Saturday, May 22, 2004

What if...?

Children say, "What if..? and it opens the doors to unlimited possibilities.  When they say it I'm filled with hope and anticipation that faith really is going to move mountains. 

When an adult says, "What if...?"  all doors close.  It's more about doubt and fear, the very opposite of children.  It may be experience that leads to this, but its not for the better. 

Experience is merely that.  New horizons are ahead of us every new moment.  To live in the moment is to respect the future promises.  There is magic, faith if you will, in that kind of thinking.  Fear is the enemy of magic.  It says,"you can't do that, you only think you can."  Pretty soon after, you don't believe you can and quit thinking you could then whenever anyone else tries to do what you quit thinking about doing, you say to them, "What if...?

That my friends is sin.  Repent of this thinking.  Make "What if" your motto before you try something like writing a song.  What if I write that song, and Fiona Apple sings it??  What if my song makes a singer use her voice to its fullest and she gets a grammy?  What if everything is possible?   Selah

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