Friday, September 10, 2004

Hannity and the deluded Americans

I sat in disbelief at what I heard spewing from Hannity's destructive mouth as he said, "Never in the past ten years has America been so safe."  I wanted to vomit as I thought about the Russian school, the Djakarta bombings, our civil rights eroding in the name of homeland security and global order; so I turned the channel.  The Afghani's claimed that the Wahabi's called to jihad had secured 82% of the country and were face to face with the Americans; moving them back to the borders of Iraq where more called to jihad were waiting.  The commentators argued but then again, pictures are worth a thousand words.  There it was, our soldiers walking unaware of the trap they were walking and driving into.  A military force moving towards them and a convoy waiting for them.  I cried thinking about the Kosovo massacre which could have been avoided but the UN had ordered us out.  So we left our fellows there and they died. 

You must recall a few days ago how we were making a huge stink about the U.N. and their Food for Oil program.  We were launching hefty charges against them.  My guess is that the U.N. said, you wait a minute Bush and Cheney.  We can order you out of Afghanistan.  We know what you are doing.  You are building a pipeline through their territory and next will be Pakistan.  You are doing this against their will so you can pipe the natural gas you raped from the Caspian Sea and sell it to the Chinese at a higher cost.  Hey, Bush, its copasetic, right?  All's fair in NAFTA and the free trade agreements.   Just remember your boys are stuck in a rock and a hard place....once again.  You drop this nonsense and we might allow you to do an all out airstrike.   Hell, kill the sons a bitch people; call them terrorists, the world might buy it this time. 

So, I sit here wondering where our soldiers' salvation will come from?  Will there be any?   Please, people.   Let's pray.  Please.   Thank you. 

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