Monday, August 16, 2004

Surprising--Favorite Monologue Thus Far

"What sophism! And isn't this unanimity of different people in aknowledging and serving a god, isn't this tacit avowal imprinted on the hearts of all men an even more irrevocable proof than the sublimities of nature, if such is possible, that the supreme god exists?" ....."O you who stubbornly resist the arrows of fire thrown by this same god into the depths of your hearts, be at least fair for a moment and, even if only out of pity for yourselves, yield to this invincible argument of Pascal's" "If there is no God, what does it matter to you if you believe in him, what harm does this belief do you? And if there is one, what dangers do you not run in refusing him your faith?"  You do not know, you say, unbelieving, what homage to offer this god, the multitude of religions befuddles you."     Wouldn't you all be surprised who wrote this.  I just might tell you within the next few blogs.

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