Monday, April 28, 2008

Homeland Security- a Sham By Chelle Stockman

This is a letter I've sent to my Representatives hoping that they will share with the other members of Congress.  I hope you find it interesting.


Senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer



Dear Senators, Honorable Ladies of Congress:


I was dismayed when I learned that the wide spread push for Liquid Natural Gas was the reason behind our high costs at the pump. So I wondered how those in D.C. would feel if we began extracting natural gas in their backyard, say beneath the Whitehouse.  I googled the phrase, “ natural gas beneath the Whitehouse.” Several links opened up and what I thought looked to be a reliable link popped up.


A complete map of the natural gas lines through out the United States as well as aerial shots of sites and intended sites popped up with it.  Then I got angry.  You see, many of you folks voted for the invasion of our privacy in the name of terrorism, suspecting terrorists could be communicating via emails and telephones.  So there goes one of our rights; yet you have done no legislation concerning real security.


How is it that I, a hairdresser, can so easily find a map of our natural gas lines online in just a few moments? Seems to me that terrorists and people with malicious intent might find those to be useful. Instead of allowing the goons and ghosts who haven’t proved to be trustworthy, who have not proved they have my best intentions in mind, those people who can say they suspect me of knowing or being a terrorist can by that very claim alone, gain access into my private life; why haven’t you people instead, legislated a measure to thwart the availability of information showing the pathways of our resources?  Only the people working on an area, like engineers for natural gas, should be privy to such information, but hairdressers have no business knowing the exact routes and placement of areas of  “interest”.


I’m truly disappointed in our Congress right now.  Most of you folks push forth a free market agenda that compromises not only our individual rights, but also our nation’s security.   Think about that one and seek to immediately resolve the issue wasting no time.

That’s all for now.


Chelle Stockman


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