Wednesday, August 4, 2004

Trepid in Departure

Is it the unknown that makes us tremble?...or is it instead the habits of those we love?... perhaps, both; as the axe comes down and sets our thoughts free. The trumpet sounds out the first of a series, the earthly last call and fear tightens its worldy hold upon our soul.  There comes a time, its title: The Last Moment, the place where spirit joins spirit and fear becomes nothing.  Yes, fear is the child of our world and as mother earth strains to protect her own life by holding us back, we see that the world is fear.  She knows the truth, that we become as nothing, no longer within her reach; we move out of the scope of fear. We have that Last Moment, our first greeting of what is, has always been, and will forever be; then we join our creator in all purity--without the contraints of this world.  What a temple this has been, this house of a lifetime, soon dust and ash.  Gone is the humiliation, another attribute of this world and restored is the light of dignity. 

Soon, Hector, your pain will end.  When we are given the divine call, we too, shall join you.  And Hector?  I will not fear.  Thank you for your character; it flavored our life.  Good night--rest in the place time does not dictate and in a moment we shall re-unite.    

Your Friend



Anonymous said...

your writing expresses your brilliant mind well. Keep at it dear Goddess, what an honor it is to read you. I wept at the obituary for Hector Colon, he  and I share tme same birthday. God bless you lovely lady.  Your very presence makes me tremble with joy

Steve Olstad

Anonymous said...

Chelle, what a beautiful name. like the  echo of a  cello

Anonymous said...

wonderful profound love in your writing, I honor you