Sunday, May 30, 2004

Sunday around noon.

The ravens and hawks were at a standstill over a huge pine tree across the street.  Seems the ravens have been using it for a home and weren't willing to leave it.  A couple of hawks thought different. I loved watching them as they issued their warnings, began the negotiation process, and grew restless.  I would have loved to stick around and see the outcome but I had to leave for work.  Yes, I know.  It is Sunday.  Sunday the splendid comes out.  I'll observe this splendid thing, this Sunday.

Its after noon now and I've enjoyed my day so far. I blogged under another name and played with strangers.  I found them to be human.  :)

Even later:  What?  Am I supposed to pretend I don't care?...that you don't matter? 

Hour or so before midnight:  watched the sunset and drank some hypnotic with Lawita.  A beautiful night it is.  Now, maybe I can talk with some friends.  BTW, I miss you. 

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