Monday, April 21, 2008

Reply to Michael Moore & the DNC by Chelle Stockman

Dear Friend:
Senator Obama has said many times that you can know him by his actions.  I've been busy going through his records in the 109th Congress.  He tends to site Senator Clinton's voting record in the 107th and 108th Congress, but since he wasn't involved until the 109th, I could only judge his actions from that point on as it pertains to our nation.
It's amazing what I found.  He differed from Senator Clinton whenever he voted in favor of Bush policies.  In fact, he voted for what is now known as the Cheney/Bush Energy Bill.  I have heard him say in his speeches, not to be confused from his pulpit-style messages, that he was for alternative energy. I guess he made a mistake when he said that.  So, "clean" coal (strip mining) it is. So, leasing out the shale lands is where its at.  Drill in the Artic, no one really hikes there anyway.  Oil, Coal and Natural Gas must be where it's at; that's what Senator Obama's vote tells me.
After all the letters I wrote to the  Democratic Committees, news stations and morning news shows, it was interesting to wake up to CNN pundits scrambling to find out "safe" votes only to find his most noble records are in his current proposals not yet voted on, the ones that deal with loans pertaining to education.
As for the rest of his record, he is quite a lot like both McCain and Clinton, no great differences there. 
So, Friend, I can respect that you are supporting Senator Obama, but just so you know, I am not.
Chelle Stockman


Anonymous said...

MM is your friend eh?, Interesting.

Anonymous said...

Don't be silly, Zz. I do try to listen to what people have to say.  As you can see, I don't always like it, but I do appreciate the right to say it.  It is when they ask me to do something I don't believe in, I simply must respond.  Hey, I didn't contact them, they contacted me, right? Will they even see what I said?  They might chuckle if they do, then delete it, thus ignoring it.

As for MM, he is good at getting us to think about the conditions of others as well as the conditions to ourselves. I keep in mind, if it can happen to you, it can happen to me too. We are in this together, my friend. Oceans, rivers, mountains, and deserts may divide us, but the stars in the sky remind us that we are all in this together.   Chelle

Anonymous said...

the stars in the sky,.. right on, Chelle, right on