Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Serious Pain

Today, I'm in great physical pain with no relief in sight.  There is not a hell of a lot I can do to alleviate it.  Laughter seems to help, but the stuff I've been writing lately has not provided me with a molecule of laughter.  I'm getting ready to begin two huge research papers, one on Global Dominance-- the same one a protagonist in my book wrote on.  I'll try to do it justice.  The other is going to be the one I wanted to do forever, the one where I'll have to take photos, the homeless story.  I don't know why that is on my heart, but actually, both stories occupy a great deal of me.  I must do them, so that means, less laughter which means more physical pain.  Please, won't you all pray that I do both stories with justice and patience.   Thank you very much.  Chelle

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