"I believe our country must be prosperous, but prosperity must have a purpose . . .
to make sure the American dream touches every willing heart.”
- George W. Bush
‘The fearful build walls; the confident demolish them. I am confident in American workers, farmers, and producers, and I am confident that America’s best is the best in the world."
- George W. Bush
“Governments don’t create wealth. Wealth is created by Americans - by creativity and enterprise and risk-taking. The great engine of wealth has become the human mind - creating value out of genius.”
- George W. Bush
Interview with Lehrer
"And, hopefully, they'll be able to get the talks back together again -- or in the Middle East -- but the danger is, is that any president allow -- you know -- public opinion in the United States to drive or standing in the public opinion polls to drive the U.S. to dictate terms of peace. And it's very important that we serve as an honest broker. And I intend to do so. ****I'm just making it clear to people that the difference between being a true mediator and a country that tries to decide what the proper terms of peace ought to be -- because if you try to do that, the peace will not be a lasting peace. If you dictate the terms, if we were to use our power to dictate the terms, let's say in the Middle East, and it was unsatisfactory for either party negotiating a peace treaty, that peace treaty will ultimately come apart." GWB
JIM LEHRER: All recent administrations, including you father's, spent a lot of energy and a lot of worry on the Middle East trying to negotiate peace over there. Why is it so important?
GOV. GEORGE W. BUSH: One, it's in our national strategic interest that there be peace in the Middle East; secondly, we have made a strong commitment to Israel to help Israel defend herself. Thirdly, obviously, we have economic interests in the region. And, fourthly, what's very important in that region today is -- in the post-Cold War era, the region tends to be a place where weapons of mass destruction or the proliferation of terrorist activities seem to be emanating from, and it's important for us to recognize that. And it's important for us to work with our allies to keep in check weapons of mass destruction and to say to those perpetuators of potential terror 'We're not going to countenance it -- we're going to do what's necessary to maintain the peace.'****Ihave said we need to convince our allies to keep -- to put troops on the ground to keep warring parties apart. We'll be the peacemakers; they can be the peacekeepers. So I'd be very reluctant to use our troops as peacekeepers.I think we need to have inspectors back into Iraq, and I think we need to make it clear to Saddam Hussein we want them back into -- we need to make it clear to our allies we expect the inspectors back in to make sure he's not developing weapons of mass destruction."
JIM LEHRER: OK. Well, then my question was a more general question -- that we had both Iraq with Saddam Hussein and Yugoslavia with Milosevic; they're the ones who committed the sins that caused us to move militarily, and they're not only alive and well -- many innocent people died -- they're not only alive and well, they're still in charge. What -- is there a realistic way to deal with that kind of thing when you have an evil person in charge and causing these things to happen?
GOV. GEORGE W. BUSH: Well, I think the most realistic ways to keep them isolated in the world of public opinion and to work with our alliance is to keep them isolated. I'm just as frustrated as many Americans are that Saddam Hussein still lives. I think we ought to keep the pressure on him. I will tell you this: If we catch him developing weapons of mass destruction in any way, shape or form, I'll deal with that in a way that he won't like.****I mean, obviously we need to keep the pressure on these men. At some point in time the forces of good will take -- will handle Saddam Hussein; I'm confident of that. But we've just got to keep the pressure on him.
JIM LEHRER: And just live with the frustration that that's what happens in our kind of society.
GOV. GEORGE W. BUSH: Well, that may be true, but keep the frustration down to a minimum by doing what we say we're going to do and when we do something make sure he understands loud and clear we mean it.***The whole globalization and free trade and Internet commerce provides exciting opportunities. It's also going to provide some very interesting problems for us to deal with, Jim. At home domestically, obviously, the digital divide is an issue, and abroad the notion of American culture kind of sweeping through the countrysides around the world is going to create cultural clashes, which could inevitably lead to problems at home in terms of terrorism or people who resent what we stand for taking some kind of action. George W BushApril 27th 2000
Bush's Ideals in 2000
We will strengthen Social Security and Medicare for the greatest generation, and for generations to come. Medicare does more than meet the needs of our elderly, it reflects the values of our society.
We will set it on firm financial ground, and make prescription drugs available and affordable for every senior who needs them. Social Security has been called the "third rail of American politics" -- the one you're not supposed to touch because it shocks you.
But, if you don't touch it, you can't fix it. And I intend to fix it. He is the only president to ever take millions out of our social security to help fund the war. No other leader has every touched it because its illegal to do so.
To seniors in this country ... You earned your benefits, you made your plans, and President George W. Bush will keep the promise of Social Security ... no changes, no reductions, no way. Our opponents will say otherwise. This is their last, parting ploy, and don't believe a word of it.
Now is the time for Republicans and Democrats to end the politics of fear and save Social Security, together.
For younger workers, we will give you the option -- your choice -- to put a part of your payroll taxes into sound, responsible investments.
This will mean a higher return on your money, and, over 30 or 40 years, a nest egg to help your retirement, or pass along to your children. When this money is in your name, in your account, it's not just a program, it's your property.
Now is the time to give American workers security and independence that no politician can ever take away. GWB 2002
Check this out folks. GWB has done more than flip flopped. This man has been planning the war in Iraq for over 4 years. There is a lot more of Bush's words I cannot fit in here. I urge you to go to his last presidential speeches, promises, goals, and convention in 2000. Ty...Chelle Also, see the results of his forward movement policies at work. .... * Working poor suffer under Bush tax cuts:
Cash crunch: loss of services outweighs tax gains for millions