said...