Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Obama the Politician by Chelle Stockman

Obama the Politician by Chelle Stockman

Barack Obama calls himself the candidate of change.  I guess his supporters are as exploited by his claims as Americans in general were about Bush's "average man" image.  Bush brought us change and it really is no wonder Barack claims the same.

He says he voted against the war while still an unknown to most of us as he served in the Illinois Senate but while running for the U.S. Senate in July of 2004, he told us, "There's not much difference between my position and George Bush's position at this stage. The difference in my mind, is who's in a position to execute."   In fact, every chance he had to urge a withdrawal, he instead avoided the subject of Iraq.

As the Republicans sought to pass appropriation bills for the Iraq war, Obama voted in favor of every one.  Then he, like most of the senators, including Clinton, voted for Dr. Rice to be confirmed as Secretary of State, though she was responsible for the lies that originally led us to vote in favor of war in the first place.

He is, excuse me, was a civil rights lawyer; yet he voted to reauthorize the Patriot Act in July of 2005 which was a direct violation to every citizen's right to privacy, our right to be protected from invasion of our property.

He says he will bring our troops home ASAP yet he still keeps saying he plans to add 100,000 combat troops to the military. Think those young ladies and gentlemen in colleges who voted for him will enlist? His position regarding the Iraq war is duplicitous at best.  He knows few of us will research the truths, because a great many of us never wanted to go to war in the first place.  Many of us have loved ones in the military.  Many of us have family outside this country who are being depicted as "enemies" of our country while they face an oppressive government that allows foreign military forces to occupy their countries. For those of us, the Iraq War, more over, the lies sold to our Congress, its truly an emotional issue of importance. Even Rachel Maddow has said this.  Yet, the duplicitous senator, Barack Obama, exploits the votes of his opponent as if its any different than his own, or most everyone elses in the Senate at the time those votes came down.  The only who had balls enough to vote against the presented evidence, was Senator Russ Feingold.  God Bless you Senator Feingold.

Obama, as I've said in previous letters and blogs, voted in favor of the Class Action Fairness Act in 2005, which was a Republican sponsored bill.  Yes, he reached out in a "bi-partisan" way to ensure the favors of big-business backed legislation under the guise of thwarting frivolous lawsuits.

When you hear MSNBC or their kind saying the GOP would love to have McCain run against Clinton, don't you believe it.  The GOP has been very busy hedging their bets, that if McCain can't carry a victory, their "boy" Obama surely will.  Sorry to offend some of you who resent that kind of terminology, but you had better know that is exactly how the GOP has always thought.  Don't you dare think that because we have a near messiah running for high-office, the GOP will repent from their long standing traditions.  They are the leaven that leaveneths the entire lump.

He was loathe to explain his stance on interest rate caps on credit cards, which he voted against, but told us he voted against it because it was poorly written,--you know, like most pork ladened "legal" documents are, the stuff lawyers read and write on a daily basis. Feingold and Clinton voted for it in order to give we, the average consumer a break in hopes we wouldn't have to file bankruptcy.  This is Barack Obama, the NEW WONDER BOY, ladies and gents, the one most of you are so fascinated with.

It is apparent to me, that you folks won't be holding him to any standards, that you are willing to overlook his records even after he ordered us all to go check out his actions to see if they matched his words.  Obama is very much like Bush, just younger, cuter, smarter and more articulate.

I didn't vote for Bush. How can I justify voting for Obama? I have the right to vote for the one I believe has our most precious rights in mind.  I'm not a politician, I'm just as, Tim Russert and the NBC/MSNBC folks say, " A white woman over 50 earning under 50 grand that doesn't have a degree." And, I'm a lovely woman with a keen wit and a nurturing soul.  I'm a warrior in quest for truth and kindness. Life is interesting and worth living and I really wish that soon, we'll actually insist on representation we think we are voting for.

Chelle Stockman

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