Sunday, August 22, 2004

The Earth Today

This morning as I sat on the back porch, a hawk roosted 5 feet from me just above my head.  I wonder if it came for the scent of my clove.  When it flew off and beeped its sound, I went inside to tell my mother in law.  She said they now have that West Nile Virus that it had found its way into the foul up in Dixon.  I grew sad.

I got to thinking how we genetically alter all our veggies and fruits anymore and how all the birdies who eat these things have their immune system compromised.  It stands to reason that every kind of powerful and mutated virus or bacteria will wage a war on the hosts body--winning.   The host won't stand a chance.  It is the ultimate mutiny of the ship. 

If this happens to our animals, what is it doing to us?  Note: we can't warn the animals to not eat what is growing in the fields.  They don't speak our language.


Anonymous said...

Chelle, that's what we like to call the natural order of things. We are slowly killing ourselves off starting with the bottom of the food chain. Even if we could tell the birdies that were killing them in the name of progress--we wouldn't. It's not our nature; we're only human. If there is a God, she must be shaking her head in disgust right now...Try to have a pleasant day, Sis...

Anonymous said...
